Major News Conference tonight

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Oh so 6:48pm, then?

Fuck yeah! Dying to save the jewconomy.





Is this gonna be an hour of incoherent ramblings again? I feel like some of Trump's physicians got his mix wrong, the uppers are turning him into a drooler recently.

go back to work commies


Based. Fuck this orange nigger for never being on time.


Go work in a hospital without ppe if you wanna work so bad

Fucking clown has a mexican watch.

Jared will go heel and Vince McMahon will hit Trump with a steel chair so YOU can work at mcdonalds TONIGHT on an all new Opening Up America!

Will be great for my social media profiles!

5:48 if I included my time zone.

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Wouldn't it be great if he announced UBI?

Trump is going to print more Trumpbux

.00001% of the population btfo beyond recovery

He loves Mexico's president after all.


he wouldn’t do that because that doesn’t serve his Jewish corporate masters :^)

Fuck I hope so, it would not only secure re-election but allow everyone to reap the benefits of niggerdom and not only a select few.

>dying for the rich on Wallstreet

Lmao Trump is throwing you into the woodchipper for the billionaires. Good thing the smart governors will tell him to fuck off. States' rights amirite


Welp. You heard it here first. The happening is officially on
No matter how deep your head is in the sand, you cannot ignore the fact that the curve flattened due to lockdown procedures and guidelines. Even under these conditions Covid-19 has remained extremely infections.
When the second wave hits (and trust me, there will be one), Normies will NOT accept another lockdown. There will be mass civil unrest, which the left wing media and commie agitators will take FULL advantage of.
Jobs are not magically coming back. Trump cannot just wave his wand and have the 21 million people out of work immediately fired back. Companies dont work that way, never have. A lot of jobs, mainly service sector, are gonna get automated. Covid will just be the Causus belli.
You wanted the happening Yas Forums? Well you've got it now. The next 6 to 12 months are gonna be an absolute shitshow on all fronts boys.

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Well now hold on, it may serve his Jewish masters in the long run. Hear me out, this "virus" is going to change the world as we know it. I expect millions to be laid off and full automation to be implemented much sooner than we initially anticipated. So to quell a potential uprising I don't see why Trump wouldn't ok a measly 1000 bucks a month to the people. Keep in mind even that won't be enough but knowing how Republicans are I expect that's a good middle ground for them.

I have a legit question this one time. Do you guys think after this is all over 10 years from now. 2 years from now, whatever. Do you think Americans will for once start saving money to have at least 3 months worth of wages on hand which has always been advised?

Shills and doomers on suicide watch.

>opening up just in time for the second wave

Based Drumpf

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Lol no

>muh 2nd wave

We know how weimar works

Fucking Bump
If only my Jackass Governor would open my fucking state

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This will send leftists into a tailspin.

He’s not wrong retard.

But WHERE is Fauci?!

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Hi Jared

Yup. For the first time in modern history, the bread and circusses are on hold. You think the normies will be pleased when Sportsball is cancelled again two months from now?

Fuck yeah.

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When a Trump news conference isn’t scheduled for 9pm EST it’s fucking nothing

for the DOW? you mean so I can have food? and so toilet paper and paper towels can become readily available again?

Everything is always happening. Cope more shill.

Will /our guy/ make another appearance?

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Na, consumerism is the engine that runs our economy, saving up is detrimental to the exponential growth a capitalist society needs to prevent total collapse.

The damage is already done. We've been shutdown now for, what, 1 1/2 months? And you just know multiple governors will refuse to cooperate w/Trump even if he has a plan to reopen the economy.

There very well might be a 2nd wave and unless we go the exact same thing as now, it will be worse. A 3rd and a small 4th wave are also possible.


You know you have a nigger president when the fucker runs on Kenyan Standard Time

based kikeposter
>Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Not today, Satan.

They won’t have it if it’s nigger ball. NFL is a religion to some.

Of course not. Normies are starving for the bars, clubs, etc to get reopened so they can go Consooooom


Fuck yeah!

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Oh yeah baby. This shit isn't particularly fatal, but it is incredibly fatal

I was just talking to my uncle who is a pulmonologist. By their models, one person without social distancing can easily infect up to 400 people in crowded areas

If you're not innnawoods, you gon get it. And if you get it and you're old, you're either going to die or end up with massive lung damage


Lol NFL is actually thinking about at least delaying the season actually. If second wave hits August/September you can bet your ass Nigger Felon League gets cancelled

Imagine being american and having to deal with the whims of a retard.

It's an old showbiz trick. Keep 'em waiting.

Which is why I think it’s plausible that we could accidentally achieve herd immunity.

Every disease comes in waves dotard

It's going to be real fun when, like the Spanish Flu, the 2nd wave comes 6 months after the first. The volume of nothingburger fags would be 100x higher by then so none of you fuckers would agree to social distancing or lockdowns when it actually hits you

can we get something actually important this time?
this entire saga is like Trump is throwing the election to creepy Joe
he needs to do better

Fingers crossed for more NEETbux.

pot kettle black

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>this entire saga is like Trump is throwing the election to creepy Joe
>he needs to do better
Fucking Kek. Man the shilling here has gotten completely embarrassing.

It's high time to glass China.

>Leaf poster
>Run by cuck faggot
Opinion discarded

Herd immunity will extract huge costs in human life, particulalry the boomers who vote Trump

Herd immunity also assumes there are no further mutations and that you can't get reinfected, neither of which are 100% true right now

The wargame was wrapped up yesterday. Corona is and always has been a nothingburger for healthy people.

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This is the problem user. Peacetime it was okay to have a showbiz idiot doing his pantomime

But this is war time and in war time, you do military discipline

unless they completely rig the election (which is likely) how the fuck do you propose half-dead brainless dementia joe the child butt sniffer is going to win? What does he propose? Kicking corn pop out of the pool? Can Joe even speak five words without fucking up? Is he even alive?

LMAO Timezones aren't real are you actually retarded

KEK. You shills are still operating under the narrative that this is a super deadly virus. Everyone knows how much the numbers have been boosted. Sloppy job mossad.

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> Waaaaaaaa anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

I hope he dabs on Cuomo. I hate this state so much.

Satan, we don't want to starve.

It won't matter when the various coalitions of governors do the exact opposite of whatever he says to do

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You're dumb, lol. The reason people are out of work right now is because their places of work aren't open or just need way fewer people because business is slow due to the stay-at-home orders. When those are lifted, places can re-open (and they will, because why the fuck wouldn't they? it's been barely one month, not years.) and those people will be told to come back to work. You think in a matter of like 3 weeks they just automated all those jobs? If they could do it that easily why didn't they do it before? You're a dumbass doomer.

I voted for Trump, don't believe me if you don't want, but it's true.
he is talking and Tweeting himself into a hole here. he has been thrown a softball opponent in Biden, and he better not fucking blow it.