Greeks exporting Turkish soldiers to "EU countries"!!!!?

Never trust a Filthy, hairy, bumb fucking Gayreek (Arab) cunt!
"Hellens" will sell you out for even the chance to slobber Erdodogs cock!

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come home mednigger

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All you people who say Greeks got wiped out by the Turks, explain how we are so Byzantine in spirit then....

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3rd parties don't get a say in this

The same reason niggers in the US pretend they are african. Niggerism.

Oy, not Luxembourg, that's not cool goy!

So tell us, 1st party.

>The same reason niggers in the US pretend they are african. Niggerism.

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Seven EU member states have agreed to accept at least 1,600 refugee children from overcrowded camps on the Greek islands

What is your point? Are you telling us that the Greeks have caved in and let us all down?

These children have been here for months if not years. Nothing to do with recent border conflicts. It's just about emptying out the camps a little so that they don't live like pigs.

Here is the article
>Greece transferred a dozen unaccompanied children from overcrowded migrant camps to Luxembourg on Wednesday. The group is the first of more than 1,000 relocations that are being expedited amid concerns over the impact of coronavirus on vulnerable groups.

>Another group of 50 children is expected to fly from Athens to Germany on Saturday, and 20 more will head to Switzerland at a later date. Greece hopes to relocate some 1,600 unaccompanied minors in the coming months.

>The children relocated on Wednesday were aged between 11 and 15. Ten were from Afghanistan and two from Syria. At least 5,200 migrant children from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and African countries currently live in Greece, many of them under harsh conditions in camps on islands in the Aegean, Reuters said.

Are you retarded?

That's exactly what you want.
Except those "Greeks" (genetic Mischlings) now have exports! Yippee!
Stavros wins the day!

Ha-ha, based Greekbros destroying Western Europe from within. Keep up the good work, Greeks.

Living like pigs is too good for them, ah alas the eternal Stavros cucks for his traitorous government, useless "Hellenistic" army.

Top kek. Stealing this one

lol. bongs is up to it again hating on based greeks again

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No, I'm not Gayreek (Turkish in denial).
Nothing personnel, kid.

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and bongs are ugly and inbred. pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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>That's exactly what you want.
I don't want it. The Greeks are a tiny nation, they can't cope with this fuckin shit, my point is the rest of us in Europe should help the Greeks and other border states, like Italy, to keep these cunts out in the first place.


The two sluts in the middle are fine.

If that's what you call cucking, I'll be a huge cuck and send you all 60,000. Don't miss out.

Pidora otvet.

I‘m surprised you didn‘t get banned for posting this in every single thread yet

"Mo" I am native Irish on my mother's side.

It was rhetorical

Though, a people's crusade will not happen. The shabbos goyim will not have it.
Greece has let us down, its that simple. They can and should do more to punish the (((Germany))) based (((NGOs))).

Stavros is a fat, lazy cunt.

>No, I'm not Gayreek (Turkish in denial).
If only you knew the truth. Then it comes to DNA the Greeks are top dogs around here.

>Greece has let us down
Shut up you fucking retard. First of all, your country is not involved in any of this. Second, it is not Greece's responsibility to protect you. You are free to nuke the Turkish coast if you want.

Tpaхни тeбя.
Pussy ass cannot even afford a phone that has English and Russian keyboard.

cause im posting the truth kraut :) pic related is a 11/10 in bongland btw

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Why should Greece carry the burden? Refugees also don't want to stay in Greece.

Send them to France & Germany

>Tpaхни тeбя.
Гoy фaк ёpceлф, фaг.

>science mag
Хopoшo хa хa