Peak Weimar thread

Share your best Peak Weimar moments here

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Reddit is a Chinese propaganda site. Stop using it, do not repost it.

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>Peak Weimar

You mean the projection and fantasies of so-called "conservatives" making fake posts like that?

> he secretly wants his wife and baby to die so the shame can end

it's worse than it has ever been in history
i cannot believe even the scum of the past could surpass the hell we live in now

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I’m not saying the US isn’t Weimar but this is obviously a troll

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hahaha what the fuck

A jewish person living under general house arrest conditions just called me a Nazi for wanting to end his confinement.

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This makes me physically ill.
All of it.

I'm an atheist but fuck me maybe this coronavirus shit is god's judgement.

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what the actual fuck

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its funny how bongs back then used to make fun of micks for their drinking problem and now in the current year the world is looking at the horror that is current year bongoids and their drinking

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>my wife and HER BABY
So the kid isn't even his? Or is this just bad wording?

finns was able to btfo 1 million russians invading their land back in 1940s and look at them now. sad

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Sick cosplay dude.

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This cat lived and made a recovery btw, in case anyone is wondering.

meanwhile in this hellhole. I hope someone made a complaint about this fucking piece of shit for innapropriate behaviour.

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Strong men make good times.
Good times make soft men.

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Those are 10/10 in bongland

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He's a big guy.

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Damn that cat almost got both to back down when he arched his back. If it was 1 v 1 the cat wins
fucking niggers

>welcome to McDonalds bro