Do you hate niggers?

why/why not
i dont hate them because i havent met many and i have no real reason to hate them

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Have you ever seen one?

ive seen many in europe and usa, met few. most of the blacks i met where drug dealers in berin

All of them whom I've met are good people, but again France doesn't have a black problem, it's the sandniggers who are a real issue here.

close enough

Generally, the more diverse a population is, the more racist it is. It's easy to not be racist if you are not exposed to other races.

There are great black people. But the community as a whole needs to take responsibility for its shortcomings and degeneracy. The black people have some more work to do if they want to earn respect.

grew up in a white suburb, now live in a major east coast city with a high population of blacks. I don't hate blacks as a people but I have learned the hard way over the course of a few years I want nothing to do with them. There's a reason that white southerners hated blacks while the white northerners were bleeding hearts for the negro before they ruined northern cities through the great migration.
There's a reason that white midwesterners who never see blacks don't really do or think anything racist outside of ignorant yokel misunderstandings and the most racist people I have ever met in my life are white irish and Italian guys in the city. contact, it's what happened to me.

>i dont hate them because i havent met many
get out more faggot!

Saw a couple of immigrant niggers steal like 4 days ago. Doesn't matter where from, a niggers always gonna nig

why the fuck would anybody care about your dumb opinion lmao

>i dont hate them because i havent met many and i have no real reason to hate them
None of my relatives or friends ever died of cancer, so since I have never personally "met cancer" I don't hate it.

Do you really need to be sodomized by three niggers to get the concept, plumber boy?

Philadelphia or Baltimore or Washington?

The last time I saw one was in 2018 during football World Cup, lol.
I really don't care.

How could you hate this?

Really good stuff, user, thank you.

Most are cool. Those from lower income you have to watch out. But that goes with any race as well.

Great band!

This album is dedicated to all the professors that told me I'd never ammount to nothing
To all the muggles who lived above the building I was cursing in front of and called the aurors on me when I was just trying to make some galleons to feed my daughter

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A non retard can judge by individual and by group. As individuals? Yeah, niggers can be normal people. As a group? Not able to contribute to a first world country and therefore useless. As a group I hate niggers.


I dont hate them. I think it is horribly unfair to pretend they can function in a human society.
No one expects an orangutan to hold a job, or a german sheperd to pay rent.
This in no way means we should allow them a place in our society.
Baboons are known to skin and eat their prey without killing it first. Are they evil? Are they deserving of genocide?
Of course not. They are animals. The fault lies with the humans who import savage, massive carnivores into their countries and then behave as if nothing is wrong.

Some blacks are a gift to society.

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What kinda question is that nigger

Don't lie Vladimir there is a lot of noggers in Moscow and Russian women love them unfortunately.

Yup, a super fringe mega extreme top .00001% can and yet regression to the mean makes it so his grandchildren will just be average nogs. The 20% white DNA in him that he hit the jackpot on certain parts of his genotype didn’t hurt either.

Grew up just north of Atlanta. Just because they're black, doesn't mean they're niggers. However, blacks are far more likely to be nigs

"i havent met many"

Thats why.

Those aren't niggers they're just black there's a difference between various niggers and just blacks anyone can be a nigger is all I'm saying
>Pic related

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I'm statistically a lot safer when they're not around.

There is virtually no niggers in Moscow shill. 90% Whites, the rest are gooks. That's one hell of a projection tho, they're mass raping the West