How do you determine who can and cannot be American?
How do you determine who can and cannot be American?
Racists can’t be American
Why not?
If you're took fucking lazy to come in the front door and pass the test, go back to wherever you came from.
Based black/brown man?
Is the person skin white? Yes? Come in. No? GTFO
Foreigners are just Americans that haven’t come home yet
Anyone with the mutilated penis american
I love my mutilated sandpaper dick
Immigration and naturalization laws.
not based, just not stupid enough to either be well-helled or willfully ignorant of Constitutional Law.
So being American is worthless?
Easy, can you trace your lineage back to someone who fought in the American Revolution? Yes: American. No: not American.
The offspring of a race-mixer who can trace his lineage is 100% American?
America doesn't exist. You can't be American. The entire "country" is just an international marketplace with an added federal ponzi scheme government for double the fun.
Non whites aren't people. Non people can't be American. Next.
But you said if they can trace their lineage to the revolution, and some non-whites can, makes them American.
Nope, non whites aren't people. Dogs can't be American. Why would slaves? Next.
If you have citizenship then you are an American. This was not hard.
>must be white (defined as being 99% European or more)
>must have a Christian or deist background of some kind
>must believe in constitutional values and liberty
>must eventually assimilate into WASP culture
Racists aren't people. Non people can't be American.
It's when traitorous politicians start sending American money to noncitizens that we get angry. California.
t. raced mixed Portuguese rape baby.
How hard can this shit be??
But many of the founders owned slaves
Nipple color. If they’re pink, you can become American. If not, you need the go back. Simple as.
Native born Anglo-Saxon.
Racists suck but that's just wrong.
Immigrants aren’t here because they believe in the constitution. They’re here because they see money and nice things. If those were gone, do you think they’d still be so interested to come in? Do you think they care at all about the long-term health of the country and the choices that have been made to that end?
I mean yeah, duh. The burden of the decision here is wether the wealthy choose to share the wealth.
By that logic then jews are welcome!!
Blacks whose ancestors were slaves are most certainly Americans. Even the most unabashed race realist can admit slavery was wrong. The founders knew it was wrong, they just wanted to push it off to another day, which they did. We tore out country apart over it, and the question was settled. Because some cunts couldn't pick their own cotton, we have African Americans. You can't fucking blame them for being slaves. I think reparations SHOULD be paid. But only by the fuck descendants of slave owners. Tax them based on their genetic link to slave owners. Now of course it would be interesting for those folks who were 49 percent descended from slaves and 51 percent from slave owners. One thing I'm pretty fucking close to certain is I wouldn't be paying a goddamn nickel, along with 97 percent of the pioneers who built this country with smallholdings and sore muscles. But blacks are Americans.
Based and redpilled
Secret handshake
>If you over 75% white which has been here for over 2 generations
>If over 20% of your ancestry trace's back to the original colonists who were here before 1783.
You are American
>If you are an immigrant from a European nation or an honorary Aryan nation
If accepted for immigration you can stay as a resident as long as you culturally assimilate. Your grandchildren will be given citizenship.
>if you are a nigger (over 25% nigged)
You were supposed to go to Liberia after the civil war and rule over west Africa gtfo.
>If any type of non-european immigrant background.
You don't belong here. Leave or die
>If you hold pinko beliefs
Whether you are a American or not you are a traitor and/or enemy of the republic and will be publically hung until dead.
>Blacks whose ancestors were slaves are most certainly Americans
No, niggers are a blight not a citizen. Fuck off non American nigger. Next
I bet you're 3 generations off the boat or a Mexican, aren't you?