Why are wageslaves demanding everything to be opened again instead of demanding the government to print out more Trumpbux or to canel people's debt?
Why are wageslaves demanding everything to be opened again instead of demanding the government to print out more...
They can't connect the dots. They see
>action takes place
>bad thing happen
>therefore action must reverse
Instead of
>action takes place
>bad thing happen
>stop and think why bad thing happen
>realize that bad thing happened because of an underlying problem
>attempt to fix underlying problem
Usually any field that pays a salary requires the more advanced mentality, while the wage earner has the simpler mentality.
>Why are wageslaves demanding everything to be opened again instead of demanding the government to print out more Trumpbux
Because those with an above room temperature IQ know that this shit cant keep going on forever as crime will go out of control. I am not looking for full-on jungle nigger communism
>or to canel people's debt?
That's a pipedream
The government bails out big corporations all the time. I'm not even asking to cancel all debt, only for the months under quarantine.
>The government bails out big corporations all the time.
Why not? They're the literal middle man in the tax cycle.
>I'm not even asking to cancel all debt, only for the months under quarantine.
I hear interest or some shit will be held off for now. For those affected by it: now would be the time to claw together some cash for the interest free period.
What's funny is most wage earners are actually considered essential and are still working. The majority of these people are salary slaves who must go back to their pointless jobs or lose their minds.
Why not? Since we're all niggers, too much freetime leads to criminality.
Is that a fucking Guy Fawkes mask? Am I in 2010 again?
That's why I'm ok with the feeble minded being furloughed until this is over. They are more likely to pop shit off
Opposite. Every salary earner still has their job because they can work from home. Many wage slaves are losing their job, since wage earners work in the service economy.
Nope. Most salary work is busy womens work like marketing and coding. And the majority of them are furloughed, some are working from home but the majority have been laid off. Sad but true
This, Trump should just keep printing and give people money, why even work in america, when you can force the world to work for you.
Because we take pride in our work and have families that depend on us
Imagine being proud of being a wageslave I will never understand this mentality americans have.
I'm an essential retard so the only thing closing half the world does is inconvenience me and risk making my savings worth half as much.
Except people who code aren't losing their jobs.
Yes they are. Or they were contract freelance scabs who dont have a job anyway
Not one engineer I know of has lost their job.
All goods and services are products of labor. You can't just magically print them.
Also, it's literally just the flu. If you think it's more than the flu its because you cant understand junior high level mathematics.
All the ones I know have
Your father doesn't count
I guess that's why California is the superior state.
because that would not advance (((their))) interests
maybe because even though i work outside buildinh houses i am non essential and cannot work. BUT AT THE SAME TIME I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR MY UNEMPLOYMENT FOR 1 MONTH. thankfulky i have savings but in 2 more months i will be out of cash. none of my friends(who are mostly college educated and work in an office) have recieved their unemployment money yet. i called my boss and he told me none of my coworkers have recieved their pins yet. the only thing he could do was offer me money but i dont need his money i need money from the worthless government that forced me out of work because aperently a 23 year old working out side is at risk? BS.
i was planning on paying off my house this year and my wife was going to quit her job so we could start having kids but depending on how long this shutdown will last and if i ever get my money, idk if ill be able to make that happen. for the last 2 years me and my gf were working 2 jobs to pay off the house i built with the plan of having starting to try to have kids in june. literally 3 years of hard work are fucked over because of fucking boomers.
>thats why i want to go back to work, or at least recieve my unemployment
because i don't give a fuck about 20% of old people dying. If you are weak enough to be killed by pneumonia then this world isn't meant for you.
You won’t understand. It’s about being free independent and self sufficient.
mostly what pisses me off is how many fucking summer soldiers this entire place turned out to be infested with.
We got our happening. We're on the brink of the system collapsing under it's own weight, and closing the curtain on this Weimar shitstorm. and all you cumguzzling fuckwits just want, what? go back to your wage cages? for what? for fucking what? if you can't handle this, there has been absolutely zero point to the research that has happened here, or the supposed "redpilled" that's gone on. it's all shit.
fuck the lot of you.
because they're slaves to their wages.... can't feed your kids, can't keep a roof over their head if you can't work and ordered to stay at home for 18 months until a vaccine is ready
How are you self sufficient and independent if you can't go a few months without working?
Not that guy, but yes thy are. Coders having jobs still implies that companies are interested in investing into the market in the future, on the intention that investment now will make profit on a completed product later. Every business knows it won’t, and so there will be no more new investment into products or new labor. Only what is required to keep things running, until the economy is good enough again to basically guarantee free profit on that risk (and if it won’t, the Fed will bail you out!) until they can sell people on that again, more and more coders and engineers will be laid off. Nobody dares build anything. Nobody dares code anything. They know there won’t be a solvent customer to sell it to and the people who are solvent will be busy buying up real estate and stock after the collapse, not paying a paneer to code a new cell phone app.
This. empty buns are really empty brains.
God is punishing them for being wagees and they can't stand the torment of knowing that they are non-essential to the functioning of society. That their existence is a waste and a lie.
Knowledge never mattered
This seems to be a primarily american issue.
Here in Europe and the Uk we believe lives are more important than money.
In the US though they seem to be tripping over each other to kill as many people as possible to corona so their jewish overlords can get their regular monthly bonus.
People used to use the golem meme a lot a few months ago and I used to ignore it.
But now I see.
>Here in Europe