Let’s go there. We just need politicians to put some trillions into it.
Planet found 300 light years way - possibly habitable
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Better yet, lets just send all the politicians there
When you invent a colony ship that supports multiple generations and cryogenics then we can go.
>300 light years away
This is a distance so comically large that you may as well consider the planet permanently unreachable given our current understanding of physics.
Rare flag
Looks too red not enough blue and green no thx
That's a pretty good photo from so far away.
Weather balloons could make it
dunno, alpha centauri is reachable within a life time with the best propulsion available, not that any of those will have much fun there and a good deal of them will be dead from being old
but 60-80 years times 72 is just comically much time for whole civilizations to rise and collapse in a generation ship
it's just shy over 4000-5000 years
we can do it, take some refugees with us
Just use a wormhole obviously
That’s why we need to use wormhole/space-time warping technology. Probably the same tech the tic tacs use.
>at the very best it would take 300~ years to get there
K... Keep me posted.
>just use tech that doesn't exist duuuh
It exists.
Funny you should mention it. There is a small frog that freezes in lakes over winter and gets defrozen in spring. Its blood includes a kind lf anti-freeze that makes sure its cells aren’t damaged in the process.
Freezing adult humans may not be impossible. 20% of lightspeed may not be impossible.
Let’s go, no corona out in the galaxy.
NASA was planning to make a satellite where they could map out the surface of planets light years away and confirm if it is habitable or not. They only obtain hundreds of millions of dollars for this project. They are planning to send the satellite out in space in 2030 I think. There it will take the satelite 60 years to finally reach far out in space, so it could map out distant planets. I
it's just a bunch of dumb fantasy theories
>300 light years away
Rare and best pilled.
>just use tech that the world government assures me doesn't exist
i thought krauts were smart
>kind of anti-freeze
it's a sugar with varied use in a frog's metabolism
doing this with humans has effects you'd expect with that amount of sugar necessary
>Let’s go, no corona out in the galaxy.
Just untold horrors that could kill you in the single most painful way to die.
>That's a pretty good photo from so far away.
Funny you should ask about that. Did you know direct imaging of exoplanets is not impossible? It’s just for actual images with continents and shit we would need an army of spaced out telescopes away from our solar system that can detect photons over an area a million km in diameter.
Sounds impossible? It isn’t.
no it doesn't, fuck off
take your meds
just use solar wind bro
>inb4 the planet is blanketed in retroviruses
Ah yeh of course why didnt I think of that lets just get that big wormhole making machine fired up and off we go boys.
>When you invent a colony ship that supports multiple generations and cryogenics then we can go.
At which point it's pointless to go to that planet.
If we can do all that why even try to go to a planet? Why not just live on the space colony that supports multiple generations?
sadly not possible due to energy and mass constrains to manipulate that on any meaningful level
a human or advanced society living around a black hole is a lot more likely on a cosmic scale than anyone manipulating gravity like that
it is by far the weakest force, this puts a really big issue on the getting enough to even make a dent
user, are you ok?
I want to be the first one to go. I will let you know if hot alien sluts or I get a probe up my ass.
And we also need to travel 300 years at the speed of light.
>Just untold horrors that could kill you in the single most painful way to die
Such as what? If I could shoot myself into space and asphyxiate while looking back at the earth I'd do it right now.
Name it Israel and send all the Jews there.
What if the ship gets hit by an asteroid? We need our species to be like a bacteria. Multiple colonies on multiple worlds in multiple systems to be viable.
>Just untold horrors
I wonder what is out there
Interstellar space travel? Once you've got the speed thing figured out u still have some huge problems to contend with.
> Radiation
> even tiny particles in space will destroy your ship when traveling at these speeds
>slowing down
>time even if we left today at the speed of light it would take close to 60 years to reach it.
>paradox. The first ship to leave to reach the planet will be beaten there by a ship that leaves 100 years later.
>mostly desert
>small bodies of water
what if a huge asteroid hit it 200 years ago. we wouldn't know for another 100 years kek
Yes I cant be the only one who sees two major problems at least with that.
just print money FED
>dubbs of truth
new plan boys
bruh, it's like, umm, a unite of distances not like, a measurement of time
Okay? okay
>0/10 response
welp, i guess i can finally put the "germans are smart" trope to rest at long last
this. colonizing planets is a meme. as soon as you manage to build a fully functional colony ship to take you there, actually going to the planet becomes obsolete.
This. Terra-forming Mars would take less time.
Corona got to him in the middle of the post. RIP user
all we need is self-sufficient spaceship
>~5 generations away
>believing humans can live this long in space without DNA change
You dis dumB
we need to send homing missile with our DNA virus/bacteria to wipe out whatever retarded life form inhabits that then repopulate by us and make a contact in million years. Basically the same scenario that happened to our planet. Yes, the asteroid that killed dinosaurs was a homing missile sent by our ancestors somewhere in the universe.
Beautiful CGI artwork you posted there. We don't know what planets are, let alone assuming they are material in the same way our earth is.
Earth is a flat, motionless plane, encased in the firmament. A closed system. A special place, relative to all existence. Thank God for that!
Dyson spheres are the answer
You can make it anywhere in a single lifetime if you keep accelerating. The speed of light as a constant is one of the most misunderstood things. Yes, it is a constant from any other relative viewpoint, but from the viewpoint of the person accelerating you could reach a target that is a light year away from your original reference point in a time that if measured on your ship would be less than a year, directly proportional to the fuel you have to expel. (there is also the matter of slowing down to actually land on the planet. this would take almost as much energy as it took to accelerate to warp speed.)
What happens when a person goes through a blackhole. I'm told they'd be annihilated
>300 light years away
Takes 300yr traveling at speed of light to get there.
It would take us thousands of generations to even get there. Meanwhile we can terraform Mars in just a few centuries. We need to invest where it actually matters.
We could maybe. Maybe. Maybe make it to Proxima Centauri. Very iffy. But maybe.
But 300 light years? It's fun reading about this stuff but we'll only ever have the foggiest guesses abut this place because we will never, ever, ever, have the ability to visit it or even glean detailed information about any biome it may have. The most we'll ever get is "This light spectra seems indicative of plant life but we'll never really know."
Oh shit it's Candlej
It would be a utopia until non-politicians arrive
Again if we have tech that could allow us to travel 500 years at a significant percent of the speed of light, there's no reason to go to a "habitable" planet anymore.
>What if the ship gets hit by an asteroid?
Right as I said it will take 500 years to get there, so we have to assume the ships have some kind of anti-asteroid technology.
the chance of a spaceship randomly getting hit by an asteroid is basically non-existent, not to mention evasive maneuvers take zero effort
Pack up, move up, nuke earth, come back.
Cool it will only take a modern craft 700+ years to arrive
that's not how it works moron you have to say the complete word "Candlejack" for him t
>Earth is a flat
>Flat Earth PSYOP: CIA Blackop Designed to Destroy the Truth Movement
Were gonna need natalie portman for this one.
sure man, please go there, I'll stay here and watch with your daughters
>paradox. The first ship to leave to reach the planet will be beaten there by a ship that leaves 100 years later.
not a real paradox and expects a certain rate of technological advancement
slowing down also isn't an issue, what's an issue is the time frame in which to accomplish that
certain regions of space are very empty, those are relatively safe to fly, theoretically you can make roadway maps of those regions, much like they exist for the solar system (gravity related maps very dependent on where shit is at the moment)
there are many reasons why after a given time (age of solar system/galaxy) those regions will be empty
one reason is explained in the definition of planets (that there isn't anything else in their orbit anymore)
but the other issues are big
I doubt with any of the best available drive technologies, that potentially enable reaching alpha centauri in a life time, it's possible to impart enough energy within a life time to come anywhere close to light speed.
Also why are you ignoring the mass constraint on light speed? If you talk about speed of light, that is something you need to take into account.
>speed of light squared is inversely proportional to mass
so if you want to accelerate any meaningful mass to light speed, you could easily calculate if this universe even holds enough energy for that
give it a try