If they have all the money can't they pay normal aged whores?
Why are the elites so obsessed with normalizing pedophilia?
Elites want adrenochrome and taboo pleasures. Basement pedophile has gotten a taste for cunny or little boy ass from anime.
So I have a theory on this. Normalizing it for the plebs is not the issue and not the focus, however pedophilia rings among the elite are a real thing. The thing is though the vast majority of elites aren't pedophiles, but participate in the practice as a 'fraternity of mutual destruction'. Basically forcing new blood in the elite into performing pedophilic acts makes it so everyone else in the group has absolutely destroying dirt on everyone else. It forces everyone into a 'follow the group or be destroyed' scenario. It's about blackmail, not about being pedos.
Hell some elites might be trying to normalize pedos to escape the mutual destruction.
All pedos should hang
Hebephilia is right and normal, as graph indicates
Is anime primarily a means for desensitizing the public to the sexualization of young girls?
So essentially pedophilia is not (((their))) ultimate goal, and guys like Epstein are just honeypots to control possible opposition?
>implying you're not a cunt pedo larper
fuck off freak
I've noticed most anons in this board are supportive of anime culture yet hate pedos more than they hate Jews. Isn't this a massive contradiction?
I guess all women really have to offer is sex
>posting pedo pic
you are the one trying to normalize it you fucking degenerate retard
OP is a monkey
It's because they only want the little girls for themeselves.
Don't call them elite. They are the Parasite Class. Or Scum, if you will.
2D lolis act and many times look nothing like real kids
That's my theory at least.
You are literal vermin, you wretched communist bootlicker. We will wear you flayed skins as cloaks, you maggot.
Why are retards so obsessed with changing the definition of words? No children are exploited in the creation of lolicon so it's literally not child abuse or pedophilia.
They can't change.
hebephilia is normal
but pedophilia is mental sickness
Anime isn't real!
i want to be eco-pilled with greta
I think they got that taste from somewhere else...
Why are bongs so obsessed with pedophiles?
Kill all pedophiles
Its a bunch of moe anime lovers trying to justify their addiction
No different than when a judge berates a drug dealer without once ever asking why he's able to find buyers in the first place
just so you know they are into 5 year old boys after they force the boy to first kill a baby himself.
very normal stuff really
muh adrenochrome
gayest shit in the universe
Possibly because of Saville, and he was a necrophiliac too...
their goal is to steal everything from the peasants. currently they have to wait until peasant girls are 15. they don't want to wait.
Priest fucks a little boy, was he...
>[ ] a typical Christian
>[ ] Paedophile
>[ ] Homosexual
Or D
Jewish from the start
The site has been contaminated by normalfags who will swallow whatever their jewcocks say to swallow.
Because when it comes out as to what they have done the world will want them to burn (and burn they will).
I wanna DESTROY kuro
I dont understand why this type of shit is allowed, imagine sucking babys dick blood being a part of your religion
Not desensitize. Rather, convert.
Hey, they kinda have features making them to appear less childlike, so it must be okay. Fapfapfapfapfap
It’s called natural law. Every healthy man on earth is attracted to a female right when she starts puberty. There is nothing you can do about this.
The ones living in the world that has awareness and morality, the world itself doesn't care.
Kuro is a miracle of the gods
I prefer Jeanne lily personally
>30 year old hag has less appeal than a 12 year old
roastoids btfo