Why do migatards still support Trump?
Why do migatards still support Trump?
In this rigged system, what more can you do than support him...
You don't even make sense..
Sage in all fields nigger
No wall
biggest pro Israel president to ever exist
did not lock her up
has jewish grandchildren
surrounds himself around jews
refuses to force manufacturing back to usa because jew stock market
incompetent coronavirus response
less deportations than obama
more immigrants than obama
But of course miga cultists will disregard this and scream tranny shareblue shill
go away meme flaggot
Very good argument/rebuttal leaf
Best president ever
>Why do migatards still support Trump?
the (((MSM))) are openly against Trump, but secretly for him, it's all part of (((their))) plan!
They are sad and lonely and what to be part of something but are to afraid to be National Socialist because their Democrat mom might yell at them.
Um. Not support the system?
Is the Media even against him anymore? I hear Democrat boomers echoing his retarded statements about coronachad all the fucking time. I'm pretty sure you're just stuck in the past.
Because they have no love, no friends, nothing at all to be attached to, no sense of belonging. Rallying behind Trump is just something that fills that hole in their empty souls. It could be anything instead, really: tabletop games, anime, whatever. It's just that a rise in nationalism happened due to the emergence of Trump and leaders akin to him, and these pathetic people have jumped on the bandwagon they have no way of leaving. One can't help but feel sorry for the poor fuckers, but I sure as hell don't.
Because hes the best we've got faggot
it's part of their hamster wheel for the PEPEE, the MSN is a bunch of kikes like the trump administration
I feel kinda bad for them. They need proper guidance.
Look at all the obvious shills with their gay Nazi meme flag
Because they're afraid joe biden is gunna sniff their daughters
It`s so fucking easy to manipulate american idiots. >Oh, media is against him, that says a lot!
>Wtf is controlled oposition?
why are you still spanish?
When you have "tfw no gf" you basically want to burn the whole thing. At least thats my theory.
Everyone in the picture is fat.
>Why do migatards still support Trump?
Why does he make leftist rage so hard. Really he constantly lives rent free in your pathetic minds.
to own the libs
>It`s so fucking easy to manipulate american idiots. >Oh, media is against him, that says a lot!
Only Russians like you think the media is upstanding. I do not care that they are against Trump as I see them as what they are, and that is propagandists. If people have not figured that out by now with the whole panic inplace, because we, and the government said be afraid, stay in your safe space.
his a big boy
why cowards use memeflags?
gotta use some herbals here
nice proofs.. oh wait
eat shit memeflag coward
weak strawman
That picture should shame every American. Not that people are protesting but how fat ugly & out of shape they all are.