Lets continue to erase faggotry!
Lets continue to erase faggotry!
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heres link
Bump this thread if you see it, we are losing rn and we need help
RIP they just had to remove the warning I put there
No. Grecs were faggots too, you know that user, right ?
Reporting in. Ready to siege!
>erase faggotry
What a bunch of salty snowflakes. Thanks for the link, im going to help make sure the flag stays up
Nice pic
I recognize that coastline. Please don't tell me it's in Sweden
it's Spain. Sweden in this has a nordfront logo near the east coast
The thing is though, when they succeed at one thing they will keep going. Sweden’s coastline could be next!
You'd think they'd prioritize the numerous giant swastikas instead
They tried that yesterday, it failed miserably.
Lets turn their flag into another windmill then
keep it up
>Bothering with this shit when PixelCanvas is way worse and full of commie bullshit.
what Autism is this ?
Everytime they’ve tried they failed
They're fighting back
"God Hates Fags" is really making them seethe huh
kys fujo even fags hate you and your sopping blown out vag
>fuck jannies
Do you think mods will let us make a pixel planet/pixel canvas General?