>Developing countries need to exporting their goods in order to replay these debts that are noted in Chinese currency.
>If these countries suddenly can't pay back this debt back because trade in the world economy has suddenly gone crazy, China has the right to swoop in and take back what is owed to them.
>If this carries on much longer, it stands to reason that China will be able to snap up increasingly valuable and influential pieces of real estate all over the continent and it in turn have a center of industry that will provide wealth back to China without actually needing to produce anything in China.
>This economic crisis is likely to speed up the process
The Chinese are going to use Coronavirus Crisis to accelerate their debt trap agenda, project more influence within the world economy, and act on their national ambitions while the rest of the world is weak and distracted. They will take America's place as the world leader while America is suffering from bad leadership and a great depression. The US is currently declining and this virus has pushed them to the brink of despair. Chinese hegemony is inevitable.