What goes on here?

What goes on here?

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motorbike racing

gay sex

Money laundering.

Isle of Man + Isle of Wight = Isle of Wight Man

Only the most dangerous sporting event in modern history: Isle of Man TT

That's where humans originated. It's why it's called the isle of man. We don't tell Americans so they don't steal fossils


Fuck all. It's a pretty comfy place, though.

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Great ansewer!


gas the bikes

It's the Delaware of the UK. So shell companies.

A killer motorcycle race, and Elly Prizeman goes on there.

sheep fucking and tax evasion


One dude jerking off into the sea

Watch the Wicker Man (the original)

Some man shit in the woods

what? you said there was oil there?

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None of your fucking business. Stay away.

Probably the most chad name for a place in history

>more Chad than a country actually named Chad

Has anybody here seen Kelly?

Not this year.


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Probably witchcraft what else

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That's where Marconi's early radio experiments killed all the bees. Soon after we had the "Spanish Flu".

It's a bit like the Falklands but closer


Tax evasion, fast motorbikes.
It's a nice place to visit. Much the same as anywhere rural in British Isles. Douglas is full of drunk Scousers.

A big 32 mile race around the island.

financial rapscallions live there or so i heard

The Manx Beard Club.

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Where is the isle of woman? Fucking sexist pigs.

sheep shagging

Human sacrifice.

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On the one hand, unironic witchcraft.
On the other, gay is illegal.

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