Redpill me on hydroxychloroquine, Yas Forums. Is it the non-jewed medicine unlike the (((vaccine)))? Is it safe and efficient?
Is hydroxychloroquine redpilled?
Ask your doctor.
>Is it safe and efficient?
Yes but you need a treatment and a doctor. Don't be a retard and consume it without a prescription
I just want anything that will help me in case, even though I'm not sick at moment, French-bro. And I'd rather die than getting marked by that Microsoft fucker.
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19
Pr Raoult.
however there are no cardiac pathologies. because you risk cardiac arrest.
Pic related, some french guy explained "Chloroquingate" a few weeks ago
It's a good medicine that can save you from malaria but you might have heart failure a few months later. It's only prescribed if you're going to die from malaria. Only take it if you are going to die from covid-19.
Seems like it's /ourcure/ then, sort of. As far as I know they haven't banned it here, so I'm still good to go.
My plan is to stock hydroxychloroquine and use it in case I get Corona-chan. There's no way I'll go get the fucking vaccine or chip.
And what's more, the treatment dose for malaria is higher than the one recommended by based French druid for COVID19.
You also need ZINC!
Literally any zinc ionophore will do the same thing as hydroxychloroquine.
The main thing is, you need to uptake a lot of zinc into your cells very quickly. Zinc interrupts the virus reproduction cycle inside cells, and if they can't replicate, your immune system can easily catch up. So a zinc ionophore forces your cells to absorb zinc very quickly.
Quercetin, epigallocatechin-gallate, pyrithione, and hinokitiol will all do the same thing. Some of these are even available over the counter.
Taken alone, they will do nothing to the virus, but taken with appropriate levels of Zinc, they will drastically shorten viral infections. They already have been studied heavily for this property.
Unironically ask your fucking doctor. Most of us are not qualified to give you medical advice, and hydroxychloroquine is a prescription medication. You cannot obtain it without a fucking prescription.
There are some studies that suggest it might be useful in fighting COVID-19, and others that suggest it does basically nothing at all.
HCQ isn't the best solution. NPCs, even in the scientific community keep yelling "muh toxic"
The focus now is using Nitazoxanide.
Less toxic, same effect.
>redpill me on x
Op isn't intelligent enough to ask a proper question anyways.
Links to Mental Illness, Risk-Taking Behavior
There is an emerging view that the toxoplasmosis parasite is active to some extent during what was previously regarded as a purely “dormant phase”.
For example, rats infected with the parasite lose their fear of cats, and are even attracted by their scent, making them easy prey. Scientists have suggested this is how the parasite assures its own survival and propagation: the cats eat the infected rats, shed more parasite through their feces, and that in turn helps to infect more rats.
Other studies have found schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and other mental diseases are more common in people with toxoplasmosis, and there is also evidence to suggest infection by the parasite is linked to more extroverted, aggressive and risk-taking behavior.
In a study published in the July 2012 issue of the Archives of Psychiatry, researchers from Denmark’s Statens Serum Institut and the University of Maryland in the US, found that women carrying IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii when giving birth have a higher risk of self-harm or suicide later on.
While such a description sounds alarming, study senior author Antonio Barragan, researcher at the Center for Infectious Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control, says:
“At the same time, it’s important to emphasize that humans have lived with this parasite for many millennia, so today’s carriers of Toxoplasma need not be particularly worried.”
>is X redpilled?
Don't trust my govt anymore, they sound like liars and are too
I went out today everyone is saying same thing they are fed up and it's not that bad
I think Trump is telling the truth
I support HCQ but can't buy it in UK
>can't buy
Loicence expired
Corona Virus attacks the Plasmodiums, Plasmodiums can infect many different types of animals. That is why it seems that so many different types of animals get infected.
Nitazoxanide dropped viral load by 94% in laboratory tests. There is a study with 500 patients giving Nitazoxanide, HCQ and placebo. Tests results expected in May.
I took 40 pills of Plaquenil 200mg and azithromycin for me back in February, I might try them soon since today I learnt that we had an infected man in my unit for 5 days and I worked with him for two days. Some of my coworkers will be tested next Monday. I don't for some reasons so if I'm infected I will spread it to other patients. I hope I will be asyptohamtic.
Of course I don't know for sure, but I'm inclined to believe HCQ works because even though it's a cheap drug that would render vaccines pretty much useless, the coverage on it is very dishonest. It's either academic pharisaism (muh double blind, muh placebo, yadda yadda) or fearmongering about side effects of a well known drug (yet no one cares about side effects of stuff like aspirin or birth control pills, for example). Also, some very shady studies are being used to discredit it, like the ones giving it to ICU patients (it's supposed to be an early treatment), ommitting zinc, etc.
Is this the medicine Marcos Pontes was talking about?
it's one option.
tocilizumab shows promise.
maybe any immunosuppressant will work against your body going haywire.
t. not a docta
maybe...? i mean, he said the medicine he's talking about is cheap and can easily be found
If doctors prescribe it with zinc BEFORE you're drowning in lung fluid, it will stop Covid replication and save your life. If they wait until you're laying in your deathbed, you're fucked.
Finally someone thought of the advertisers!
They gave my dad hcq/azm but he didnt experience any noticeable drastic improvement. He's still improving slowly but needs supplemental oxygen
According to reliable sources "TidePods" seems to be working against this virus!
Lol, no krebs no life
Brazil truly is full of monkeys
>There are some studies that suggest it might be useful in fighting COVID-19, and others that suggest it does basically nothing at all.
And the answer his doctor gives is based on which of the jews who made the studies the doctor prefers to listen which is not necessarily but most likely dependent on pharma corp contracts of the doctor.
Asking "your" doctor is just as pointless and reliable as doing research yourself.
>They gave my dad hcq/azm but he didnt experience any noticeable drastic improvement.
Did they give it to him right after his positive test? This seems to be the most important question.
good post thanks
It's not redpilled. It's just one of two or three medications that, if taken together, help reduce the viral load of Covid 19. It isn't super effective by itself.