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This shits really hindering my ability to find a black girlfriend on tinder

Don’t be a degenerate.

It's going to be way longer than that, desu senpai.


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*honking and dabbing intensifies*

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the only thing degenerate is fucking white women when black women with superior genes are readily available

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Shut up and clap.

Literally haven't even noticed anything Corona related

Been toiling as per usual (non-stop, that is to say)

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It's June 1st here, and that's a big IF.

I live in a white neighbourhood and literally nobody claps.

Shut up and buy bitcoin bitch.

>implying it’ll only be three

user, I...

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How do you show you appreciation for medical personnel?

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Trust me, it'll be much, much, much longer than that

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fake virus

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Lmao, are people actually locking down?
I've gone about my life entirely the same as before.

same i just gave up over easter weekend
it's a nothing burger
no one cares anymore
govt makes no sense shutting beaching and parks people are like TENS of meters apart
fucking police state imo, govt can fuck off arrest me i dont care

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i stayed home first 2 weeks... then realised it's BS
no one I know has it
some dude i knows dad got his death cert as COV19 but he didn't even die from it he had cancer etc

>3 weeks
>3 months
>6 months
>2 years
Welcome to you new fucking life user best get to shit posting you wanted a happening faggots

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I'm comfy af. Working from home and having a quasi-NEET lifestyle back is great.

fake virus

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Yeah man the world is on lockdown and liveleak videos of people dropping or gasping for air is just a hoax bro. It's all a vast conspiracy by lizard people.


>not allowed outside unless to go shopping for food
>no bars, restaurants, concerts etc
>allowed 1 hour of exercise, and only nearby, no travelling to a secluded national park
>allowed to go to hospital for emergency
>must stay 2 metres away from anyone that does not live under your same roof
>government is planning on rolling out a smartphone app that tracks your movements and actions for our safety

nope not making this shit up especially that last one.

If you’re actually staying inside just kill yourself.

atleast pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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no. 3 isn't actually that bad looking

>if the government is asking me to do something I must do the opposite
The US government should learn that the best way to handle its retarded populace like this amerimutt is to use reverse psychology.