This is a Polish girl who came to America to model and became Americanized

This is a Polish girl who came to America to model and became Americanized.

If you want to return to a traditional ethnic nationalism world, then your #1 enemy is Americanization.

America is a rootless country. There is no American ethnicity, no American language, no deep American culture that isn't just a corporate Disney version of another culture that was imported and globohomized. America is the progeny of the money obsessed rootless globalist Jew, its core values are Jewish.

Literally everything Yas Forums stands against was spread around the world by America:

>transgender and gender identity
>"mass migration is good!"
>globalist trade
>interracial sex
>decadent focus on individualist consumption over long term tribal sustenance
>decline of extended family living together under the same estate

Since America became the global cultural hegemon, everything has been sliding hard to the progressive left. Nothing can change until America stops being the global cultural hegemon.

Attached: interracial blonde.png (805x601, 569.96K)

This is probably the same retard who was shilling for the prc in the other thread.

Of course America doesn’t have one homogeneous. It’s 50 states that have only a little bit in common united under one government. Specific regions like Appalachia, The Great Plains, The Midwest, etc have their own culture.

Yeah this leaf is right your country is retarded I'd prefer china over America

Fake as fuck.
The black guy is still there.

He watched a few VHS tapes as a child and knows everything about what it's like here learning from a glass tube in his living room. OP is the kind of tools people warn about.

He is not saying you are or the average american the eternal evil.

But your 'culture' obviously infecting the healthy society and poisoning the common well.

>He is not saying you are or the average american the eternal evil.
He should be saying that.

>polish girl
>coal burning
what's new

I don't like China and see them as an ethnic rival but they have a way, way, way better worldview than America in terms of race and genetics and are way better build to survive the next few centuries as a recognizable group

No Chinese person thinks an African that moves to China suddenly becomes Chinese if granted a piece of paper. They understand that genetics matter.

You already live in China.

>America stops being the global cultural hegemon.
ok chang from vancouver. I bet you can't wait for xi to take you over

why are all leaves such massive faggots? Its getting old.

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Holy shit

Seems like the cultures mixed this time. He's still with her and acts like a father to his mulatto daughter.

i just want rape to be legal

You can deny it all you want and COPE with the leaf meme, but you're the #1 spreader of progressivism worldwide. Canada is fucked too, because we just copy you and try to out-left you.

they are all ricels from r/asianmasculinity and r/aznidentity

>you're the most successful country so naturally you're used to push degeneracy
Don't worry user, the holocough is gonna put an end to that.

amerilards better come up with some kind of genetic engineering cause i want my bitch to be hot, blonde and blue eyed

they are destroying thousands of years of Beauty

Don't worry, by 2120 America will be nothing but a curious historical footnote like the Ottoman Empire. The West is on its way out.

>but you're the #1 spreader of progressivism worldwide
No that's your diversity is our strength black face cuck "cabinet that looks like canada (full of pajeets) Trudeau

Hating on whites are the lowest you can do.

Despite the fact that America is still one of the least progressive countries in the west?

You're the progeny of all academic progressivism, from Intersectionality to anti-racism. Not to mention cultural progressive thought.

Attached: America in a nutshell.webm (720x480, 2.72M)

You mean jews and judea

They are always there while the woman is knocked up. Not even niggers are foolish enough to pass up preggers sex drive.

who has the prime minister who wears tranny socks everyday?

OP: I really really really like this image.

>This is a Polish girl who came to America to model and became Americanized.
rules of nature you fucking retard
let that trash breed with other trash to clean the genepool

and stop making these retarded race baiting threads MUH WHITE WOMAN FUCKING NIGGERS
meanwhile in reality all white whores who do it are obese or mentally ill

We're just America Lite.

Calling Canada cucked (which it is) just proves my point. We are the same mentally you, but still a bit whiter.

Attached: amerimutts are mexico.jpg (963x1024, 192.29K)

if only russia kept you subhumans under their control

shes not americanized. shes polish

cope and seethe more shlomo

Attached: 9890.png (1299x876, 649.43K)

>if only russia kept you subhumans under their control
Drunk Krokodil-addicted Russian subhumans got anally devastated every time they tried to take a part of our glorious Commonwealth.

It took combined might of unified Germany, Russia and Austria to fuck up Poland so what are you even talking about dumb fuck?

Bruh jews project that shit through hollywood, you guys, however, have always been hyper cucked. If jews went to leafland instead of the US back in the day things would've accelerated so much faster since canada is basically portland scaled up to a entire territory.

Why american govt doesn't do anything about the communist censorship by american companies like facebook or twitter in europe?

damn thats cringy. just stick to reading das kapitalism, thats about your only worth

>polish girl
so a jew/slav mutt

all of the "as a european, AMERICA RIGHT WING AMERICA BAD" posts come from you faggots. kys

ok canada,

Don't respond to leaf threads

Sage all leaf threads

>germanic visigoth last name is the most common last name in USA

whats the problem?

Don't want to get any hopes up, but it looks like China may take mercy on us soon.

her daughter doesn't look that bad for a mutt, she has brown skin but has good structure and facial symmetry

beauty and the beast

Most of what you said leaf is true. Our Americanization of other cultures completely ruin them. However, you’re literally the great Satans hat who has no roots either. You think because you put the queen on your money it makes you a strong Anglo. We both lost our Anglo status since the 60s. We’re a sinking ship but you’re coming with us to Chang running bird Smith.

We’re going to nuke you back to the Stone Age, you infernal bugman. Now go kick a baby or something.

is he tackling her? A black caring for a kid?

America is the best country in the world. Freedom, guns, liberty etc. (y) I like America.

>Lower IQ
>Nigger black hair
>Nigger black eyes
Soo worth it ..

No shit leaf, murrica is the modern day fascist but even worse it's a capitalist facist. Fuck the mutts

Bullshit my ethnicity is American you leaf faggot

Attached: Gradient_2020_03_29_10_27_51.jpg (2160x1424, 450.05K)

America and Canada were created to waterdown race, culture, beliefs, family, and heritage.

Looks r*ssian to me.
Their whores love the BBC.

>pass up preggers sex drive.
Wot? You fuck a woman with a baby, poo?

America is a melting pot of mystery meat cattle who's sole purpose is to work/consume, just nuke my shit up sempai

Only because we have been tasked with being greatest allies' bodyguard for so long, it wouldn't make strategical sense to go fully progressive just yet. Now as technology and automation gets up and running, it can do those jobs and we can be cast aside.

Yeah jews produce it and the amerigoy eats it up to the point of morbid obesity. All but a small handful of "right-wing" parents take their families to go see woke star wars and marvel movies, let their kids listen to rap etc. Cucksoyvative, Inc.

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