Blue eyed = Not white
I went to Italy and saw blue eyed Italians and immediately thought they were German larpers who secretly wanted to sack Rome live in mud huts worship trees and sacrifice babies. Brown eyed master race.
Blue eyed = Not white
I went to Italy and saw blue eyed Italians and immediately thought they were German larpers who secretly wanted to sack Rome live in mud huts worship trees and sacrifice babies. Brown eyed master race.
this thread will get 300 replies and mods will do nothing
>blue eyes
>brown eyes
Both are pretty shit. Green eyes are the only eye color that matters.
Hahahaha, your eyes are the same color as SHIT.
You mean grey eyes
I'm italian, I'm not Jewish. It's not my fault those skin changers picked Rome after their rebellion. My nose is not Jewish it's just a ROMAN NOSE RRRRREEEEEEEEEEE
Watcha doin rabbi, making D&C?
I'm not a "pure italian" but my great grandfather was a coward from a town call "Vimercate" and he came here and fuck a spaniard women from toledo, then my grandfather fuck another women of spaniard parents from "logroƱo" and "madrid" and thennn my father fuck a another spaniard women from almeria and here Iam.. my question is can i be italian pls?
Italians are less white then other white.
But they're still your kind
You are the argentine schizo that constantly hates north Italians. Get fucked retard
Not all the babies though.
Just the non blue eyed babies
I'll leave this here. Oh by the way, the best lunar calendar of the Bronze Age was in Scania and not Asia or the Mediterranean. The first calendar was in Scotland. Newgrange site was superior in the Neolithic times in Ireland. Also, the Romans would have been nothing without the Etruscans, Celts, Greeks, and Phoenicians.
Nice try with your anti-Nordic sentiment bashing those who could do well with very basic settlements such as roundhouses which included stone ones as well as wooden cabins. By the way, it is possible to be Europid with non-Europid traits such as the dark brown eyes which would have made it more difficult to navigate through a shaded forest just as it is possible to be non-Europid with Europid traits such as those of an albino African.
>brown eyes
>master race
kek. you just know an amerimutt or a kike is hidding under the memeflag
By the way, Nordic peoples did not sacrifice babies. They euthanized the diseased ones so that they could be reborn as their siblings or nephews and nieces. They sacrificed prisoners and slaves especially captured Roman officers as Teutonburg.
Also, Tacitus wrote that the Iron Age Germans systematically killed sodomites and anyone else convicted of an "unnatural crime."
Based. I always assume blue eyed tourists are shrieking anglos who'd rather take meth and engage in cum drinking orgies. Afterwards they go home to their mud hut and say how they like varg then buy the books he's written but realise they don't understand it as they can't read.
This, these divide and conquer posters never read a book or two about any ancient peoples of the world. coincidentally alot of these people who post this stuff are children of the demon YHWH.
I am 187 cms and i am a amerimutt of five generations on one side and three generations on the other. Its a mixture of northwestern europeon countries. Take a guess which ones.
> Brown eyes master race
How cute.
> Laughs in green eyes
Imagine unironically having blue eyes but looking like a ugly fat FAS retard, then claiming youre whiter than medchads who look like pure blood aryans with sharp facial structure and skull shape.
I may have hazel eyes but Im far more aryan than most of you pig nosed, fat cheeked serfs.
This desu. Only brunettes with strong eyes are human. Blue just indicates a faded soul worn away by the cold northern winds, just as classical authors said that black skin is a result of being scorched by the southern sun.
If you see blue eyes and hair with a faded colour, you are probably dealing with a Scandinavian troglodyte. Call the police before he chimps out and starts trying to raid your section of civilization.
>that green eye cope
more like a race of manlets who hasnt been relevant in world history for the last 500 hundred years
The only relevance a snow-nigger has is when they were the niggers of the world with vikings
>tfw deep blue eyes and thick black hair
literally aryan phenotype
anything else is too feminine (blond hair) or too arabo-shitskin (black hair black eyes)
>The only relevance a snow-nigger has is when they were the niggers of the world with vikings
Yeah, because Romans were peaceful farmers.
Imagine being so delusional and retarded
ok muttoid. sorry you will never know the feeling of being white. have fun dying of corona you swarthy muttoid
Anyone with black hair who isn't Chinese is definitely not white and is basically a natural born slave bred to carry out manual labour.
Chinese of course are white, as are anglos, these two groups being the only white men.
Best phenotype indeed