More than 1 million European were slaves in Morocco.
How does it feel to be a slave of the Moroccan chads eurocucks ?
Chad Moroccans enslaved all races, the niggers, turks, whites.
They're definitely the master race, even Nietzsche agree that they're the Ubermensch in his book the Antichrist.
More than 1 million European were slaves in Morocco
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you were slaves of Romans, Arabs and French
oh, and Goths, and probably some bush niggers too
> source : trust me bro.
You're a pole you don't even exist in history books man, you're definitely rightful german lands.
We ended the Visigothic Kingdom of Spain, our chad leader Tarik ibn Zyad ended Don Rodrigo's career as a monarch.
Sorry goths
Isn't Morocco ruled by a nigger majority now?
>inb4 "hurr hurr, amerimutt talking about niggers ruling another country? kek"
Not denying it, just doesn't automatically disprove the point I made. Also, in defense of Eurobros...they DID completely BTFO the Middle East and North Africa for a full century after the Ottomans collapsed.
>were slaves in Morocco.
They were Berebers, stop larping as one, you filthy nigger.
>We ended the Visigothic Kingdom of Spain
Lol, look this filthy nigger jajaja you are not a Bereber, Moha.
Since when moroniggers enslaved Turks, faggot?
As a side note, you Moroccans also got BTFO'd repeatedly throughout history. Despite your Phoenician roots, you allowed the Romans to destroy you, then submitted to the Islamic conquest of the Arabs like the good slave race you are, were repeatedly used and abused by the European empires in their trade wars, and now are little more than a popular vacation spot for wealthy, dumb lib-elites.
You still have 10-40% nigger genes. You're subhuman biowaste no matter what.
All Moroccans were slaves to the French.
Isn't your king gay?
Poles dont exist in History books? All I know about Morocco is its a hot spot to fuck little boys. I watched a documentary about life in Morocco. Tourists fuck 8 year old boys for chocolate bars. Quite the empire your glorious people evolved into. You like chocolate user?
so where are the freed nigger slaves asking for gibs in morocco?
where's the moroccan Martin Luther King?
where's the moroccanr rosa parks?
sounds to me like you's racis
Slaves were castrated in Morocco, they had no rights.
>we wuz
Our property. Seethe.
das racis
import niggas so you can pay them reparashuns nao
Slavery wasn't cool though, it created a new mutt race in Morocco known as '3aroubis' who are basically quadroons. However with white people we made money, we captured white slaves and sold them on the market to Europeans.
how do we make a propaganda campaign about arabic slavery?
whitey is always criticized in burgeristan for having nigger slaves but they got freed and were allowed to reproduce
arabs castrated them and killed them after that one slave uprising i can't remember right now (maybe some moroccan can remind me)
not to mention the fact that niggers in burgeristan have higher wages than most eastern europeans
they're more privileged than i am
> slavery
Ahem excuse me, we are very open minded nowadays. We even have our own Greta.
And now your country is so shit that many people from your shithole are moving to europe yet you claim to be superior. The nafri mind is smaller than a chimp I always say.
implying that there won't always be a climate
>arabs castrated them and killed them after that one slave uprising
That's pretty based
lol you got btfo and resorted to female emotional reactions. PEAK MUSLEM
it is based, but in the current world order that's a worse sin than what white people did, and because there aren't any niggers left there, they get no pushback from it
holy shit do all moroccans have nigger noses?
Arabs were worse than whites when it comes to slavery.
No, but his closest advisor is a Jew
ya 3mmi
How do you know you aren't a decendend of one of those slaves or goths?
Moromierdas > Brain explodes