>Michigan now has over 25% of workers unemployed >Pennsylvania over 18% >Nevada is at 18.5% >Ohio is over 15
>Key swing states, which Trump won by the slimmest margins in 2016, showed some of the largest percentage increases in unemployment applications for the week ending March 21. Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania each reported a jump in weekly unemployment applications that surpassed 2,300%.
Here is the real reason why Trump is so eager to re-open the economy even if people die.
ok moron. too bad the media established these democrat govererners are solely responsible for deciding who works and who sits home and for how long.
which is why Trump trolled them by saying he could force a reopening.
Andrew Cooper
>Here is the real reason why Trump is so eager to re-open the economy even if people die. Well no shit retard. It is like you want people to die from starvation. It is either take chance with a nasty flu, or die from lack of food.
Chase Butler
>Even if people die People die every day just walking outside. It's calculated risk. Those who want to work should be able to work, faggot.
Isaac Scott
>It's calculated risk. Those who want to work should be able to work, faggot. That would make sense if a virus wasn't transmissible, you can take a calculated risk for yourself but what happens if you pass it on to 4 others and they do the same?
Jackson Jenkins
>State governors order lockdown, tell police to arrest people breaking quarantine >You, a retard: DDDRRRRRUUUUUMMMMMMPPPFFFFFFFF
Makes me wondering if people thought nobody died before covid-19 The fact that covid-19 culls the old and weak, it's actually what can save the under 48 year old people from massive economic and social depression and reduced birth rates going into the future. But i guess, fuck the future generations right?
Easton Gray
What? I said the reason Trump is talking now about lifting lockdowns is because unemployment is disproportionately affected swing states he won by a slim margin.
>no, trump! don't open the country, people will die! >unemployment and the recession are trump's fault for not opening the country!
>no, trump! don't block travel from other countries, that's racist! >the blood is on trump's hands for not blocking travel sooner!
Julian Ramirez
Hey frens! If theres any Michigan Anons I have a telegram account. I'd love to meet like minded people who share my beliefs!
Samuel Jones
You know unemployment kills people too right?
Who am I kidding, youve never held a job so what would you know about ut
Justin Sullivan
The state governers will get the blame. I feel like this is a win for Trump because he wants people back to work while governers want people to stay inside forever
Caleb Watson
I hope they stay closed indefinitely. Meanwhile, my red state is going to open back up soon. Then we will see some proper "wealth redistribution"
Ryan Kelly
the enforceable lockdowns were all initiated by state and local governments, not the feds. the feds gave lukewarm "guidance" to slow the spread
Robert Adams
By the end of the month Trump will have all the public support he needs to push for a major return of manufacturing stateside. He'll roll out a massive stimulus bill to encourage companies to pull out of China and create new manufacturing jobs here and over the next six months we'll see a recovery that'll rival the US spinning up at the start of WWII.
oh shit really user? The real reason is people's jobs? Wow what a fantastic conclusion user, you are a really smart person.
(listen dumbass, jobs are being lost EVERYWHERE. everyone should be rooting for this shit to get over so EVERYONE can get their lives back, not just the naughty naughyt bad bad red states and swing states).
Landon Young
And you continue to prove how retarded you are. Trump cant lift individual state lockdowns dipshit. If Michigan wanta to stay locked down indefinately that is the governor's right as governor. Trump is pointing out (correctly) that if the economy stays shutdown much longer the long term effects may be worse than the effects of the virus
Brody Murphy
See you in six months
Xavier Long
>(listen dumbass, jobs are being lost EVERYWHERE Disproportionately in swing states and it's an election year. Are you simple?
Jack Ward
>Trump cant lift individual state lockdowns dipshit. I didn't say he could, I said it's the reason he is talking about it.
Hunter Cox
Democrats are evil psychotic people. They live in a cult and they only ever think about what furthers their agenda. This is why nutty Nancy tried to force a bunch of social justice bullshit into the stimulus bill. Its just what these niggers do.
Jeremiah Martin
Fuck you are retarded. You must be a labor voter
Eli Turner
I’m not rooting for this to be over. I’m rooting for this to get 100x worse to break this Jewish slave wheel we’re bound to.
Jackson Butler
It's impossible to talk about Trump with Americans on this board if it's not praise. You are all straight on the attack lmao. It's cultish behavior friend.
Noah Thompson
The media didn't establish that you mong. The constitution did. Are you some kind of big govt bootlicking faggot?
Ethan Rodriguez
Those people are walking around outside too you stupid nigger.
Noah Peterson
USA is federalist. States have a lot of power.
Andrew Parker
imagine being so retarded you'd rather let millions starve to death by not being able to work because of the threat of a virus less deadly than the flu. Fuck you're stupid.
Landon Roberts
right? plus if this continues much longer no one is going to be able to pay there debts and the entire world economy is debt based. If the government can't suck it's subjects dry the entire system will fall. But no, let's risk it because something that hasn't killed nearly as much as the FLU is running amok!
Kayden Hill
Ethan Rivera
Where's the threat of starvation? Essential workers are still working. Farmers are still farming. Stores are stocked all the way up here. There's no food shortage.
Unless you mean "How are people going to buy food if they don't work???" Yeah, that's why we need safety nets that provide for people when they're locked down at home to prevent the spread of a virus.
"But the COVID-19 isn't that bad!!!" But what if it was? What if we saw this same scenario play out, but with HIV that's spread through the air? You'd want them staying home to stop the spread. And they could only do that with a basic safety net in place.
I'm not even a fucking commie, this is just basic logic.
Jonathan Price
Nah. You're just an idiot who doesn't understand supply and demand. If millions are out of work where are you going to get the taxes to fund these programs? Our dollar already lost 10% of it's value due to this stimulus package and it'll lose a lot more soon enough. You want to sacrifice your nations dollar value over something that hasn't even killed the average amount the flu kills yearly and it's already diminishing in every country?