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How has pol changed you?
Adrian Watson
Blake Turner
It made me realize white men will always judge me based off the color of my skin and not my actions.
Oliver Martinez
Why would reading some text on a page change me?
Jayden Scott
Jaxson Turner
Started thinking "nigger" around black friends
>friend messes up
>think "lol I expected nothing less from a nigger"
>hate myself
>start avoiding him
He's a decent guy and intelligent person he's not anything like Yas Forums stereotypes but my autism and saturation brainwashing from this place has ruined everything.
Jace Anderson
Anthony Thompson
Made me realise I'm not alone...
Andrew Wood
I started hating Jews, ironic
Christopher Reyes
It's made me realize niggers always blame someone else for their failures.
Jose Jackson
a huge lack of sex and social achievements. At least I fit in with the rest of the Yas Forums crowd now.
Gavin Bailey
Before I came to pol, I was in the dark, yet I did not know it. Pol gave me pride, drive, reasons to be. Pol gave me reason, the ability to think, the ability to feel. The 2016 election gave me race conciousness, which is the opposite of what "they" were trying to do, but Pol molded those feelings into a coherent and informed worldview. From here, I have seen every possible arguement, every possible troll, every possible piece of information and disinformation, I have seen academics torn to shreds, I have seen carefully compiled and perfectly straid and respectiful research destroyed with a single written word or image. The media tried to kill me, and pol tried to build me up. Pol made me lose weight, I am muscular because of pol, I am honorable because people on pol had nothing better to do than to lay out the whole of human history in front of me in such a way that I had no choice but to admit that they were right, that he was right, and that he unironically did nothing wrong. Pol taught me to see for myself.
Juan Reed
I can live my life free of vices, give back to my community, contribute to the economy through my labor and I’ll always be considered by some to just be another nigger.
Jaxon Campbell
It made me realize how much work there is to do to save this world.
Isaac Howard
Definitely gave me a thiker skin and more awareness of the corruption in society then I would have ever cared to learn on my own.
Jackson Sullivan
White people will leave you alone if you leave them alone. We don't want to harm you, we just dont want anything to do with you, go off somewhere else and live your life, be happy, but stay the fuck away.
Landon Sanders
I have constant psychological pain
Ryan Hill
if you were actually black you'd know better than anyone that haters gon hate, Chang
Austin Long
That everything we've been conditioned to learn, from the past, present, and most likely future is a lie.
question everything.
Joshua Walker
What’s wrong with co existing?
Zachary Johnson
Yes, initially, but the content of one's character will always shine through. The individual communication between two people, face to face in real life with no outside factors is the only saving grace humanity has going for it. Words have no tonality & therefore much less context on the internet.
For me Yas Forums has made me think about the way the world works on such a constant basis that I have become bitter towards a world that is impossible to pin on one individual factor and is therefore a faceless enemy. An enemy that can never truly be defeated because if it is one would replace them immediately. Human nature is not comforting & warm like I once saw the glow of when I was young - it is dark, irresponsible, careless, and easy to trick, manipulate, confuse, & violate. When everything has meaning nothing has meaning.
William Wood
It starts with the meme flag
Jaxon Reed
What’s that?
Gavin James
Heightened levels of paranoia and distrust.
Oliver Rivera
this is all we want
Michael Brooks
If I didn't find Yas Forums I'd probably be a simp.
Zachary Rodriguez
co-existing doesnt work. it is forced by them to destabilize our people. why do you think races segregate themselves in prison? that isn't forced from the outside, that's nature. the natural order. we aren't the same, we are different. we can still respect one another, we just have to be realistic about race realism and recognise that our cultures and people are not compatible.
Austin Brown
if someone is calling you YELLOW, it means you aren’t actin BLACK.
Adam Jones
What inherently about my culture as a black man prevents me from co existing with my white friends who share similar interests and ideas?
Story of my life
Ayden Jones
When they say Yas Forums is always right, they mean YOU were always right, but Yas Forums said it out loud. Even in my liberal days (before 2016, like you) I had a nagging (nigging?) suspicion that the races were different, like dog breeds are different. I knew that even though race did not lead to guaranteed behavior, it absolutely set the limits for what you can do. Same with genders, same with cultures, etc. Then I lived in the inner city for three years and that about nailed it.
Yas Forums doesn't convert or recruit people, it lets them speak their mind.
Jason Cruz
Carter Bennett
I have learned that Merkel has a cracking set of tits.
Ethan Johnson
well put, the world is temporary however, always keep that in mind. you can still live a just life working toward some ideal or principles you hold, which hold you accountable. ideas which make you greater than you are. dreams. and dont forget about contentment and enjoying the simple complexity that can be found if sought
Andrew Moore
I was on Yas Forums and krautchan long before Yas Forums was conceived. It's nothing new, mainstream aside.
Henry Morris
Damn, that's a BBC.
Joshua Gray
You print like a fag, tho. That's even more legible than my sister's.
Nolan Evans
As someone new to Yas Forums, believe me when I say that the majority of Americans do NOT think the way this board does. MOST of America has came around to realize that yes, black people and white people are the same fucking being, with different cultural values. Nobody I've met in my 21 years has been overtly racist, this board is just a cesspool for the worst traits in the worst kind of people.
Daniel Rodriguez
that is a difficult question, and your circumstances are perhaps unique in a way. the united states is also comprised of an amalgamation or mix of various cultures. but this is where the problems arise, the disagreements or sense of inequality. it is complex and no solution will ever be found.
the commonalities you find with others are exactly that. commonalities, similarities of culture or taste. this doesn't take genetics or physiological differences into account. ignoring the facts is detrimental.
Asher Phillips
The part where you blame whitey for keeping you down, unlike a normal well-adjusted person who realizes that jealousy isn't exclusively a white trait and yes, black people can be at fault for their own circumstances, too.
Lincoln Kelly
That just baffles me even more. I can see the argument as to why different cultures can’t co exist; varying belief systems, different ideals etc.
Why is genetics and physiology a barrier for co existing? Even people who are from the same race have widely different genetics across the board.
Josiah Martinez
>Nobody I've met in my 21 years has been overtly racist
Power level hidden.