What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Show flag bhenchode pajeetoid.
if there is one thing white girls love more than anything else its a Pajeet. Everyone knows indians have a BBC. Big brown cock that is.
It is the dream of every non White to fuck and marry a White girl.
And pussy White men let it happen.
that pajeet just got jacked, he for sure is gonna dump his weird eye white girl for something better.
Can you post a pic of that big brown cock?
They kill and eat preteen girls and feed the leftovers to kafir.
Idk how white girls even decide to meet up with these "asians" and some middle eastern guys. Theyre even a step further down, in terms of looks, than niggers spics and chinks.
those two never had kids
Uh oh Yas Forums bros we got too cocky
>caring about what motivates a walking set of fuck holes
bitches are made for cock, just give them yours, they don't discriminate
He's not wrong. Although these paki gangs are often used to hide the paedo shit the elites do. Pakis are savages and aided via (((police))) cover ups, while the rich do all sorts. Both extremely fucked up groups. Police even admitted recently in not doing enough to stop the gangs.
K-pop is retarded its like asians got permanently stuck in the 90s with shit like backstreet boys and n'sync.
This user actually browses kpop subreddits
>pussy white men let it happen
How is this the responsibility of white men? Woman are the ones who select who gets in their pants, do you think that all white men should chimp out and wage war against India because some white woman chose to fuck a poo in the loo? Stop larping, this isn't anyone's fault or collective responsibility, it's a grown woman with a poo fetish
based and pakipilled
white women face the consequences of their decisions. what's the problem?
>One pajeet calling another pajeet a pajeet
They cannot really be "stopped" since the Pakis are behaving like invaders waging war on the natives not like ordinary brit criminals for whom the justice system was built. The Pakis often dont have or care about careers so they dont mind having a criminal record. Their commmunity will always hire them for takeaways or corner shops anyway. The pakis are also all covering for the rapists. The scale of the rape is industrial and systematic, and the "groomers" just go in and out of prison not giving a fuck and laughing at the victims, if they ever get sentenced ofc. Nothing short of removing "British Pakistanis" altogether will change things. Definitely not "policing" and "the justice system"
the elite used divorce, contraception, affirmative action, welfare, and schooling to turn White girls into hypergamous whores
instead of just fucking the elite, however, these whores look for what whores think of as alpha fux
that includes criminals and quasicriminals that the government police don't harass. getting away with antisocial behavior makes women think you're elite.
Picture is defamation by association .
he's a paki celebrity married to a white girl but has nothing else to do with article
He means that they don't have a support network of 43 cousins, brothers and uncles (sometimes all at the same time) that are ready to kill if the clans honor is besmirched.
> be of British blood
> [incoherent ranting about how many sideways vaginas you've coomed inside]
that too. That's why we need to brutally and publicly murder every single professor and judge.
Make Paki Bashing Great Again
White women are worthless trash whores untermenschen sluts dogfucking liberals dyke ass bitches with dozens of different types of STDs.
It's not a wonder that they get raped 24/7... They really ask for it.
>What did they mean by this
It's called factual statement
Haha exactly. Why the fuck should White guys care. They’re not with White woman who do this. It’s only turds who think in this subhuman way that if they go rape some random danish woman that they punch me in the face. It’s such an extremely low and disgusting evil minded and petty way of thinking.
It’s same with women talking shit about men. Acting like other women like your sister or girlfriend need to be on their team cause they are a woman. Haha. Talk shit about men and women But do it by your own little groups.
>Definitely not "policing" and "the justice system"
Well of course since they are covering up for them. Trust me, there is more to this than meets the eye. These pakis are just like animals doing crimes "petty" in comparison to what they do up at the top. Most people don't care either as they have been brainwashed into muh racism and let it go by. The whole system to corrupt to the core. How else are these "grooming" gangs allowed to run so freely? I don't trust the government one bit about this.
Nothing based about paki rapists. Everyone know they are a problem and why they do it. a) being a nasty fucking paki specimen b) being muslim, where this is in certain understandings condoned against muslims enemies, which is obviously what is going on.
They dont see British women or European woman in general as neutral people. Or even different ones. No they see them as christians.
Big Money from Oil Rich muslim countries would be my guess. Look how they are taking over London etc.
you should do some research on the art of rape, before making such a beginner post. I'll help you once. 'Meat' = the victim
Maybe. I was thinking more on the lines of certain (((families))) high up in the country. There have been a few scandals involving MPs dabbling in paedophilia. The whole situation just doesn't add up at all. 30 years ago there would be outrage from the police and the public, but most people just let it go by.
Imagine dealing with a lifetime of shit from a white roastie just to prevent her from marrying a non-white. Yeah, no thanks, gonna stick with women who still behave like women
Non muslims are for amusement, so it is inconsequential what you do to or with them
That's what they mean
Both islam and judaism is cool with pedo shit it’s literally where it comes from most of it. So it could be any both or a combo.
I agree. Paedophilia is rooted deeply in both of those cults. Blood libels to marrying 9 year olds. A bunch of savages. It's the norm to them.
Yeah exactly as if she deserves talking out of it dont waste your time. Like you are supposed to be some knight in shining armor swooping in to save her from her shitty decisions. It’s their decision, dont get mad at me for saying it’s a bad idea..
As much as you have dating propaganda it’s up to the individual to do what they want not necessarily what propaganda or whoever says.
It means their own women are difficult (because of community, family, culture), but white women are easy to fuck. Just get them high and they spread their whore legs.
Fucking another muslim girl may have dire consequences, but fucking wh*te w*men is cheap and consequence free.