"milkies" and "mommy" thing

Just noticed, then big chest woman picture appiers in the tread alot of people spam shit like "mommy" and stuff like that.

What does it mean? Does a lot of men became man-children? Or this is some sort of irony I am not fully aware of?

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It’s a joke because breast feeding

Because they’re hot milfs and every daddy needs a mommy

I'll give you a real answer even though you're memflagging.

It's due to some sort of depression, anxiety or extreme lonliness. Once you've experienced that for years, it absolutely cripples you. You just want to feel some sort of comfort. The only comfort your brain knows is that of a baby when it's breastfed, so it's trying to revert to that point.

i want that milk without initializing myself though (or calling the milk truck "mommy")

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I'd like to grab my mother by the hairs when she's back from work and absolutely rape her while she's wearing her office suit and heels. I'd rip her silk blouse and probably cum in her, then strangle her with her stockings. Holy fuck I can't get any harder

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Are you saying only depressed people aren’t gay or that they’re the only people who mommy post?

god damn i hate you meme flags so fucking much

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No, i'm saying that it causes mental illness which associates women you want to fuck with your mother.

WTF is that?

Memeflag is a newfag
>color me surprised


milk truck

No, absolutly no

I mean, who is she? i saw her in many threads

It is the most traditional thing ever. Our ancestors, no matter where you come from, worshiped a Mother goddess. Even in Christkikery, it is still maintained with mother Mary.

I don’t think they are referring to their own mother mate


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Absolutely yes, newfag

Love the pic with her strapped heels

Shapiro's Sister?

It's just memetic shitposting lad

how come when someone posts a butt its people posting imagine the smell

fug just noticed that i wrote this instead of infantilizing

It's some Freudean creepy stuff


what led you to this website newfriend?

>It's some Freudean creepy stuff
nothing freudian about tasty milk

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It's both a joke and a breast feeding fetish

IDK, there some good content here sometimes

imagine the milk

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yes but what website linked you to here?

Russian imageboard 2ch(dvach)

are you a cute grill?

The breastfeeding stuff is weird, but butt stuff really disgusting


Let me guess u r a girl with small milkers dont you

Means she will be a good mother for my children

how ugly of a grill are you then?

No, I am dude. Do you bealive you can find CUTE girl at Yas Forums?

She implied she has no bonkers...pbbly with small hips too :(

Do you belive any kind of girls lurks Yas Forums?

it means we wanna suck some big hot titties you faggot

>No, I am dude
you're lying
i bet this is you and it's the reason you made this thread

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What we want here are girls with big melonas and childbearing hips, you know...good to impregnate