This is what my university is teaching me

Can you refute this Yas Forums?

Attached: wheel.png (710x248, 18.06K)

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Yeah... it's either this or their sub-zero IQ

A man can pull a cart. No need for animals.
Abos are just lazy niggers.

lack of ability to do agriculture made the need to transport things useless, even by hand, thus they didnt invent the wheel because of their ability to evolve beyond hunter-petrol sniffer society

So how did people figure out how to push heavy objects on logs?

or maybe it's because they're dumb spearchuckers? doesn't that seem more likely?

Imagine being subhuman.

Attached: download (3).jpg (225x225, 4.92K)

don't need a large animal when they are the large animal

And they obviously did not invent a civilized society because they had no humans to live in it.

They could have domesticated the tribe next door.

Attached: back to werk.png (708x492, 474.41K)

Are there any plants to farm here?

>t. abo

africa is quite a distance

K what about Africans? They have zebras which are basically donkeys. Donkeys pull carts. Why is it Africans didn't invent the wheel or domesticated zebras?

Some other pilpul bullshit answer I'm sure.

Aside from the fact that human-powered carts were well established in the age of Mesopotamia, the inability to domesticate animals certainly tells a story in and of itself.
You could argue that some animals cannot be domesticated, yet there is no possible way of proving that beyond conjecture because animal domestication takes tens of thousands of years to reach fruition.
Africa is never too far away

Abos killed the megafauna in Marsupialland

Aboriginals look like big animals to me

Eskimo niggers use fuckin dogs to pull sleds.

but they drink antifreeze

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didnt the aztecs, mayans, or incas use hand drawn carts?

Wasn't yalls island forested and have mega fauna before the abos burnt it all down while hunting?

I was taught it was due to a lack of trading partners interested in high volumes of goods, if I remember correctly.

A circle is a basic shape, most cultures developed it first in terms of basic weaving or grain harvesting and it only became the wheel after that
Did abos have the ability to make baskets?
>Aus is lacking in large animals
Lol ok

i was taught it's because of subprime lending. their economy crashed and they just couldn't raise the capital for R&D

there was before the abbos burned the forests to chase out the rabbits

Mayans invented the wheel but then didn't use it on carts

> No large animals

Because they killed all of them and degenerated so much from their previous step on the civilization ladder that their domesticated dogs turned feral

If that is really what they teach at school, then they are creating a generation of racists.

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They didn't invent much of anything.

How did people in the West survive in areas where wildlife was not suited for pull carts ? My bad, they had already invented the wheel by then and could easily pull a cart themselves

This implies that wheels are only useful if you have a large animal. Hand carts were a thing in Europe.

If you want a real explanation that isn’t “aboriginals are dumb”, how about this: necessity is the mother of invention. Without need, there’s no invention. Europeans lived in rocky and mountainous terrain where the distance between the river (safe water) and the plains (safe food) might be several miles. The need for transport led to the invention of it. If you grow up in a country where all of your needs exist in one place, you don’t invent


I guess living on an island must have been an important part of it. They were cut off from many innovations of Eurasia. Like wheels and agriculture.

Imagine claiming snow nigger technology as yours.

I see refutations every day.

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Just make a boat then.

Mesoamericans and South Americans also didn't invent the wheel and had very few domesticable animals but still managed to create highly sophisticated civilisations comparable to Ancient Rome

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The average abo IQ is 40. They are nothing more than talking gorillas.