Should the EU become a United States of Europe?
Should the EU become a United States of Europe?
No, not at all
Yes. All of you should pay taxes to Brussels.
the USA would never have become a world power if the states were separate countries
>the USA would never have become a jewish slave state if the states were separate countries
>not even white
nem nem soha baratom
Different cultures, languages, mentality and of course etnicities, we don’t want to become euromutts
I have a decent life here, fuck I don’t want my country become ‘relevant an shiiiet’
even if it should, which it shouldn't, it couldn't.
technocrat faggots promoting visions of US of E need to be hanged from lampposts from Athens all the way up to Helsinki. By their neckties because that saves rope in the age of austerity.
Imagine USA with so many different languages. Do you think it could work? And if we all default to English it would be ironic.
Norway is not a member of the EU. However, we are in the EEA, and thus Norway is the country in Europe that implements the most shit the EU parliament comes up with.
k NIG.
if you want wars yes
Ah yes, more EU when so far it's been a failure.
Hungary should be nuked.
Angela Merkel Go to bed!
only if it looks like pic related
I would not be so sure that Merkel wants this. She probably just wants a strong Germany, but it's hard to achieve straight-on because of the WWII treaties. So they have to use the EU that is not bound by such limitations.
it already is
No, and we should kick them all out of Germany too.
Should Britain and Russia become a United States of Anti-Europe?
Yes, but only after we nuke them
hundreds tried it, noone succeeded
Took Australia 50 years to unite under one nation while you eurocunts still can't get your shit together.
That implies that westcucks will stop sucking kike-mutt cock and that is physically impossible.
No, it should fuck off
Such a strange map...
No Iceland - but Norway.
Switzerland, but not France (Corsica).
Italy - but not Sicily or Sardinia.
No Ireland no Crete.
lol wut?
if you support this then amerimutt moment
No, and no one here wants that.
R1a and R1b are literally the haplogroups of the Aryans.
Speaking of mutts how’s that 20% Asian subhuman Slav DNA, Vlad?