When will a man like Julius Caesar appear in the West again?

When will a man like Julius Caesar appear in the West again?

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You have a lot of tech to catch up with alone against the world's militaries if you want that

next big guy to brag about himself publically will be the Antichrist


Germany in the 1930s.

Anybody who tries to make good change is the Antichrist, equivalent to the altright's "he's mossad!"

They did 80 years ago. They lost. Doesn't make them wrong, they just lost.

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good change is a false premise

Caesar, Pompey and Crassus were the kikest kikes of the ancient world. Theres a reason why he got stabbed.

never. west is dead.

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More like Franco and Mannerheim.
Hitler and Mussolini destroyed their countries with socialism.

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Gib me Zimbabwe :-DDDDDDDDD

He is. His name is Donald Trump. He is the closest thing to a Caesar, Charlemagne, Napoleon that we’ll ever get.
>a man who against all odds, destroyed the current paradigm to lay the foundation for something new


Made for BBC


When you least expect it.

Mutt's law in execution.

OK just let the niggers in then you faggot.

in the next 20 years



When we think of Ancient Rome, we first think of Julius Caesar. When our descendants 1,000 years from now remember what used to be the United States; they’ll think of Donald Trump.


he already appeared and his name is trump, he is much as a egomaniac as caesar except none of the good qualities

I'm already here.

A new Augusts would be better than a new Julius Caesar. It's not a conqueror that is needed, it's a statesman with the ability to revitalize society and civilization into a new paradigm.

Augustus is already here and his name is Boris Johnson, he has as much charisma as Augustus except none of the other good qualities

Based and Christpilled

r0ll1ng for the bantz

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What the fuck is wrong with this kike website

Any ideas when a new Vespasian or Aurelian will arrive I reckon either of those characters would be useful in times such as these.