Pedogate 2020 - Mouthy Buddha

Ok guys, this is it. While Out of the Shadows doesn't seem to be getting too much traction, this very well could.

Mouthy Buddha created one of the BEST Pizzagate documentaries ever and it's only 20 minutes. What's interesting is that at 1:10 he states this video was originally just going to be debunking pizzagaters and Qanon. Yes, Q is bullshit, but he realized that with pizzagate - there COULD be something there, and that's a hell of a step to take when you start making your video on the point of debunking it.

While there are longer more indepth videos, this is the most succinct where even normies could change their tune.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"his mother was Jewish"

The new Out Of The Shadows documentary touches on the pedo ring and it is a big hit too so of course Jewgle blocked it from search results.

You idiots sniffing pedo's asses are likely worst than pedos themselves. You live in a fantasy world and enjoy scaring yourselves with this overrated gay shit

Bourdain died of autoerotic asphyxiation.
He even said publicly that if he ever chose to commit suicide, it would be by a heroin OD.
Instead he supposedly hanged himself in his five star hotel suite using a silk bath robe belt.
Guy was a degenerate and junkie who fried his dopamine receptors and needed something like AE asphyxiation to get off.

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7 million as we speak

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Take your meds

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Being old and having loose neck skin = auto-erotic asphyxiation... got it.

The "no smoking" link is pretty weak, I think it was likely pure chance stumbling into another pedo cache care of google and youtube. But seems like a decent vid.

Oh NOOO this is cringe info!!!
Zoomers dont care about these things
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills

Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.

Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..

They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don

They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair

So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards
>Thank God we have people looking out for us!!
I want to thank the anons who are warning us NOT to be cringe bro and believe Q user.

I'm sure you dont want me looking like a conspiracyTARD, I'm sure you want me to be a normal member of society,
Not some HOPIUM consuming boomer, god forbid.
I'm sure you dont want us to look crazy right!
I'm sure you're trying to prevent us from wearing tinfoil and in sure you help us KEEP THE GOALPOST from moving.
And God forbid we might ruin our OPTICS ohhh noooo.
Man thanks again for preventing my folly and following Q!
Thank you you have our backs! I'm sure it's not to prevent research and digging. I'm sure you dont want to stop discussion.
It cant be that you want to squash Q info cause it shows elderly.normies, grandma and aunts and uncles PIZZAGATE... ohhh nooo another CRINGE topic!!
I'm so sorry Shareblu-e I mean friendly BRO!! THANKS AGAIN for being so LOGICAL and reasonable... WOULDN'T WANNA BE HOPE FILLED BOOMER CRINGE TIER FOIL LARP!!! Ohhh noooo

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good video
ignore the bots

Just watched it and a bunch of Epstein docs. Big question is who to report to if this level of Compromise is happening? If Epstein is/ was an intelligence asset then he would've gotten away with plenty. How did he rise in the ranks at bear sterns?

I said take your meds.

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good series here is the last part

>michael jackson
Someone here is full blown schizo

As he says near the end, it's hard to tell the difference between something innocuous/coincidence, and something nefarious.

I really wasn't expecting this to get revived by mouthy vishnu of kekistan tb h

He was a mossad asset. You can't report this shit to anyone user. You have to tell as many ordinary people as you can and hope some justice will come of it.


That video was trash. He had me somewhat until he picked random writing on a wall, linked it to a sing-a-long video about not smoking, then linked it to a search term that for one of two websites brings up kiddie porn. Way too much of a stretch for me. Seemed all over the place honestly, and it seemed more like he was explaining a few questionable things rather than a connected ring of people and events.

You missed your dose this morning. You need to follow a regimen or else you will continue to make stupid fucking threads every day.

Link the previous threads senpai

Wow, it was just over 3mil when I first saw it.

Dunno, seems like some sort of controlled op to me. Mostly good info but leads into a lot of speculation that may in turn make the masses disregard the legitimate arguments made about who controls our media, etc. The presentation is good. I may just be being too critical

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The whole nazi thing was a distraction just like Alex Jones does, possibly to avoid getting suicided idk but the rest seems plausible.

To his point, that's not 'loose neck skin'

Ok pedo

Bump for jannies deleting the last thread

I feel like I'm on a list after watching it.

Stop pushing it, it’s weaksauce, at least since it claims to be aimed at Alefantis but sticks nothing to him. More homeless pedo stuff.

Meds, schizo, meds!

meh. the only thing i care about is who is calling out the covid bullshit and who is not. that puts nick fuentes and dickie spencer in the wrong camp. i prefer optics that result in mainstream acceptance over nazi LARPING that scares away everybody but at this point if you're shilling for Pandemic 2020 I've got no time for you.

Not distraction - plausible deniability. The video can't be accused of being a "far right wing conspiracy" if it paints Nazis in a bad light.

Right yeah that's what I was getting at.

I had higher expectations. The "no smoking" part is absolutely laughable.
The rest is common knowledge from pizzagate.


You're on Yas Forums, you were already being monitored.
The question is, are you a bad enough dude to help the president bring down the bloodline families and breeder lines (assigned a flesh and blood agent, and put into the TI program), or are you just being monitored like a pussy via AI and remote monitoring?
Either way, your thoughts are being catalogued and farmed.

P.s. it's called a threat matrix, not just a single list.

>trying this hard to make mouthy buddha relevant again
sorry, nobody is going to forget how he knelt down and sucked the sargoid dick

Anthony Bourdain has a point though, if everyone is so mixed up and intertwined you won't know who to hate and humanity would learn to get a long with each other a lot better.

This is a dumbfuck right here.
Arbitrary divisions are easy to create.

Like pretty much all jewish propaganda just replace "nazis" with "jews" and you'll get the real story

>jewtube allowing videos to stay up that are supposedly expose pedorings and media control.