Something is in the waters. What type of mental illness would make a Chad go tranny?

Something is in the waters. What type of mental illness would make a Chad go tranny?

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You've got to be fucking jesting.

It's partly this fucking website. Especially Yas Forums, that shit pollutes the mind

They put toothpaste in the womb

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Would still smash


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the same one that made him take the top pictures: narcissism

chad made a big mistake here
he though he could go from chad to stacy when in reality only a beta virgin with a shit frame and big hips can become a stacy

Say whatever you fucking want, I'd smash that pussy. Hard. Repeatedly. Zero compassion. For her bleeding ass.
>but muh she, muh she, hehe, hurr durr, you faggot, hurr durr
Seethe more, you fucking coping, faggots, lmao, tongue my fucking anus.

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jews imo

Because even Chads aren't good enough for women today. Turning yourself into a tranny is the path of least resistance when all you want is some genuine love in life.

>being a mentally ill freak is the way you get genuine love
okay retard
also tell that to those 42%


It's because all women being bad has made the men prison gay

this ultimately

>multiple, intense orgasms
>no more hair loss
>nicer legs and skin
>social privileges
>wider range of clothes
>feel good hormones

You tell me.

Trap fapper reporting in.

They should stop over sexualising themselves. Turning weakguys like me bi.

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looked like a twink already


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This! I used to be hardcore Islamist till I hangout at that Yas Forums and in no time I found myself purchasing knee thigh socks and dildos...

Probably took too much steroids

that's not even passable

damn son you're mega gay

Some dudes are born with thinner rectal walls between their prostates and after experimenting in the shower after dropping a deuce (literally) rubbed them the right way that brought them satisfaction that pussy could never hope to complete with, they're doomed to a life of enticing handsome men into using them as fucktoys.

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attention whores will do anything to get more attention. The pictures as a man reveal that he was already sick in the head.

A taste of high estrogen from steroid use, combined with innate homosexuality.

do you even have women in your country?

Also this, the legal and social privileges are insane. You're treated way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better in society.

Men absolutely destroys all suicide stats for a reason. Because it fucking sucks to be a man legally and socially.

its not that fucking complicated dude. not everyone wants to fuck the girl. some want to be the girl. it doesn't matter if you're hot enough to get girls if you don't want them in the first place moron.

If attention is the goal, it is most certainly better to be female.

this is very likely
messing with your endocrine system is a bad idea no matter if you're taking test or estrogen

because women just have to look pretty and theyll have everything handed to them

men have to work, compete, build, and be consistent or else theyll be replaced by tyrone the bull

you just wish could be pretty too

It's called being redpilled on women.

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>do you even have women in your country?
do you even have men in your country mate?
last time i checked they all cut their dicks off because n'gubu fucks their women better

I blame Hitler. If he never would have focused on race and genetics so fucking much, it would t be so taboo today. Women literally think good genetics are bad, and go for the awful in life. There's so many retarded babies it's unimaginable.


>last time i checked they all cut their dicks off because n'gubu fucks their women better
You're thinking of sweden. We have concentration camps for refugees here.

jewish brainwashing
you think it's a meme but one day your son will tell you he's a woman and you will finally understand why we hate jews

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no i'm thinking about all you scandinavians
daily reminder those islands with concentration camps all have designated ferries that take the migrants to town whenever they want

Not bad. Most people that transition look like Chris Chan

Being a huge fag from the start.
And don't buy the "hetero trany" fairy tale.

sure thing sand nigger, just gotta hope they dont fill up before you come knocking to migrate

Good to know
Gotta shoot the MP first

So want to hate-fuck a nigger-tranny, then cum deep inside it's ass prior to strangling them to death.