>Gives the kind stranger gold
I've done my part soldier. Have you?
Slippery slope and all that.
At least when the time comes, they won't have to ask why.
We should unironically start using LGBTP
Mentally ill is mentally ill.
>offender or not you will never be a part
Outside of their own optics, why not? Logically, what is it that seperates pedophilia from any other group? They don't necessarily have to fight for the same rights as pedophiles. They don't fight for the same rights among gay, trans, and asexuals. They fight for rights pertinent to whatever situation that sexually oriented group finds themselves.
Based Russians
>kids can consent to becoming transgender and having their penis removed but they cant consent to a relationship b-beause they j-just cant!
you can already see that when the trans question is settled (aka conservacucks lose and the lgbt movement get everything they want, like always) pedos will have an easy job with their cause, especially with the left's propaganda machine ultimately getting behind them. that said i think the next push will be for open relationships, polygamy with the flagship issue being the legalization of bigamy, not pedophilia.
>pedos aren't LGBT!!!
>But if they're gay I can fuck them!!!!!
Fucking faggits die of cancer
No cletus, trans kids existing don't give you pass to rape children. Sorry chief.
Faggots are afraid that if you rape kids instead of GROOMING them they might develop a healthy hate for faggots.
They just see pedos as an obstacle to indoctrination
It is like they won't let their Dad join their club when they were the one to get them interested in it in the first place.
This is just big cope, denial of reality before them. Like black people who deny violent crime statistics. It's there, it's real, it's a problem.
Audible chortle
Pedos WERE part of the LGBT movement from the very beginning, and very openly until they were silenced in the 70s-80s. Nice historical revisionism.
Spoiler alert.
Whether they accept pedos or not their ranks are absolutely filled to the brim with pedos. I would estimate 80%+.
refer to it like that
Pedos and LGBT = same thing.
>letting kids accept their gender
How does this even work? For a child, If you have pp, youre male. They don't understand this brainwashing *gender spectrum* at all. It took me a long time to understand some of the 100s of proposed "genders" and I realised that this nonsense movement actually is a disorder, probably an extreme case of Body Integrity Identity Disorder.
Can kids consent to having sex with kids and can I watch?
You can't stop it. Obviously you think that this is your thing.
You guys already do, and it always instantly exposes you as a massive piece of shit.
But no member of the LGTBQ community is welcoming to their group, the right on the other hand, has no problem electing them into office.
>never be part of Pride
>Pride literally started by pedos
but didnt pedos start lgbt?
Why not though? A Pedo is who likely turned them into a faggot in the first place
I fucking hate all of you and your screencap threads. Low effort, very sad
>no they don't , in fact we are going to report to authorities any suspicious posts
why are you like this ?
Love has no age bullshit.
they need to be hanged public.
if the start of WWIII was announced on Donald Trump's twitter you probably wouldn't even bother to look at it because it's from twitter
fuck you moron
Consent? You know, that thing that you dumb fuckers can't for the life of you understand? Children cannot reliably consent to sexual relationships with adults, the power imbalance is everything there. Sexual relationships between child and adults are inherently abusive and exploitative.
There's literally nothing in common between that and consenting adults loving other consenting adults.
I wish we could just forcefully drill the concept of consent into your dense fucking heads.
And before you point out how ironic the above sentence is, congrats, you're this fucking close to getting it. Or you would be, if you were capable of thinking beyond cheap dunks.
>if they can consent to gender they can consent to sex
relly big think
Neither are T
Is this who is really adopting all the nigger and asian children from around the world?
I'm a fag and they said the same thing about transgendered people at an early point really before they started to letterize their movement. There was the lesbian and gay movement then the LGB movement then sudden;y a T appeared and now it's just alphabet soup movement. I want a manly man or a cutie trap and the others can fuck off. Faggot kiddy diddlers can be buirned at the stake and trannies just need to just admit they are flaming faggots and stop demanding we pay to have the sterilized and have plastic surgery to make them feel better.
Most pedophiles are white, should we put all adult white males on a watchlist? I believe yes.
also so much for mah inclusivity
They dont have to fight for them to fuck kids you retard. But they should acknowledge maps as a fellow oppressed sexual orientation and so more to get them help and humanize them in the eyes of the public. This is a group of people who widened their scope enough to include trans and asexuals. They can include something as simple as another sexual orientation.
We see twatter post on here every second of everyday.
got the per-capita stats? (for western countries not israel)
In a sane society all these people would be put on a list and killed
So why are all of you faggots pushing for tranny kindergartners? Does little Timmy consent to having his nuts cut off?
No, they can't. Gender identity is a matter of things as trivial as name, pronouns, clothes, and then hormone blockers at most.
Sexual relationships are a different territory entirely, one that is far more violating and exploitative.
There's no equivalence, you're just desperate to MAKE that equivalence to excuse your irrational hatred of LGBTQ people.
age is different from gender
>oh yeah well you wouldn't do *random thing*
My point, low effort, very sad, go back
and yet you believe children can consent to having their dicks chopped off, curious..
>I'm a fag
Off to gulag.
>i think the next push will be for open relationships, polygamy with the flagship issue being the legalization of bigamy
We've seen enough (((content))) that this is the case
> pedophilia
normalization of pedophilia has been an undercurrent position since stonewall
Nah, fuck off. Pedophilia will never be normalized, no much how much you fuckers want it to be.
sucking another mans dick is good but fucking children isnt?
Mental gymnastics
Blanket denial
Feigned ignorance
Sponsored content
Virtue signaling
Consensus farming
Clickbot target
Convenient falsehoods
Yup, it's reddit.
Pedophilia is on the rise due to porn and changing sexual attitudes. At some point the elephant in the room will have to be addressed. For good or bad.
Nobody is saying to normalize pedophilia, but to accept pedophiles as part of the LGBT community. Logically there is no good reason for them not to be if they're inactive.
screencrap threads are only bad if they're from literal who's or hollywood celebrities voicing their opinion on useless shit
if it encourages a discussion about politics it's fine with me
This was inevitable
The LGBT community ARE pedos. What's the difference between groping a child's crotch and chopping it off and mutilating it to look like the wrong gender?
The second the trannies tried converting children their true intentions were laid bare for everyone to see.
>NAMBLA proudly marched in pride for years until straight people forced gays to kick them out.
>most homosexual men have their first sexual experience as pre-pubescent boys with much older teen or men
Fucking lying pedos.
Trans kids do not undergo genital surgery, you lying fucks. Never did.
And quit deadnaming trans kids, for fuck's sake. And quit lying that they do not genuinely identify as the "opposite" gender, where they very much fucking do.
You can't stop kids from being trans, you can only make them repressed, unhappy, and suicidal.
Let's be real, you don't give a shit about the well-being of children, you just want to forcefully wham them inro your idea of "normal".
I've been using that for a while and actually got a mutual friend to use it once.
I'm so tired of these lying faggots.