I am new here. Can someone explain this Jew thing?

I am not "in" on what you guys are talking about but you seem to reference Jews all the time.
Question is, why?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Go back to r3ddit

Its basically just cherry picked political activists that just happen to be left wing and also Jewish. Ignoring the other 90% of left wing white liberal activists.
It is a nonsensical "cabal" conspiracy, pay it no mind

>wasted trips HARD
Go look up why Jews have been kicked out of different countries over 109 times then come back,
Also don't post before lurking atleast 6 months sage

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Just lurk more. It'll come to you naturally.

Pay attention to the overrepresentation of Jews in the media, the rich, the educated, political environment and finance environment in the west.

I got banned from r/conservative so now I have no where else to go. Fuck reddit.
Oh well I dont like big government socialist loving liberals either. But I judge people based on their individual character and not by groups.

Go back

What is reddit? I have never heard of it.

Whenever the subject of Jews is brought up, there's always some compulsive Christfag ( with the Jew Obsession Disorder ) that it was started by. The Christian is mesmerized by his zealous awe of the Jews and their god. The Christian will attribute superior intelligence, telepathic power, and the gift of prophesy to the Jews . They have the need to bow to them at every occasion. They have the need to discuss them on every occasion.

Liberals hate the rich / billionaires / 1%. But 40% of billionaires are Jewish (despite being 2% of the population). But when you say liberals hate Jews, they say you’re lying and wrong and anti-Semitic. Why is it okay to hate some billionaires but it’s not okay to hate others?


But what about all of our allies like Shapiro, Prager, and Orthodox Jews etc? They seem identical to the average american conservative so whats the big deal.

Read the international jew by henry Ford. It was written before ww2, it isn’t Nazi propaganda. Seriously, read it

You don’t belong here

jews want to destroy white world by importing shitskins and promoting them, while you can't have interracial marriage in israel. jewish corruption and nepotism is something hidden in plain sight, richest 1% in USA has 43% jewish representation(due fucking nepotism and backstabbing white nations).
also you are called antisemitic by just telling truth about jewish scum, while the jews kill most of the semites in the middle east.
How about my People slavery? Jews imported us like cattle and they blamed it on white p*ople(fuck belgians btw).


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also full house based digits

When did Jews enslave black people first of all..
And arent Israeli Jews mostly the Arab kind? Maybe theyre more conservative because most of them never grew up in Europe or America.

Orthodox Jews are leftist. They see conservatives as nazis. Shapiro literally peddles insurance, gadgets and gold on his show while calling Trump dumb.

There's a mandatory 2-year lurking period before posting, newfaggot
Meanwhile look up ryan dawson

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We like Jews.
We like them so much that we can't but see their work of magnificence everywhere.

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Tell me that's not cgi!

Yas Forums used to hate jews. Then t_d showed up and now Yas Forums became the jews. This place is a shithole.

Sure. They suck. I mean their women. Great sloppy blowjobs. Good fuck pigs.

Lurk for at least 1 year before posting.

Lurk more. You will eventually get it. But if you really need to know, just start a "recommended reading" and strap in. There is no going back.

Go on bitchute and search:
1. Europe last battle
2. Exit the jewtrix
3. A war from another galaxy (if you're into extreme).

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literally lurk for 2 years

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anything remotely controversial on reddit, thread locked, you cannot comment.


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speaking of Ford's book, here's a link

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Are you white?

Have some redpills

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Pillz here

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Jewish blood sacrifice

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6000000 is jewish sayanic prophecy

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Church has always fought the jew

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glownigger alert

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Dunno. I heard that Jews were kicked out of 109 countries though.
Wonder why that is? Probably just antisemitism.


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