Circumcision doesn’t really reduce STD rates. The difference is either insignificant or more so for the circumcised, especially for the very promiscuous. Circumcised men engage in more unusual sexual practices.
Circumcision advocates hate him! Find out how he shuts down all arguments in favor of circumcision with this one simple trick!
how is this guy so physically repulsive? does appearance really reflect the soul?
Isaac Harris
I dont know why Yas Forums has a hardon for blaming the prevalence of neonatal circumcision on Jews. Its very obvious when you research the subject that Anglo urologists are the ones who push for circumcision the most. Jewish advocacy groups only seem to push against outright bans on circumcision, but it's (mostly Anglo) medical board members in pediatric committees that do everything they can to keep circumcision going in American hospitals
Really I think the biggest issue is that these medical committees are scared that if they ever relent and admit that circumcision is damaging, that they will be overwhelmed in lawsuits. As per usual, committees which scapegoat at every turn are responsible for untold amounts of human suffering
Logan Jenkins
yes some kikes are so corrupted their physical appearance is affected
Anthony Fisher
I’ve done my research. Circumcision done at birth results in virtually no less stimulation than non circumcision. The big difference is when circumcision happens later in life when new nerves are no longer created.
Nolan King
give it a watch anyone who hasn't seen it yet should btw but this faggot isn't even jewish (to my knowledge) >I’ve done my research you clearly haven't
Eli Gray
Morris is obviously anglo, stop being retarded
Christopher Hall
anybody that supports circumcision is a kike
David Diaz
It should also state "you filthy hobo" at the end of the title.
I see your point but he doesn't look jewish yet he looks disgusting this fucker is even worse, he's dedicated his life to getting as many babies cut as possible he's also friends with convicted pedos iirc but I haven't been posting about this in a while tbqh yeah he's probably seething over this shit, I definitely would be as well
Connor Jackson
I really have to wonder what goes through clinicians and physicians minds as they tie down baby boys and start carving into their newborn genitals with knives. What exactly do they believe they're doing?
Gavin Nguyen
>this fucker is even worse, he's dedicated his life to getting as many babies cut as possible >he's also friends with convicted pedos iirc but I haven't been posting about this in a while tbqh Sounds more like this...
this is very puzzling to me as well my best guess is they can feel they're doing something atrocious but they've been trained to "intellectualize" it away idk what this is
Daniel Ortiz
I don't think they care, and by the way. >Bris Milah: The holy practice of metzitzah b’peh should be continued. The mohel should rinse his mouth with Listerine, as this destroys the virus. The Herpes virus is more dangerous to infants than the Corona virus, andBoruch Hashem no child has ever been infected with Herpes due to metzizah b’peh. Therefore, there is no reason for a mohel to discontinue this practice at this time, provided of course that he is not ill and takes the necessary precautions. If the child’s parents (are not religious and) refuse to allow metzitzah b’peh, the mohel should perform metzitzah with a tube instead, and he should not make an issue about metzitzah b’peh at this time. Source: