What's going on with the tower attacks? Is there any scientific basis for a link between 5G and coronavirus?
What's going on with the tower attacks? Is there any scientific basis for a link between 5G and coronavirus?
there's a definite link between tinfoil hat morons and violence against cell phone towers.
Anti-cellphone tower propaganda is spread by the corporations behind those towers themselves. It angers the low IQ populace, and the mediocre IQ masses (who need to at all times show how superior they are to the low IQ populace) go "ugh these IDIOTS thinking the towers are bad..."
This is psyop 101, wake the fuck up.
>so then the towers are bad for your health?
Doubt. Methinks they're bad for other reasons, like complete 3D mapping of everything around them including inside houses.
It's the luddites pretending new technology equals literally satan
Ironically, when first radio towers were getting installed in Poland luddites from that era screamed and shouted about radio waves killing crops on farms by cooling the air
This is literally the same thing playing out again
Don't they want super fast porn downloads?
based luddites.
Go get 'em boys.
Don’t be a fucking nigger and post this stupid shit. I’ve only really seen niggers post this misinformed retarded shit. Don’t be a fucking shit skin.
Check out david icke's interview at londonreal about covid19
>and the mediocre IQ masses (who need to at all times show how superior they are to the low IQ populace)
these are the people who really need to be rounded up and permanently sealed off in a cave to sort things out amongst themselves
Those are not "attacks". The towers are literally setting themselves on fire. Put a piece of aluminum foil in a microwave and see what happens. They coated the steel with the same anechoic coating used on submarines to protect the metal from the 5g RF radiation but over time it's breaking down.
That radiation is so powerful it can cause genetic damage to humans. Imagine how little damage it would take to alter the genetic structure of a virus. And it was done completely by accident. You'll soon begin seeing bacteria and then multicellular organisms including mammals begin to mutate.
How come people using 60GHz wireless solutions for years haven't mutated already?
Where and how has 60ghz been used?
It would depend of the amplitude, proximity to the RF source, and wavelength. Shorter wavelengths have higher likelihood of dna damage.
Corona is kether in kabbalah you stupid goyim.
>Everyone is being policed to stay inside
>Somehow, people are sneaking out without anyone seeing them and burning one gorillion meter tall steel towers
These fuckers must have the stealth of the loch ness monster, the agility of bigfoot and godzilla’s atomic breath.
You know what they say about the right.
They're right.
No link. 5G isn’t even out yet.
5g conspiracy theorists are retards and they've been attacking communication towers that don't even have 5g equipment at all
there aren't as many police patrols as you might think, I've seen a few cars but they are more keen on dispersing areas that might get too popular such as parks and beaches, over a handful of randos going out in the cover of the night
Unfortunately, these towers are all vulnerable to arson because of the easily melted wire sheathings. It would take months and thousands of dollars for each one damaged.
Just wondering.. how come people think 5g high frequency is able to 3d map inside buildings? The high frequency waves can't penetrate through walls or even glass.
It’s not hard, go outside past curfew everyone else is inside so of course no one can see you
Yes there is. 80% relevant in vivo studies by the end of 2019 shoved negative effects of electromagnetic radiation
Not for coronavirus link but that it has negative effects. Coronavirus link is based on symptoms and some effects, but no scientific research on that.
Nice one
Hey, Im just saying.. cancer, obesity, autism, and sudden infant death syndrome all showed up in mass at the same time radio towers started going up, and the more transmitters there are the more these cases have increased in quantity
They say that the 5g breaks down cells and thats what causes covid symptoms.
What if 4g and bellow did the same thing and the people who were going to die from it died in infancy and their deaths labeled "sudden infant death syndrome".
people claim that smart meters cause brain fog and they operate at 900mhz, well within the range of previous cell service frequencies which range from about 800mhz to around 2,000mhz and the original radio transmissions in the Ultra high frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz
fuck 5g, any excuse will do
haha, your contempt for working men and their concerns is somehow not yikes and cringepilled
>cancer, obesity, autism, and sudden infant death syndrome all showed up in mass at the same time radio towers started going up
All much more likely to be related to the increase in poisoned Chink products.
Midwits don't do anything worth a damn. They're white shitlibs that got useless degrees and post on reddit.
pangolins are endangered because the chinese regard them as a delicacy/traditional medicine
why is it always delicacy this, aphrodisiac that? why can't they have a normal hunting culture like we have in the west? we hunt big game like deer, and common small game. we don't go out of our way to kill rare things and grind them up into medicine.
they're so weird. nothing about their culutre makes any goddamned sense.
This. It's most likely nothing particularly wrong with them, but now you cannot crticize them anywhere anymore or you get pushed in the tinfoil corner. Same happened with taking or talking about ANY kind of precautions in the 2-3 weeks before the corona lockdown.
>user, you're fear mongering. You aren't a tinfoiler, aren't you?