We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity

As we look at events surrounding the "COVID-19 pandemic," various questions remain unanswered. On Oct. 18th of 2019, only weeks prior to ground zero being declared in Wuhan, China, two major events took place. One is "Event 201," the other is the "Military World Games," held in none other than Wuhan. Since then a worldwide push for vaccines & biometric tracking has been initiated.

At the forefront of this is Bill Gates, who has publicly stated his interest in "reducing population growth" by 10-15%, by means of vaccination. Gates, UNICEF & WHO have already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.

Congress & all other governing bodies are derelict in duty until a thorough and public inquiry is complete.


Attached: BillGatesKillerVaccine.jpg (206x300, 16.67K)

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out of all Africans they chose the most peaceful ones

There is a GEELLLPPP superthread with most all information right here.


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And I thank you for the BUMP

>sterilizing kenyan children
> who here would be against that??!!

It already has 138,000 signatures but I think that point should really come across.

Based. Fashtag it and let it trend

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I'm glad that place still exists.



You retards need to shut your fucking mouths.

Yeah fuck bill gates hes shifty as shit, piping up uninvited with this corona virus like its the opportunity hes been waiting for, what's he involved with? Been scheming some shit with the WHO no doubt, threw a hissy fit at the prospect of his precious little WHO getting defuneded, what's his story?

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Thank you Fren. This has been done,


Attached: Don't let Bill Gates WIN.jpg (600x438, 27K)

already has enough signatures to get a response.

but... no response from government for pelosi impeachment for treason yet,

Investigate the Masonfrees!

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Just doing my part Fren. The more signatures the more normies will see it.

Seriously isn't there hundreds of people here. Are we retarded? We can literally make dozens of macros each on twitter and attack this motherfucker non stop on social media and demand proof. This is the time to put on some pressure and make our forefathers proud. When our children ask us what we did for the world, what will be your answer?

they're also the most based Africans

Great idea. Let's do just that.

Based. Let's go get 'em!

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Me too fren

Bump. Make it happen anons.

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Typical Yas Forums. It's fine to be racist when you're just an edgy shitposter. All the while people you hate like Margaret Sanger and Bill Gates are out there doing it for real.

These should be your heroes shitlords. White racists should get chipped enthusiastically.

It was the testing ground you idiot.

Hey Mr. Opinion. Don't get me wrong. I have a certification hanging on my wall with Bill's signature. But trying to chip a population isn't going to cut it. Shit just got serious.

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Bill Gates has been useful in the pandemic, unlike the orange kike loving clown you elected.

>Bill Gates has been useful in the pandemic, unlike the orange kike loving clown you elected.

Your Mom will bring your poptarts down to the basement in a few minutes Junior.

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sure, bump

as much as I don't like him, the HGC, or whatever it was in those vaccaciness, could have been added to increase it's efficacy.
HGC is not cheap, afaik. Bodybuilders use it, ironically to jump start back their testies

I wonder who could be (pic related)

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You folks are making a big difference. Keep it going.

>145,076 SIGNED