At least they are not musl

>at least they are not musl..
How will Americans cope with this one?

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Latinos were trouble
Now they're double trouble

Sucks, but they’re still sexy like all Latinas and at least they aren’t shitskins. Race > religion.

this is bullshits lies. Latinos would never do this never ever. Latinos hate Islam

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>not shitskins

Fuck off spic

honestly as someone who comes from a muslim family i'm actually surprised there's people who defend this religion

the fuck is wrong with you all? kek

>They'll all be gone in 20 years anyways.

sure pablo, or should i say mohammad :DDD

latinas love thugs and bad boys.

regular gangsters aren't enough anymore. they need terrorists.

Who do you think works in all the Halal Butchers and Slaughter Houses?
not rocket surgery

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inshallah all usa will convert

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Oh look, the moon worshiping savages are going back to be moon worshiping savages.
We warned the Spaniards, but they wouldn't listen.

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>june 30 2018

Cartels sold the weapons used in the Bataclan Massacre to them. They're closer than you think.

It's funny because Islam goes against the very essence of Latino culture. Loud, hyper-sexualized, and alcoholic. The converts are outliers. Islam will never catch on.

Thanks, now that they're brown AND not Christian its even easier for people to despise them.

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Wow youtube comments on Muslim vids means all of LatAm are converting en masse! Braindead roach.


so glad im an atheist, just being an atheist means you're smarter than like 90% of the world.

I used to hate Islam, but all of my best friends are Muslims so now I just don't give a fuck. They're OK.

You have to cope harder, john. It's just the beginning.

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Converting to Islam, then telegraphing it on social media is the spiritual version of coming out and telling the whole world your gay.

> German Muslim of Italian origin

Nigger what...

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lmao no fucking way this is going to actually happen. just no. unless I've heavily misunderstood everything I've ever known about mexicans

do you let them fuck your sister too?

Pisslam; Shitslam.
Religion of lies tailored for retards.