Why have white males become so weak and what can be done to fix them?
Is it bad parenting? Urban life? Easy access to porn, junk food, drugs?
Why have white males become so weak and what can be done to fix them?
Is it bad parenting? Urban life? Easy access to porn, junk food, drugs?
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Sitting all day and fapping is fine as long as you regularly do barbell exercises and eat a good diet.
You don't get fat by playing videogames. You get fat by eating.
that looks more like a jew you colorblind retard
>sitting all day and fapping is fine
Ok coomer
this, the problem isn't that they play vidya, the problem is that they do nothing else whatsoever
Which casino must I frequent to avoid this fate?
the core belief system in the west is that the most important things are personal freedom and material wealth, and both of them should be used to maximize hedonistic pleasure (what they call happiness). this is the logical and obvious outcome
Capitalism. you stupid ancap boomer.
uh ohhhh look who's allied with the west. also there was no cold war. capitalists and communist nations always unite with foreign aid and trading to keep one another funtioning.
Keep reading
Eat meat and animal products while having an exercise physio
Your cougar mom sucked off like a vaccum all the proteins of every white teenage male
At least we'll help spread good health advice through these slide threads.
At least do a few deadlifts and weighted squats.
Bonus points for pull ups.
You lazy faggots.
They closed the gyms
Manual labor, corporal punishment
>Doesn't have at least a barbell with weights and a pull up bar at home
Never going to make it, fren.
Show flag memeflaggot, in your shithole there may be no real men left, but badmouthing white males is a stretch
holy shit what if destiny was Q
>You don't get fat by playing videogames. You get fat by eating.
Not necessarily. Some people are just naturally a little larger.
A sedentary lifestyle does not help in either case.
Huge cope. Stop eating fatass.
What makes you think the white males (and females) today are the same ones as those in the past? See, it's all about who procreates and who doesn't. If you set up a system that ensures only the most retarded and ugly whites are the ones to have children, you'd end up with a generation of retarded and dygenic looking white males.
Not a darn thing. Mommy tells them they're weak. ..They're weak.
Men without social skills or contacts are totally unemployable. Because it is impossible for them to find a place in this world, because no one will ever feel compassion for them or give them a helping hand, they become unmotivated about life.
Really? Naturally larger? So, it would be impossible for them to starve to death?
Needs Glasses for weak eyesight from lack of nutrition, neck beard, more Gynecomastia, maybe wrist braces for carpel tunnel and fapping, a Hillary or I'm with her shirt, sweat pants instead of Jeans, and Nike Pool Shoes with socks...
I disagree, not all white people. Only the westeners became a pampered chickens, due to the comfort, safety and wealth.
Eastern Europeans, Slavic and some countryside white people have the strenght.
>they become unmotivated about life.
I'll translate that into goyspeak
>they become unmotivated to be treated like trash at work, kiss asses, do long hours, do retarded mind-numbing shit just so they can do mindless hedonistic shit in their leisure time and fuck drunk sluts or something.
Isn't this from that "study" by a casino showing what gamers would become in the future?