Really makes you think...
Why is it that the only people who argue against Christianity on this board use memeflags?
Fucking idiot!
Religion is for retarded fearful insects
>my flag
Christians are second hand-kikes, if you're so insisting on following a form of Judaism, just follow true Judaism instead of some weak sequel to it. You're not as bad as a Muslim but you're halfway there already.
Nice try, communist
Christfags have this annoying and conceited fantasy that their retarded religion evokes jealousy in the Jew boogey, so much that the Jew must use "memeflags" to disguise his rage
I'm not a communist either! go tell skydaddy
Judaism formed after Christianity. Nice try.
>true judaism
modern jews are descendents of canaanites, true jews converted to christianity
I see just as many Christians memeflagfaging as any other opinions on this board to be honest
Judaism is a perversion of Christianity, not the other way round.
Cause it baits chucklefucks like (You)
>thinking that his depraved dellusions make him better beeing
religious people need not apply
No meme flag has any credibility, it’s as simple as that. All memeflags are shills.
If you’re a real user, show flag. All meme flags are shills, wouldn’t want to be mistaken for a shill would you?
God was invented after Jesus. Nice try.
listen to the gospel message and get saved
once you are saved spread the gospel to others
Imagine worshipping jews. What an absolute cringe. Cucktians are the worst.
it's literally just free mason shills.
or in this case people who have a very concerning lack of historical and religious knowledge.
I'm not even christian lol
Yet atheists keep killing themselves and not having children.
It's almost like atheism is a mental illness, or at least associated with them.
dat ass(face) tho
user you are projecting
Nice sources you have there, lemme guess it wouldn't make sense to share them anyway because (((they))) would have altered them, as (((they))) decide what's too see for pieces of lazy cattle like you. Or maybe you're just too lazy and retarded to notice every fucking piece of information has been free for at least 15 years now.
>Don't compare to original Judaism
Then christianity is as old as the Mormons are, this is a perfectly logical argument according to you retards as you've used it already. Also it's supporting my original argument that you're an eternal second-hand kike. Don't be sad, you could have been a Muslim which would have made you a third-hand kike, which is even too cheap for my taste.
Theory: "religion is a construct of men's fears and a medium upon which traditionalist oppressive forces can coi'cide, and bla bla bla .."
Tangible reality: "in the void left by Christianity, consumerism and islam have flourished. Not illuminated eco paganism"
You: "woke cuck"
Churches are completely left-wing.
There's some old law in Germany, which grants churches the right to give asylum to refugees.
So all those refugees aren't just getting imported by the state, but also the churches.
The only actually right-wing areas in Germany were historically always at odds with any churches and are nowadays right-wing.
Also, refute first testament you retards. It's the only proof needed to call a christkike, a second-hand kike. Cristfags always ignore this but it's literally your FIRST book, the book of the cross comes after doesn't it?
Or old testament as you second-hand kikes call it.
The Talmud, which is the basis of the Jewish faith, was written in the years 200-300 AD in Babylon.
Christianity came into existence with Christ's death and the writing of the new testament in the years 70-150AD.
dis le en francais parce que là j'ai rien compris...
That’s not true. Christianity is a slave religion for slaves created by Romans and Jews for their subjects to be obedient slaves
Has nothing to do with the old testament, try torah you utter fucking retard. You're a fucking brainlet for trying to smuggle your easily disproved bullshit into this discussion.
The old testament is not the basis for the Jewish faith.
That is why it is a perversion.
The Judeans wrote the old testament, Christ came to fulfill it and Christians added to it in the form of the new testament.
The 'Jews' rejected Christ and wrote their own set of laws and ways of worship later on.
This is the talmud which is the basis for the jewish faith.
That is why it is a perversion of Christianity.
>according to second-hand kike this is what really happened.
>The Judeans wrote the old testament
>Christ came to fulfill it
>Christians added to it
You're saying the judean's weren't jews, but jesus himself proclaimed to be jew, are you lying or stupid?
Also the latter quotes are literally you saying Christians added to Judaism, but somehow you manage to still deny it. I mean, it's not like I expected you to be logically consistent and I can appreciate your inconsistency because practised this way it'll become the downfall of the practitioner, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn mate, those mental gymnastics. Do you really have to lie this hard to yourself too?