please link other good documentaries on pizzagate mkultra adrenochrome id2020...etc. I would love to know more.
This video takes too long to get to the good stuff. Normie faggots will just see the nazi occultist shit and get bored halfway through.
yea my friend called it propaganda. many people are calling this the tip of the iceberg, i would love to know more about this can you link some videos or documentaries?
Alex jones made a couple good documentaries. They are free on YouTube and between 1 to 2 hours. Hold on I'll try to find the one I really liked by him. Also the real documentary on WAKO is good. That shows how to government doesnt give two shits about any of us and will kill us all if they feel like it. They set women and children on fire because they supposedly had grenades shipped to his ranch and the mail man saw it. Yeah right. Also dont forget some 9/11 docs. And last but not least if you can find it watch "the greatest story never told" it's about nazi Germany and it exposes all of the lies from the jews
me wanting more information = me being fed, ok bro.
wow thats great, i don't know where to find the 9/11 docus tho. it would mean a lot to me if you could link some of them
It's a nice lubrication for the red suppository our society desperately needs.
>Alex jones made a couple good documentaries.
fuck off retard.
Watch fall cabal. Very detailed
thank you! i will check it out.
I'm sorry I don't know how to imbed a link, but here'a a new one called "PEDOGATE 2020 | In-Depth Exploration (NEW INFO)" from Mouthy Budhha's channed:
YouTube has hidden most of them. I guess they removed all of alex Jones. He had a old one about the bilderburg meeting everyone say wernt happening that were huge. He exposed that all of the world leaders were getting together out in the woods sacrificing fake babies to giant owls and shit. Theres also a really good sandy hook documentary dont by a old sherriff (i think) that video is powerful. I cant remember his name though. You wont find that on YouTube either sadly. Just keep bumping the thread. I'm sure some user will jump in and share some. I really want someone to share the sandy hook one.
Oh, it worked, cool.
Look for the vids that say part 1, 2, 3 etc those are the ones in english. Part 5 was removed from jewtube if that tells you anything. you can find part 5 on bitchute I believe. Just look around the comments in part4 you'll probably find a link
ok so i found this on my own
great video, but i would love to see more.
Stop spamming this retard's videos already you schizo.
oh i just finished it lmao, but thanks a lot.
This is the ULTIMATE redpill
That's Chinese propaganda bro
>yea my friend called it propaganda.
Chinese propaganda!
You've been brainwashed by Chinks.
Now you have to take your meds schizo
It's just art bro. Stop falling for Chinese propaganda
Are you the author of these videos?
This guy has a lot of good stuff on his site with links to videos, etc.
No. Pic related is.
Any non qtards or boomers here? Is this worth the watch or just more of the same shit we already know? (Mk ultra, satanism in media, pedos run everything, weird lack of talk about anyone that's jewish)
nah dude, normies watch whatever is presented in a netflix-style documentary format, also to teach people they need to stop idolising people on movies they basically need someone who works on/in movies to tell them that, and this is as close as it's gonna get really
>some pleb tells them something vs
>someone who is "iN tHe KnOw"
I fucking knew she was hot just by listening to her lol
thanks i'll try to find them. i really hope someone links them.
That one single Romanian Jew on Yas Forums detected
>more of the same shit we already know
You and I know but normalfags don't, that's the whole point of this video
I suppose it's got a pretty netflix-y production. Fine take a bump