Hey pol! I was wondering if the Dinaric race could be seen as aryan?

Hey pol! I was wondering if the Dinaric race could be seen as aryan?

Attached: dinaric_race___anthropology_map_by_schrodinger_excidium-d8g4k1o.png (874x669, 188.5K)

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Considering the aryans are an imaginary concept, the word has its roots in India and could include all indoeuropeans... If you wish them to be aryan, they can be aryan.

aryans are brown people from south asia.

some cocaine-addicted lunatic in the early 20th century proposed the idea nordic/germanic euros are related. i don't know why so many still care about those weird as fuck early anthropology theories.

I’m a true Aryan and my uncle has a pseudo-Dinarid phenotype. So yes.

>aryans are an imaginary concept
They're not.

anyone got one of those for Med/Nordics?

Attached: 1549481265061.jpg (1080x1200, 202.46K)

Attached: 1562092724192.jpg (640x954, 44.45K)

Aryan can mean any European.
I believe in hitlers twisted ideology, Dinaric was one of the Races he considered Aryan. Even though he extensively exterminated the region from the Aryan people.

Yes it’s a subset of the Caucasian aryan race

>some cocaine-addicted lunatic in the early 20th century proposed the idea nordic/germanic euros are related
The "Nordics out of Asia" and even "Historical Odin" theories are already explained in Gibbon's Decline And Fall. Fucking retard

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