Why have you not taken the institution pill yet?

why have you not taken the institution pill yet?

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Because only Nordics can into healthy institutions

If you wait 2 or more months to see a doctor, your healthcare system is garbage.

That was overall a great read, but they seem to be completely oblivious to the fact the you need to have a certain percantege of high IQ people to run all the necessary institutions. You can push as dumbasses through schooling, dress them in suits and give important sounding titles but it'll be nothing more than cargo culting.

This. Biological theory is still the most potent. And if/when biology becomes antiquated, the machines will also have a rating for intelligence.

I can call my doctor right now and see him later today, even during this crisis.
Does Brazil even have modern medicine?

Failed state cope

The based award goes to this poster.
I have yet to hear of a low-iq country that has reached prosperity for any reason other than oil.

Make a third of your citizens low IQ niggers, and we'll see who's right.

I also have private healthcare and wait an average 3 days.

In fact a great example is our 2 countries. You were piss poor for decades while we received all kinds of help, and you have surpassed us economically while we have sank further down. Now take a look at PISA scores for Greece & Poland and you'll see why.
How is that cope exactly

The're working on it. Unfortunately I don't need to wait to see the effects of staffing bureaucracy with baboons.

getting crushed capibara gonads from your witch doctor doesn't count

Structural functionalism is only way one to interpret society. There is no "ultimate theory" that explains everything.

First of all, to understand the need for a good system, it takes a certain IQ. Let's say 100. To differentiate between a good system & a better system, it takes an even higher IQ. Let's say 120. Now to keep practicing your good system beyond one generation it takes the general population to also have a decent IQ. Not genius level, but at least to appreciate what is good for them. I'd say 110. Not even first-world white nations have this and they are regressing. East Asia does have it though.

SHHHHHHHHHHHHH, don't let the leftards and econ majors hear that. They'll all kill thems........on second thought, tell everyone you know.

Lefties twist everything to suit their goals.
If some academic points to large scale structures as agents that act in society and determine human behavior (whether it's commies like Karl Marx or liberals like Talcott Parsons), you'll hear shouts of "systemic oppression" and whatever bullshit they can extract from it.
If some other academic points to interaction between human beings as the origins of society, placing more agency on individuals rather than structures, heavily influenced by phenomonlogy (symbolic interactionism, whether it's hardline like Georg Simmel or a more moderate positions like Max Weber) then lefties start spouting off about "lived experiences".

It doesn't matter, crazy people will always warp abstract ideas to fit their narrative/paradigm.

South Korea used to be a piss poor, illiterate, and low IQ nation. The same could also be said about pretty much any other nation that has ever reached prosperity.

It's not just iq, it's ridiculous to boil it down to intelligence. But of couse intelligence is necessary but not sufficient
iq is an test my nigger, gooks were never dum dums, unlike you nigger. Also will the future of scumdinavia look like with the negros.
Institutions are made by people, people are dna

>South Korea used to be a piss poor, illiterate, and low IQ nation

Under some quite artificial conditions imposed by Japanese imperialism / repeated conquests and subjugations at the hands of other nations around them.

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>The same could also be said about pretty much any other nation that has ever reached prosperity.

Not really. Gulf states are insanely prosperous but their IQs remain in the ranges of what you'd expect in the Middle East.
In case of Koreans cognitive potential was always there but was affected by harsh environmental factors.

I agree, even the best hardware will be underperform with outdated software.

Sweden not included of course.
So, it leave us with you, Funland and Denmark.
Denmark have the heaviest taxes ever saw in human history, so...
It leave us with you and Funland.
And you have enough only tanks to oil.
So it leave us with Funland.

I have.

Incredibly redpilled book. Institutions democracy and freedom are the drivers of prosperity. We need to lower taxes on the investor class and eradicate repressive wealth destroying ideologies such as fascism, communism, nazism and racism asap

Yes IQ is a test and Koreans did not score well in the past, how is this hard for you to grasp?
Definitely, that basically what the entire book I'm referring to is about.
I wrote "pretty much" specifically with the Gulf states in mind. I haven't looked into them specifically but the effect is still very much measurable in the countries that reach prosperity through more conventional means like the west, asian countries, and to a lesser extend the other developing countries. Oil is in many ways a curse to a nations development despite it providing material wealth.

These days countries like Turkey and Kenya are seeing strides in IQ matching the developments we've made earlier.

So I'm not sure what the point is. South Korea couldn't achieve its natural genetic potential because of environmental factors. This doesn't imply that other low IQ nations are being held back by environmental factors too. And we have examples such as the old Republic of South Africa and Rhodesia which prove that environment was not the problem.

read this instead

Attached: 71t87E7wE4L.jpg (1044x1360, 128.4K)

>the most kosher opinion ever
Couldn't resist the bait.

South Korea was held back from developing due to the joeson, Japanese and later the early dictatorship period upholding and creating institutions which allowed for neither free and fair markets to prosper, nor political freedoms. Two vital ingredients in a prospering countries. Meaning up until recently it was a destitute shithole filled with what would be deemed today as low IQ illiterates.

Why Nations Fail - The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty by Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson (2012)

And what do you imagine this proves about low IQ shitholes in general? Because the answer is - not much. One data point a cluster does not make.

>Having your own doctor!

Wtf is that ?

Institutions are disguised parasites designed to protect those that have joined, from those that might have the talent to replace them.

They all grow corrupt.

Yet you did the exact same when mentioning South Africa and Rhodesia.

But I do agree with you, good thing though that vast increases in IQ correlating with material conditions is seen in most of the world though, both in the countries that have reached prosperity and those which are on their way.

Iq test is a proxy for intelligence, not intelligence itself.
If you pour a lot of money into edJEWcation - people do better at test, that does not make them smarter. It just increases the test score a bit.
And if you put more emphasis on the IQ TEST maybe scores increase a little, but people again aren't smarter, you are just spending a lot of money to get a better test score. This is also called FLYNN EFFECT

You are what we would call a cultural marxist, because you believe that people are BLANK SLATES that the state can program them with the institutions.

Oil may be a curse to proper development but provides a siginificant increase in material conditions that influence brain develepment. Gulf states are good example that there's a cap to cognitive abilities, just like with height malnourishment may result in a reduced height but perfect nutrition won't result in inifinite growth. Every country that was affected by malnourishment or iodine deficiency can improve to some degree but that improvement will be limited by the genetic potential.

Brain drain was historically only a trickle, so even shitholes could maintain a decent stock of people, to be utilized once institutional support was generated.
Tho once again, you cant boil down civilizing potential to just once weird trick. You can at best just judge what peoples managed to create higher civilizations and compare them to people similar and dissimilar to them.

> did the exact same
Fine. South Africa, Rhodesia, German South-West Africa, Mozambique, and most of the rest of Africa under colonial rule, the West Indies, and the Americas, do form the required "cluster" showing that if you put white people somewhere they tend to do well.

>vast increases in IQ correlating with material conditions is seen in most of the world though
The Flynn effect bottomed out years ago and the IQ gap, income gaps and achievement gaps between whites and blacks are not narrowing. You are really quite dishonest.

>Gulf States
True, but the top ×% of their population is elite IQ immigrants from other countries, also they have a fuckton of natural resources per capita.

Nobody is on their way, also prosperity is not a law, like gravity, if europe is filled with subhuman, than there will be no prosperity and the life quality will go to shit. Which is exactly what is happening, and will continue.Because to have prosperity you need an functioning economy.