Evening lads

>‘Sobering news’: Australians warned to prepare for economic slump

>Australia 'not contemplating' coronavirus border change despite NZ flagging possible easing of restrictions

>Coronavirus vacation: Australian family recreate 15-hour holiday flight in living room

>Meet the contact tracers fighting coronavirus in Australia

>Coronavirus Australia: Infection rate continues to decline as Australia ponders ‘exit strategy’

>Coronavirus: Australia's economy faces unprecedented setbacks

>Sydney news: One in three Australians drink daily during coronavirus lockdown, according to poll

>Australia coronavirus live: government to pay airlines to continue domestic flights – latest news


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I wanna cum on lum
Is that normal?

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First for fuck glowniggers


It is for ya dirty bastard.

Dammit, beat me.

I'm chadfishing this roastie. She gave me her address by my second message. I ordered pizza to her place haha.

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>the user who ruined the tinder messages
Man fuck you I wanted to see what they were going to reply with
Anyway on tonights agenda; can the glowposters just not post at all please because frankly you are taking up precious post numbers

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Fucking based bust a nut lad missed you.


How we doing boys? Most of you should be getting you neetbux by now.
>don't call unless it's urgent, dont go into a service centre.
With that said we are generally about 8 days behind the expected completion date.
>don't call unless it's urgent, dont go into a service centre.
Oh and we've started giving crisis payments to anyone on payments who needs to self isolate.

lum isn't pronounced like that :)

Fuck lads just praised him and fuck it felt good, might praise him again later idk.

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Life as a sub 8 male is a scam. Competing with 10 million other males for chad's sloppy leftovers is cucked. I therefore dedicate my life to hating women and wasting gov resources. I've never worked a day in my life. I've never paid a cent in income tax. I'll never repay my HECS debt. I bludge on cenno. I chadfish roasties and stand them up on dates. I fake suicide attempts to waste health department money. I refuse to contribute to a system that supports single mothers. Is that normal?

I wanna camu on lamu
You happy?

what pictures do you use?

Gday lads, what ya smokin?

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No, you have serious mental health issues and need help.

Thanks fren. I'm happy to be back among frens.

you know you can get fucked over for that right?
I had to pay 5k cause I ordered like 3 tonnes of yellow sand to be dumped on the local councils buildings entry/ driveway thing.
also got a warning from the cops for doing the pizza thing

Why not just go fuck her though? I don't get it.

Yeah, that sucks. Spoilsport. I wanted to see how far he could take with lotta josephina. Such a meme name, if the whole of aus/pol/ successfully tuned her up that'd be a win I reckon.

Its annoying when you are all having fun and then a faggot shows up and ruins it.

I'm not a degenerate so I don't smoke. Thanks for asking though.

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Chadfish on tinder and post it in here and I WILL contact the victim and let them know what you've been doing. I'll ask them for your name and you WILL BE doxxed. Just warning you.

I have never smoked anything in my life

An Instagram chad called Tyler Maher. I have an app called SNXP that allows me to send pics from camera roll as live snapchats so they think I'm real. It is so easy to get nudes and stand up roasties.
Gold standard guide to chadfishing:

Reminder that Aussie girls are gaining weight at an alarming pace and the government is doing nothing about it

Its a chadfish. Using a Chads pics for a fake tinder account. Its a blackpill. Watch some videos on it to see how staceys react to Chads.


Non stop aboriginal ejaculation


The fact is he's too shy and suffers from performance anxiety. So he tries to flip the narrative into him being "based".

I'm an ugly male and a professional woman hater. Roasties are shallow minded bitches that are only interested in chad only.
I've been doing this for 3 years fren. I'm a fucking expert. I'm untouchable.

>She is still called "Lum" (pronounced with a long "u" per Spanish linguistic customs)


I think you mean, uh... hello... based department?


>that are only interested in chad only
shouldn't they be?

The bludging is based, but you've spent way too long on Yas Forums by the sounds of it.

Why though? Personal stake in it? From now on people will just edit out identifying stuff anyway.

Is this you?


also anyone have any abbo porn?
someone posted the pic of the foot a few days ago, anyone got more.

my fucking sides.

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I'm a 6 foot 2 inches anorexic ADHD sperg with a verbal dyspraxia. Bitches mock my stutter, so I fuck with their lives by chadfishing.

PS. I hate women. I support the abolition of women's rights and the implementation of sharia law. Is that normal?

>you pronounce her name loom
What? I want to coom on loom
Is that right?

Yeah nah that's my mate Barry from West Syd. He's a good cunt, just 'ates women. Simple as.

At such a site, boys, having reached puberty, achieve the status of men. The initiation ceremony differs from Aboriginal culture to culture, but often, at a physical level, involved scarification, circumcision, subincision and, in some regions, also the removal of a tooth.

>anorexic male

>It is so easy to get nudes
Pretty sure there is at least 1 law being broken there sweety

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Your theme song:

Subincision is so fucking hot. Top 10 dreamtime fantasy.

I fake suicide attempts to waste gov resources. I'm on a mental health plan and get free counselling sessions from the government. I get antidepressants that are paid for by the government health subsidies and I flush them down the toilet to waste more gov money. Is that normal?

Fucked if I know, I don't speak spanish kek

I've seen it. I just don't get the point though beyond lulz. I mean, I'm not single now but had no issues with matches, and I'm definitely not a Chad. Just fake money & an interesting job if you're truly clueless, maybe be generous with filters to bring out the cheekbones & such so you vaguely resemble it when you meet em or something, I dunno. Most of these guys have just spent too long looking at memes & make a mess of it due to being spergs.

I'd argue the point, but those digits can't be beat. Suit yourself.

Scott Morrison has warned dodgy bosses trying to rip off workers by asking for cash kickbacks to secure the $1500 a fortnight JobKeeper payment are “disgraceful” and should be hit with the full force of the law.

Workers are entirely at the mercy of employers to get the cash because companies need to apply for the JobKeeper subsidy and can pick and choose which staff can get it.

If they decide not to claim and simply sack the workers, the stood down employees are only eligible for the dole which has been doubled to $550 for the next six months.

The $1500 a fortnight JobKeeper payment is taxed, which means workers are about $100 a week worse off if an employer declines to keep them on the books for the next six months and simply dump them on the dole.

The Prime Minister has warned that any boss who tried to take a “cut” of the new JobKeeper payments was breaking the law after claims emerged some rogue employers.

“That sort of behaviour where it occurs by employers is disgraceful and it’s illegal, and they should be reported to the police and the ATO, to make sure that can be followed up,’’ Mr Morrison said.

“It’s not on, it is appalling behaviour. We will move quickly on that, and we will — we will receive any co-operation on that as we do on any other law and order issue.”

I doubt it if he keeps them private. If it is illegal to use an inaccurate photo then half the people on dating sites would go to jail.

Hahah you have a fucking stutter and disabilities. Not only is that, in itself, funny, but you use it as an excuse for shit behavior, you're no worse then the roasties you hate lmao

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>australia is now freeing gang rapists

One of four notorious gang rapist brothers will be freed from jail 18 years after he and his three brothers’ reign of terror over young women in a Sydney suburb.

The four “K Brothers”, who were recent Pakistani immigrants to Australia, committed a series of brutal rapes and indecent assaults with girls as young as 14 in the western Sydney suburb of Ashfield over six months.

The brother who the NSW State Parole Authority (SPA) has announced it intends to grant parole to is known as MAK and was 22 at the time of the gang rapes.

He and his brothers MSK, then aged 23, MRK then aged 17 and MMK, 16, were the immigrant sons of a doctor who had emigrated to Australia leaving his wife and family behind.

The four brothers and a Nepali student Ram Shrestha, who later hanged himself in prison, began their rape rampage in January 2002.

Just 16 months earlier another set of brothers, Bilal and Mohammed Skaf, had committed with others the equally infamous Skaf gang rapes before the Sydney Olympics.

Two sisters, 18 and 16, were taken to the K brothers’ Ashfield house where MAK indecently assaulted the younger one and MRK robbed her.

In February 2002, MAK and a brother took three girls to the house where he and MSK repeatedly raped one girl.

Not the Skaffs, the filthy pakis

You're taking the piss outta me, aren't you

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Lmao, that is both the saddest & funniest shit I've seen today. You're gonna be a great & powerful wizard user.

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The police have talked to me about chadfishing. They didn't charge me as I didn't break the law despite the woman filing a complaint. Some faggot here identified the bitch from screenshots and contacted her but nothing happened.

I believe that it is the fact that you're using someone elses photo that could land you in trouble.

No way

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my mum got up me just then for drinking too much.

Ive been drinking 3 days in a row

what do/say

You are everything wrong with a modern man.

Chasing casual sex makes you a thot, male or female.
Put the effort into yourself and your position and you will win the game.
You don't need all the girls, just one.

I am a boomer and a Christian.
I believe that good men can find good women, I did, but I have maxed my looks and earn big dollars, now women make eyes at me.

First you get the money
Then you get the power
Then you get the women

So if you want to play the field that's how it has always worked.

You could just say it is an old photo and you have changed a bit since.

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Wait, you're 6'2"? You're not even a manlet lmao, just focus on fixing your stuttering maybe read slowly in front of a mirror & slow down your speaking, that's all I did, then go hit the gym & you're probably fine. Stop listening to incel bullshit, it's a psyop. If you're an actual cripple or 4 foot tall or some shit fine. More /sig/ less Yas Forums ffs.

"Sorry mum won't do it again". And mean it. Breaking your own mothers heart, very disappointed in you user.

tell her to find you a gf to set you straight

Is the fabled CennoAnon here?

Or can one of you faggots tell me when the double cenno is actually happening. Ive been on cenno since late March 2020 and the app and website doesn't say shit about the double payment or when its going to start...

Life as a sub 8 male is a scam. I get treated like shit so I dedicate my life to hating women. Is that normal?
Good. They deserved to be raped because they dressed like sluts. Bilal and his frens did nothing wrong and should be knighted for their services to the THOT patrol.

You really can't, not if he's blatantly using some instagram dudes photo. I do think the chance of getting caught is pretty slim, you really have to ask yourself: are you really that pathetic?

Absolutely based. Godspeed user.

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>I'm a 6 foot 2 inches anorexic
cringe and blue pilled, literally just eat more food and give yourself a hard time when you stutter fucking faggot

I don't believe he actually physically meets these wamens user. He wouldn't need to fake suicide attempts if he did, the chicks would kill him.

The next payment after the 27th.

>the app and website doesn't say shit about the double payment or when its going to start...
And it won't.
Wont be live in system for at least another week.
Applies from 27th onwards.

i dont know whether i am in total awe and amazement or if i am totally bewildered and confused by this whole process.

I want a root

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