Who /medfags/ here?

>mfw making $75/h
>working 48h weeks due to covid-19

Thank you based China

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Doesn't sound like much but it's bought me this in 4 years

Cry me a river poorfag


ya hey doc I've had this terrible cough lately and *COOF* ah excuse me *COOF* dang sorry doc I couldn't find a mask or anything, say you got any of those tests *COOF*

It's a scam bro most of my patients test positive and when they retest it comes out negative also I'm not a physician

Wait, Covid-19 exists since over 4 years ?
What the fuck.

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Haha faggot what field are you in? I make around 1.5-3k (not gonna dox myself) a 12 hour shift

No, I sometimes work even longer if the hospital is busy
PA, are you a rn? If you are that's shit pay

Enjoy your shiny thingys

I'm a PA user too.
How old are you?
I'm 24 making only $30/hr, but I get to work from home and watch anime or play vidya for most of my 8hr shift

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>mfw american doctors are so filthy rich

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Are you fucking serious or larping? There's no way you're making 30 as a PA-c unless you live in maybe Kansas or some shit, I have rt who make low 30s and rns low 40s


Welcome to the nigger club. Shouldve gotten Bentely/RR

I'm not a doctor but can prescribe meds and give diagnostics so take it as you will

Which soi faggot are you in the tik tok vids?

Also how are you working from home? Are you doing some teladoc spin-off?

This. Im a dentist here and bring in considerable sum but this is ridiculus

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>I'm not a doctor but can prescribe meds and give diagnostics
eh what does that mean

Pa's and physicians or doctors are not the same thing user, look it up

>I'm not a doctor
>can prescribe meds and give diagnostics
what the fuck are you?

Ortho here. I've seen 4 patients in the past week (compared to my normal 40ish).

But like every doctor ever, I'm contracted so I get paid no matter what. My RVUs are down, though which will effect my base next year.

Are you on a PSA or employee service agreement? Congrats on making $75 per hour. I assume your ED or a hospitalist at that rate

dentists are notoriously rich even here.
doctors unless they have some big private activities are extremely poor compared to othern countries.

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Pa's and doctors commonly known as physicians are not the same thing

yeah it's not easy for me to understand, you're basically mini-doctors? you can do certain things but not all?

They pay a lot more than you for tuition. Parents probably paid for his

Guys, they removed step 1 to help more women and minorities take our job.

guess it's an american thing then

I can't say if this is a lowIQ post or a highIQ

>teladoc spin-off
no idea what any of that is, I am working from home because I am in IT. I am not a medfag ; when i first responded to the thread I thought you were referring to Mediterraneans, not medical professionals, sorry for the confusion

Night shift peds atm, prolly gonna switch to days and lose the 8% diff

Overly simplified yes

What is a PA in the tech field anyways, I have never heard of that.

Imagine your doctor driving lambos,fucking bitches,doing drugs listening to trap.
Theres something unethical there.

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>Overly simplified yes
yeah how con you live with that, isn't it frustrating?
I know a lot of physical terapists or nurses that couldn't enter medical school and are living gnawed by bitterness bc they work together with the doctors they wanted to be.

ICU RN here. We've been busy here in Houston, but not overwhelmed. Im just tired of dealing with COVID patients all the time and want the normal ones back. I'll even take the DT's and DKA's, just no more of this goddamn donning and doffing fuck
Hazard pay has been nice tho

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>working 48h weeks due to covid-19
Do you have enough sleep, rest and correct diet in order to not fuck up your immune system?

I see. I assumed you were a physician.

What do you like to be called? APPs? Mid level providers? My PAs get offended when I call them anything but PAs.

If you're working pediatrics, how is covid-19 getting you more hours? I figured pediatrics would be slower. They furloughed most non emergent pediatric service providers at St Judes.

I have a family
No, the doctors at my place are surprisingly nice, plus to be this you only need 2 years-ish of experience in the medical field to get your masters and after that you're good to go whereas most doctors you see are late middle age or old