Hello lockdown still in effect
Brit/pol/ - filtermongs are worse than tripchads edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for are Mozza
Tripfags and namefags need to be gassed.
Theres barely any left as it stands, half of them left yesterday.
Serfs is 100% accurate, farmer probably porks the ones he likes.
Alright lads. I'm going to put together a how to of how to filter out name/tripfags, meme flags and how to filter out most of doom mongs posts.
I'll put it in a pastebin.
Did I miss the trip drama?
Why does he always wear a pozzed nhs badge
good lad
Thanks boris for shipping in 70000 Romanians so based of you!
Kinda, wasnt really drama, just the usual mess of incoherent posts from pube/manhands, karen and sussex left, and canceranon has just turned into another pube, not sure where daisy is but hasnt posted for a while as far as im aware
what happened to your israeli flag
He and the Tories have always represented corporate interests.
Still better than Labour though.
Thank fuck, avoided brit/pol/ threads for the first time in years recently because it turned into a secret club of discord faggots
Because he's a fucking sodomite
why bother making OP if you're gonna make it a shitshow?
>Matt Hancock says lack of testing is down to “not enough demand”
>Hancock 'wept' over boy, 13, dying without family [clownworld this is a real headline]
>'Selfish minority' flout lockdown over Easter
>UK Column News - 15th April 2020: The Imperial College Bill Gates Connection
>Hundreds of students in UK sign up to rent strike
>Bank of England lending to large firms surges to £7.6bn
>UK Defends WHO, Stops Short of Criticising Trump for Funding Cut
>Drones rules relaxed for police enforcing Covid-19 lockdown
>Hancock hates being asked about an exit plan because he doesn't have one
Also the state of UK govt atm
they have
-parliament in hiding
-martial law
-power to make laws with no oversight
-military police
-hundreds of billions of free cash from Bank of England
and all they can do is jump on a twitter meme muh clap for muh nhs and slowly push forward with faulty 5G hardware
hitler rolling in his grave
How to filter out doommong is be awake before 13:00
Is..is it over?
Yes. Absolutely it is like slave labour. But that's why. Because it is completely union busted and if they couldn't fly in young eastern Europeans then the standards would have to be raised, or it would become mechanized.
I actually worked in this industry in a watercrrss prcessing plant as a nipper and it is completely soul destroying and backreaking.
How can I get a job picking fruit if farmers dont advertise here?
Because he's a tripnigger dodging the chamber.
serious mental illness amoung tripfags is statistically significant.
Imagine being such a manlet. It's kind of terrifying. Probably why he wanted to be a cop, because it's his only way to have any authority in his life.
Just realized it's fucking Thursday again.
Idk, i think some of them were ok, they didnt like post a long ranting goodbye like trips have done in the past, i think, like a lot of people, they just got bored of the pube and manhands all caps spam
The alright ones left temporarily because of one person spamming the thread
>china has zero tolerance for racism
Yeah and water is dry
Pick one
Ok lads, how about we combine our autismal power and pluck tonights set for life numbers out of the ether?
Imagine finding out other countries are far more racist due to no state brainwashing for decades and individualist liberal framework. Real galaxy brain moment
That reminds me, I need to buy some lard.
And some bacon.
Some of them are alright lad. I'm going to add the ones I filter and I'm going to add how to filter them all too. So the lads can pick who they do and do not filter.
I'm getting fucking sick of this now lads. I can't even go to the shops without being dictated about like I'm in fucking Stalinist Russia. As if queueing outside for 10 minutes isn't bad enough, you've always got some dickhead staff member ordering you around - telling me which direction I can and can't walk in, telling me which aisle I can and can't go down, fucking blocking aisles off so you have to take the long way around just to get to the fucking till.
>Oh, mind you don't step over the tape!
>Oh, try to stay behind this sign!
It's fucking ludicrous now. So many stupid and pedantic rules in place over a flu, and what makes it more stupid is that it's pointless since you see people cross each other in these places all the time anyway. Just fucking end this madness, it's making everyone look like a clown.
>Stephanie Maurel, its chief executive, told the BBC's Today programme that 36,000 people had registered interest and more than 6,000 had conducted a video interview.
>But in the last 10 days, while almost 900 people had been offered jobs, just 112 have agreed contracts to accept employment.
Nothing to see here
Karen and Sussex said they were coming back
if you're too lazy to look it up I think you're too lazy to be a decent picker desu
£8.90 an hour, up to £10 for good rates of picking
live on-site cheap bed n board, meet babes in the sunshine, get fit. it's time user
>Forming rational sentences
C'mon there, lad...
>As if queueing outside for 10 minutes isn't bad enough
Just bring a podcast to listen to lad, that's what I do. Weather's been quite nice too.
Agreed. It’s really fucking annoying at this point
I stopped using a VPN you nonce
>6000 interviewed
>900 offered a job
Do the people flown in even have to interview
Just start redpilling the normies
Lidl innit, but you have to be in at the right time of day