Tell me about Istrians croat/pol/. Someone told me they were fags...

Tell me about Istrians croat/pol/. Someone told me they were fags. I also noticed it has the highest proportion of fedoras. Was taking it away from Italy a mistake?

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nice people,but there is always cunts around any where you go...better than those dalmatian niggers thats for sure...

>Was taking it away from Italy a mistake?
Yes, it's our fault that they're that much faggy and godless fedoras.
They should be our problem, not the noble Croats' problem, we humbly accept them back into our fold and will suffer with them on our own

> not the noble Croats' problem
why do i have the feeling you are trying to jew us mario...

It's an undersandable feeling, we Italians have been crafty and deceitful in the past, and that's why Istria was ruined when we touched it. If you don't get rid of it, the Italian touch will soon spread to the rest of the now pristine, untouched Croatia. You wouldn't want inner croatia to become a fag-infested, godless place like Istria is now, would you? We'd graciously accept the punishment of carrying such a burdenous place, though. We deserve such a fate because of our sins. You go, and be pure, dear Croat.


the eternal venetian

>Tell me about Istrians croat/pol/. Someone told me they were fags.

Istrians not actually, but Rijeka is literally out San Francisco, horrible douche people there. pic rel.

thing with entire Istria is their strong partisan history - its complex their left leaning is because partisans were the ones joining Istria to Croatia, so to put it this way, just because they are left doesnt mean they are communists. Some claim that since they arent fascist they are separatists which I dont agree since our fascism sold out entire coast to Italians and croatian partisans there were actually good guys that tried reversing that. There are actually separatist strains over there but not serious, ...complex I know.

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If I were a high ranking croat politician I'd build a motorway from Rijeka to the slovene border in order to increase traffic through the small towns and villages on the slovenian side. That'd force the slovenes to build a motorway from Postojna down to the border.

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As always the people in the coastal city centers are libshit faggots.

That we mainly owe to Musolini fucking up with the Italia Irredenta movement which effectively made all the local Croats hostile to Italians who were a minority confined to the cities.
Communists came and used that momentum removing most of the Italian population and settling down their own crooks into coastal cities.

Just look at the commie-blocks of Pula.

>sold out entire coast to Italians

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The eternal Venetian strikes again. KEK

But on a serious note, Communists ruined the cities.
They dragged in peasants from the middle of Bosnia and Serbia into the cities under the YNA protection and took it over.

Now these faggots are complaining about Croatian business men buying the place up from them and Albozergs....

Istria belongs to Greater Karantanija

They re insufferable leftists with identity crysis, cant decide if they re italian or yugoslav. Higher amount of jews, albanians, bosniaks. Lots of them voted no for independence back in 90s. They all hate Croatia.

I hate istrian people here in zagreb, we should sell istra and put all istrians in slavery

>I hate istrian people here in zagreb, we should sell istra and put all istrians in slavery

outside of Rijeka and Pula they arent that bad actually, one thing that is different with them is partisan sympathies, but I dont mind that unless it goes into leftism, with Tudjman it didnt.

I'm proud of you

They tend to be more on the soft side.

>As always the people in the coastal city centers are libshit faggots
dalmatian coastal cities want to have a word with you

>They re insufferable leftists
>here in zagreb

pola grada su vam pederi i tranđe, a druga polovica hercegovci, vjerojatno većina prakticira cuckolding sa ovim migrantima što vam se prešetavaju po gradu, istra vam je dobra samo kad treba izvlačiti pare iz nje.

Village is the final redpill, and you know it.
t. villager
P.S. small towns are also acceptable

Republika Hrvatska vam je dobra samo kad treba spašavati Muljanik :D

Austrian lands :D

First gay marriage in Croatia was in Istria. This methead Serb is running shitthere:

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the separatist strains are italian funded groups
just like the previous italian funded groups the ustashe

its not complex, very simple really.
croatian fascism sucks, italian influence sucks, serbian influence sucks.
croatia good. istra good.

Strange the only guy from rijeka I know is a literal skinhead (the based kind).

Hungarian clay

Abo mud

Venetian supremacy at its finest.

we once had a large population of Vlachs (istro-romanians) living there, sadly now only a couple of hundred still live there. They spoke a variant of Romanian that had borrowed a lot of words from Italian and Croatian, it was quite unique to hear as compared with the modern Romanian that has a lot of French/English and Slavic words in its vocabulary. Sounded more "latin", with a small touch of slavic influence.