How old are you?
How old are you?
I install dos from one on thes. I was 12.
why did you post the save symbol?
I had a 1986 Macintosh plus. I had one song on floppy for it, and it was a program that played 'The Entertainer' in 8 bit using the computer's little speaker
old enough to remember when games came on floppies literally twice that size
62 years YOUNG
21, but kill me if I don't know what a 3 1/2" floppy is.
18 and that's a floppy disk
This old
Nice drink coaster
This old
And were actually floppy. Pic was my first games console.
t. oldfag
>Not calculus munchers
Old enough that I saw the difference in file compression when descent came on 5 of these and windows 95 fit on 2. Windows 95 took an hour to extract the cabs
I am old enough to remember this piece of shit.
This old
First computer i had, had a 10mbit harddrive. Only DOS. The second one had 500mbit and windows 98, like a whole new world. Then I had a 10gb, that was the shit.
Too old for Yas Forums desu
First computer I had didn't have a hard drive. It was one of those IBM PC jrs
older than you boomers!
I member gopher
I member crackerjack phreaking
I think I used total commander to split game files onto multiple floppies to transfer to my friend's computer with win98
>Holds 1.44MB raw
>Can be tossed around and stacked as long as the film window is on
Yeah, they sucked
Capn crunch whistle
didn't have enough floppies. so we would finish 4 disks, leave the prompt up, run over to his apartment, copy them, format, come back and continue the copy process. took 3 or 4 trips.
yeah, and opening the actual box and being super cool and calling for free!!!
A friend of mine had a game that was packed to 42 1.44mb parts and he gave the game to a guy who had 12 floppy disks and he corrupted some of the parts, so the guy had to first go back and forth 5 km on a bike 4 times (ie 40 km total) and then a fifth time to recopy the corrupted files. The guy then opened the package and the game didn't work because my friend had corrupted some of the files.