Basically Yas Forums in a nutshell

basically Yas Forums in a nutshell

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>the mongols aren't actually there.

The Mongols broke through the Wall, so..

>But look, look at all their horses and people riding them, they're literally right there!
>Yes, but if you look over there at that mountain and squint a bit you can't see any Mongols, so that must mean they're not real.

>Phil, why do you look Mongolian

So wait, now walls are good? Avoiding diversity and immigration is now a good thing?

>hurr durr Yas Forums
meanwhile an argument agaist Open Borders ?

you piece of shit would have let the Mongols enrich you through and through

>no, you're missunderstanding
it's the coronavirus, the rest can come in

Attached: please come out and teach us pol.webm (720x405, 2.38M)

Yes, and yes the mongols are right outside and everyone needs to stay inside.

We should let the mongols in and let them do their thing.

based Mongols

This sounds HIGHLY xenophobic. I say let them all in.

Rather a mongol than a Mexican

cringe kike

Bitch, Yas Forums is not 1 people.

Shut the fuck up hysterical cunt.

But you're a mongol?

we DO love our turnips, here

are you dealing with whiner like in the OP, Yas Forums?

You see a bunch of mongols; I see a future blacksmith, a herbalist, a scribe. It's current year. If we don't allow the mongols unlimited migration who will pick our turnups? Plus imagine all the different new and diverse tavern meals these mongols will bring, it's impossible for us castle dwellers to cook these "recipes" ourselves.

That analogy could easily be changed to liberal dumbfuck doesn't think Mongols are violent and its rightwing propoganda. Then later as they are savagely being raped refusing to recant and saying their civilization deserves to die because of white privilege.

do these people not understand how a siege works? if they dont go harvest their turnips they will starve to death.

Oh so NOW walls work?

imagine thinking twitter is real lol fag

Why did it stop before he called her a faggot?

So, do they not know what happens at the end of sieges? The mongols aren't going away.

And see how much better i am than you are. Accept superior mongol genes and you too can find your place in our worldly heaven.


well is that not the fucking point of that imbecilic conversation?

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it's actually pretty eye opening how a virus made everyone realize that we actually have border control mechanisms. Before this borders were impossible to control they said

Yeah except the walls aren't completely closed. We "solved" the problem by only half way shutting the door by keeping "essential business" open. I've been dealing with well over 100 people a day in my "essential job" with no masks or gloves for over a month now. Still no coof. Still don't know anyone with coof. Don't know anyone who knows anyone with the coof. Closest I got was I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who has the coof.

replace mongols with refugees

Don't forget the part where the Mongols were raiding the next village but the guy saying to keep the gate closed didn't want to close them cause it would be racist to assume the Mongols were gonna try to take down their village next.

>i can only think and feel in anime references

lol imagine that stunted brain shit

Seems like they are suddenly very pro wall.

>The reddit boomer discovers Yas Forums


Mongols were real.


Using mongol and mongoloid as a term for Down’s syndrome actually dates back to the 1860s, when a doctor called John Langdon Down published a paper, Observations on an Ethnic Classification of Idiots, in which he asserted that it was possible to classify different types of conditions by ethnic characteristics.

The point of your gif is that you're a hysterical cunt.
I've suffered a similar rant irl and it was from a hysterical cunt like you portray yourself to be.

Is anyone going to tell him that "Phil" in this analogy is 100% guaranteed to be Jewish or a Jewish golem?

May as well have just named him "Phil-pul."

just wait two weeks, you're gonna start knowing a lot of them

Retard tier analogy. You're not saying mongols are outside the gates, you're saying that everyone should stay inside their homes because invisible mongols are attacking people and you have an invisible mongol detector but your government was not prepared to detect that many so they're doing the absolutely laziest thing and forcing you to lock yourself up instead of improving their mongol detection to prove you have one chasing you... and oh, the invisible mongols are inside your homes and you're also allowed to go to a select few places where invisible mongols congregate... but not others that just happen to comport with your constitutional rights.

B.. but user they eat those prairy dogs which have the plague.

Don't know, I haven't seen another version.

Nah I'm an oldfag

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Just two more weeks. And then two more.

no dummy, I'm the poltard, the hysterical cunt is just too in the matrix bluepilled and can't into reality

And what the fuck is redditspacing?

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