Oh no

Oh no

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I hope someone coughs in Nomura's hack face.

took them long enough

love is over

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Guys what is " The Non-family" i'm scared


damn i love video games!

>everything is fine, it's just a flu, we will hold olympics as planned!
>olympics are cancelled bruh
>oh fuck national emergency
Schizo Abe should commit sudoku after this farce

>CORONAVIRUS: Japan could have 850,000 critically ill COVID 19 patients without measures: experts

but muh cleanliness culture

Based Abe destroying the geriatric dinosaurs of his country. Open those borders, lad.

Imagine all the work addicted salarymen coping with national lockdown.

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go away

Gotta fix that aging population problem somehow

I figured japs would be celebrating.
They've finally got a cure to their old people problem.

People only work because society expects them to. I'm sure all the workaholic salary men will be happy just staying indoors masturbating to their favorite porn star all day because they have an excuse to.

You. I like you.

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>Bad cold virus

Realistically speaking even a worst (reasonable) case scenario death toll wouldn't meaningfully change their trajectory with age demographics.
You don't just need less people over 60, you need more people in their 20s and 30s having children.

Please no, japan is the one place I want to survive. The west just cant make video games


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this is karma for team ninja, capcom and sqaure both pandering to sjws and censoring their girls

Isn't their work culture over there basically to blame for their low birth rates? Or is their almost cult-like dedication to their employers and ungodly work hours a myth?

Japanese employment is full of boomer traditions that are almost rituals like wasting everybody's time with needlessly big and frequent company meetings and having strict hierarchies.
When it comes to worker productivity, USA and most of Europe trumps Japan despite the Japanese working more.


Proof satou was /ourguy/ all along

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Been isolating at home since late February. Whatever Abe-san says is not gonna change shit for me. Conbinis are still going to be open, I can still get food. Whatever I guess?

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>no more japanese media, artists, novels
the moment my backlog is gone its time to get out of this planet

The virus will never be as bad in japan as it is in america so don't worry

They had better follow that up with Masuda and Ohmori.

True, because we actually have proper healthcare unlike the US

Nooooo, who will produce all the hentai now?!

Didn't they do this a while ago

nuke china.

It's bad in US because of minorities. It's same in Europe too, disproportionate amount of Corona cases and especially Corona deaths are nogs.

This was declared like last week tho, lmao.

ok schizo

>the eternal jew strikes again

>work all day
>no time to bond
>only meet people through work
>no time to bond
>find you dont even like the person you started 'dating' once you piece enough of them together to know them
>repeat endlessly in the life gacha
>surprise! low birthrates!

Western artists.

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Nah, we had individual state of emergencies on different prefectures as declared by Abe-san and each governor would implement their own measures. What they announced today is a national lockdown which... means absolutely nothing for all the parts of Japan that matter (basically Tokyo). Other prefectures will just be catching up.

And it STILL doesn't mean shit, it's just a "strongly advised" to stay at home, all retarded Japanese companies are still sending their armies of salarymen to the office because fuck them. Glad mine isn't doing that at least.

Are you 70yo?

>find you dont even like the person you started 'dating' once you piece enough of them together to know them
And in the west people force themselves to like unlikable people.

This had better not effect Tales of Arise

No, no, no. Videogames and anime are the real problem! Nothing wrong with the society!

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>Why yes, I spam Yas Forumseddit with off topic Yas Forumstard shit. How did you know?

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No, I'm in my 30s

Not him but it is true, especially in Europe.
That’s why minorities are in an uproar because they think the virus is racist but when several generations all live in the same house then of course more of them are going to die.

without work they would drink themselves to death

Why did you assumed that?

Oh it’s national now?

And yeah, SoE can’t be legally enforced in Japan. Doesn’t matter for me though, I get to “work from home,” and I’ll still be going to the park to work out.

Are we still getting Abebux? I heard they were planning on giving Ju-Man to every person in Japan.

aa sou desu ne

>lied about infection and death numbers in desperation to not get the Olympics cancelled
>IOC cancels it anyway

He's a fucking idiot.


Same, really. It's actually kind of bizarre how people are still going about their daily lives, it's just that there's 70% less people around during rush hour.

>work 6 days a week, 60-80 hr work weeks
>1 hour commute to and from work
>shift ends, but boss asks you to go out for some drinks
>you literally cannot say no
>have to go drink for drink with severely alcoholic boss or else you'll dishonour him
>end up getting smash drunk and pass out on a bench at 5am
>gotta work at 8am
>rinse and repeat

>Are we still getting Abebux?
I don't know, I probably won't be getting it because my income hasn't been affected by the lockdown and as far as I know they were planning only to distribute it to people with provable income losses. Also there's conspiracy talks about not letting foreigners/non-PRs/non-nationals in on the free money, so YMMV.
Also stop posting like a cringey retard, thanks

Abebux are still a-go.

It's 30,000, isn't it? Also I doubt it applies if you're still able to work from home.
>tfw I was already on leave because the company can't afford to keep staff at the moment and will probably go under soon
Small devs, not even once.

>>you literally cannot say no
You can though. Lol. I’ve seen people do it all the time. Especially married men. Only time you CANT refuse is if you’re new to the company. Also, you don’t have to get Smashed, and also 飲み会 aren’t daily. More like 3-4x a year at best, and on a Friday.

*300,000, even, thinking in terms of 万 fucks with my head.

at last, anime is saved

>It's 30,000, isn't it?
I heard a few weeks ago they were considering 300,000JPY, then a few days ago I heard other people talk about 100,000JPY. Fuckall if I know, I won't be getting it and I don't need it and I'm just gonna wipe my ass with 100,000 if I'd even get that so whatever.

did you take your meds today happa

No, there’s two. 100,000¥ stimulus for everyone.

And 300,000¥ for affected families. Latter applies to only Japanese, or at least it was in debate. The Ju-Man was being talked about as an additional aid for everyone, but I never heard if it got approved or not.

So we've all accepted that it's not happening, right?

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>Work culture
>Housing market (in cities)
>School culture
>Otaku culture
These are the big ones. High School is all about extracurriculars and getting grades to get into college with minimal free time, college is all about competing for grades to get the highest honours on your degree and networking for employment, work is emotionally exhausting with long hours, and even if you have money after all this property and rental prices are fucked anywhere remotely metropolitan so even if you find a partner actually being able to afford a kid is questionable.

And if you burn out and turn to NEETdom it's near guarenteed you fall into depression or Otaku culture and both probably lead to you not dating too.

They're only JUST NOW declaring this an emergency? The fuck were they waiting for? A planetary alignment?

I suspect there was money on the line depending on which party was the one to cancel. Hence why they both played chicken so long.

Then go there and catch it you dumb weeaboo

Im posting from qork in central tokyo right now.

State of emergency means nothing. Its "maybe stay home if you would, please" and people still going out and working

Oh. Either way I don't think I can get it, so whatever.

Cases only JUST now hit 7k, despite being infected since Feb. For contrast, Spain and Italy hit 7k after a week of infection, and didn’t declare shit till after 30k confirmed infections.


If Japanese people regularly die from the common cold, how badly is Corona gonna fuck them up?

>Im posting from qork in central tokyo right now.
wow, how are you so cool user :)

Abe wanted to keep the Olympics, so he didnt want to declare it.
Now we have a daily increase of 100+ cases in Tokyo. And people are leaving from Tokyo without getting tested because they dont want to catch the virus. So Im sitting here in Nara hoping that shit doesn't get worse.

coronavirus going to cause government mandated girlfriends and force fines on those who dont birth children to keep Japan alive after this mates

What does this mean for kaguya s2 and otome game villainess isekai?

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It's bad in the US because of woefully inadequate testing, lack of equipment, and many states still being hesitant to shut things down.


Yes thats exactly why I posted that, not to qualify what I said or anything. You'd have a kob if you had a brain in that thick shitposting skull

Where are you people reading this? Just moved so I don't have a TV anymore

Corona doesn't really kill, it's a glorified flu. A Chinese bootleg even. There's more chace he dies from Japanese cold.

But is great the hope of it.

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Tokyo is still empty as fuck though bro. I’m being told to “work from home” after a month and a half of doing fuck all in the office.

Corona is a complete and utter nothingburger for most people under 60. Chill out schizo. 3 of my friends already got it and fully recovered after 4 days of mild fever. One tested positive and showed no symptoms.

>but I never heard if it got approved or not.
It didnt.
But if you work for the city, like me, your pay doesn't get cut.

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Animators will (and already are) working from home, last I heard on Yas Forums.

Give it a rest. There could have been a mass Xenomorph-incursion on live television and they'd still have insisted nothing was wrong.

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Well, we could have an honest estimate if Abe wasn't retarded and acted sooner. Even if he didn't impose isolation, he could have fucking done mass testing.

Probably right, those motherfuckers are always passed out on the subway covered in puke friday/seturday nights.

>So Im sitting here in Nara hoping that shit doesn't get worse.
It's going to be worse than South Korea, Japanese culture is basically perfect for a pandemic slaughter and Abe's unwillingness to put down strict measures. Just use the Diamond Princess as a reference for how Japan would handle it

i.e. poorly and in denial the entire time, silencing whistleblowers

Its definitely less than usual but I wouldnt go so far as to say "empty"

The internet? NHK and ANN have news on YT.


It was on NHK several days back, during original state of emergency announcement. It's probably on the NHK website too.



There's this magical thing called the internet, you retard

>going to give myself corona when I get my Satori nendo I just ordered
I have zero regrets. Now if I could just find her fumo too, I'd be able to fix my mistake of getting Koishi but no Satori. I need a Yuuka too.

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Based mods

>Yas Forums

Oh wait, he probably can’t read Japanese. That’s probably why. I don’t think it was ever published in English.


idk man it's fucking everywhere on NHK english and similar websites and leddit and pretty much every fucking Japanese-related english news site for expats
but he's probably an English teacher so...

Give me a (you) if you’re here and not an English teacher.


Ahem fuck Japan

jesus how many fucking japs are on Yas Forums

Welcome to the real world vrigins!

J*pan is Russian clay.

Daily reminder Abe deliberately told people not to get tested so he could save the Olympics which were cancelled anyway.

Hory Sheeeet

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Oh god this is a v thread isnt it. Theyre all fucking brain dead leftist redditors on blue boards besides fit.

I meant specifically what sources are you using, since I hardly read news, English sites are retarded, and the Jap ones I'm finding are all just saying by GW at the earliest.

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