Is he based and redpilled? Ie ha /ourguy/?

Is he based and redpilled? Ie ha /ourguy/?
I mean think about it, Ethan was the first guy to actually promote things such as racism and white power, he was the first guy who made it cool to hate SJWs and started this whole fad of bashing the left and Antifa! Does anyone remember the Hugh Mungus lady? Haha, that shit was hilarious, and ended up redpilling an entire generation of zoomers.

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Hi, Ethan!

Stop it, get some help.

Did you watch his videos on iCuckzzz

when he can't make money out of being edgy he will move to the next thing.
everyone who watches this piece of jew is a cuck.
that faggot asked his fans for money for a court case, he got several huntard dollars and then several months later he bought a multi-million house.

He is a mixed bag. There is no real Yas Forums opinion of him. Here are the most common I have witnessed:
>nice shill, Ethan
Just my take. I don't really care for him.

stop it

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He was. Then he got grounded by the Mossad and became a ferocious anti Trumper SJW

Are you retarded? That kike was freaking out at the mere thought of people not accepting jewish degeneracy.


kys op

you stole sam hydes shtick you fuckin homo

His wife defends Christians but he seems more like your typical liberal to me. There is a reason Youtube promotes both him and Joe Rogan and its not that they are on our side necessarily.

>a kike was the first guy to promote racism and white power

just a dirty pedo kike and fucking ugly as sin

Used to be pretty based but I think he's sort of lost it

Yeah, good luck with that OP.

He made some hilarious videos years ago, but then he turned as the worst söy, cringe and sjw on JewTube. Fuck him.

He seems to be blunt and honest with his views on thing but I can't say I agree with everything.
His reaction to the whole idubbbz thing was pretty justified tho.

when he was roasting retarded youtube channels and living in isreal it was funny. everything after that was garbage

No kike is /ourguy/. Ever.

Hey ethan nice bitch

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>Is this greedy kike our guy?
You have to go back

he is a kike
slimey veassely hand rubbing no morall compass opportunistic greedy subhuman kike
you can just see for yourself with his slimey body language and tiny weak hand wrists

thats a feat at least he got a gf unlike 90% of the faggots here

go kill yourself, norwegian cuck retard. what a completely trash opinion, cunt.

Hello Ethan. What do you think of cuck porn? Yay or nay?
Also where can i find your wifes nudes? I will pay top dollars.

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how much is the mortgage payment lol

are you worried about it or does the wife's dad have you covered either way?

you sound mad bro because he isnt lonely in life lol sucks to be you

But seriously, is he a kike? Is this known for a fact? He does look like one.

Hän on etnisesti juutalainen

Thanks for the (You), Mexiretard

Imagine defending a kike
Imagine browsing a taiwanese basquet forum
Imagine born in panchitolandia

Go back spic

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no problem have fun dying alone bro

Joe rogan is not controlled, he may have a sense of self preservation and understanding of his limits but hes simply not controlled. Anyone who says that doesnt actually watch his podcasts

Sorry not sorry Ethan. Go back to mocking shitty YouTube pranks or something.

Are you kidding me? This guy is so stupid. The King of Normies.
When he talks about anything regarding current events or politics he is so grossly uninformed I am truly in shock how dumb and uninformed he is.
If you want to be a liberal then go ahead, be a liberal moron. But dear god is he so dumb and knows nothing.
The fact that he supports Yang says everything you want to know about how dim he is. He is not smart, he's not clever at all!
I only watch this idiot when he has an interesting guest on like Shane Dawson or something.

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It's all a joke. I watched this video of some pajeet from Canada screeching over Ethan being hypocritical for criticizing Jeff Bezos for his donation of 100mil donation not being enough.

They're just wolves circling the wagon. If you're a zoomer, then you'll soon learn this shit is just a cycle and any criticism against any other youtuber is just a vie for attention. Same goes for anyone vying for power in the attention economy. Their opinions are just a product of their viewer's donnies, watch-time, patreon funds, etc in tandem with the drive to increase viewership. They're all whores for views.

I regret watching a fucking hour of that shit, except for ssethtzeentach, now that brings me back.

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What are you? 13?

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>Joe rogan is not controlled

>Shills for for jews and lefty cucks

Fucking kill yourself OP you massive flaming faggot

Jewish faggot inbred sub-human

Who calls him based?
>He's a kike
>Married to an Israeli
>Obnoxious e-whore that churns out braindead topical zoomer content
>Became obscenely rich off this lowest common denominator trash
You can't get more unbased than that.

Theres nothing wrong with Joe Rogan. Quit isolating everyone by being a puritan, sensitive litte bitch.