
is the place where all racists belong. Not many seem to realize that being racist is the exact opposite of being a real Christian. Racism is evil and so are people who are racist.

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I wouldn't say racism is evil but its predicated off hatred which is anithetical to love. Every single person on earth was made by God, we are all His children and he wants all of us to come to know Him, which we can through His Son, our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

why are fedora-arguments against Christians on pol literally similar to how libcucks and jews argue?
really makes you think

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Race mixing is a sin

You accuse all racists of hatred, when racism can be argued to be the simple recognition of differences between human subspecies. Africans are different than Europeans. Some use that information to argue that one is superior in a given context. Europeans developed higher IQ due to the daily need for planning in harsh winter environments. Africans are superior at long distance running, for need of hunting/escape of animals.

How are you going to accuse me of hatred when I defend racism as the recognition of differences. Difference is necessary for diversity, and you would defend diversity as you simultaneously condemn the recognition of difference in the same breath. You're a brainlet being manipulated into voting for the destruction of all culture - in the name of cultural diversity, no less. Racism isn't hate. It's reality.

>Not many seem to realize that being racist is the exact opposite of being a real Christian.
A real Christian is a pro-Semitic racist. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. Christians believe that Jewesses are God's first choice to bred with.

The human species is an ant colony. Racism is an evolutionary trait and a word invented by the jew Leon Trotsky who killed millions of your countrymen, Ivan

Hell is what happens when racism ends.

Christians don't believe that.

Read daniel 2:43. It is about race mixing. And it isnt a good thing

Jewish Christians and Christian Jews agree that God would choose a Jewess to breed with and that this would be his first choice. In order to breed a magical Messiah, the mother has to be Jewish, according to Christfags.

lol try again you fucking dumbass.

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Dont respond to memeflags

As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
Daniel 2:43 NKJV

I get that you may mix this with race mixing, but the enter chapter is about that guy's dream and how his nation will fall, and upcoming nations will fall.
That verse is saying this new nation is divided.
And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.
Daniel 2:42 NKJV

> Jesus is a descendant of David
> two gospels give bullshit Genealogies to try to ‘prove’ it
> ‘salvation comes from the Jews’
> ‘all the law and prophets rest upon these commandments’
> Saul - a Jew - claims his own authority as the chosen one to spread the chiselled to the gentiles
> changes name to Paul
> ‘fellow white people...’

Christians absolutely believe it. They believe in it more than they believe anything Jesus ever said. Jesus teachings are heresy to Christians because Christians - under Saul’s teaching - Are exactly what Jesus tried to fix

then why does it state in the new testament that Christians had replaced jews as god's chosen people?

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racism and racists are bad yes but now they are just buzzwords, id argue most people aren’t really racists since the term has been so perverted.

Most people on pol don’t want forced immigration. They want Germany for the Germans, France for the French, etc etc. they want to stick with their own races. That isn’t racist, that isn’t bad. It’s only when people talk about there race being superior ie. my race is the aryan race that it becomes bad but no one really does that besides glowies or the deluded. Again people here are just legit tired of the forced immigration in their countries.

Now when people talk about killing all Jews, in Minecraft, then yes it’s racist and bad, but not really. When people of pol say this they mean the zionists, the satanists of the world. That is justified to want to stop the evil of the world. This sadly has been one of the biggest psyops, glowies constantly want us to name the jew, but again they are really meaning satanists. As Jesus says the synagogue of Satan. Jews are gods chosen people but the Jews pol talks about aren’t.

Many people don't realize that being racist was part of being a real christian.
Or anti-hybridizing anyways

No, Christians must become Jews to be chosen by the Jew god Yahweh.

you are kidding, right?

>real Christian
the only people who say this are batshit insane or jews.

Actually anti-racemixing is predicated on love, and racemixing propoganda is based on hate.

>No, Christians must become Jews to be chosen by the Jew god Yahweh.

the fuck? apparently not since jews got expelled for performing their blood rituals on CHRISTIAN CHILDREN in order to become a chosen person.

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For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV

its called subversion. don't listen to them.

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> t. Saul - a fellow (((white person)))

Racism is not real

Dont respond to meme flags

what you consider to be racism is to other people exposing evil.

it can conform with biblical morality.

Is it a sin to assume I'm automatically saved from hell once I stop drinking, smoking, never having sex again in my life, never upset anyone, never talk bad to anyone or about anyone, never hurt anyone, and stop watching porn and sto fapping completely? I feel like I will never be saved, and that I'll live my life fearing hell for no reason, considering I'll go there anyway. I am having a panic attack as I'm writing this

Shut up you christcuck, our countries are dying and you find the time to denounce "MUH RACISM"
That's why Christianity is dying, get your fucking priorities right.

that's a prophesy naming Rome as the antichrist it's fairly clear.

Christianity is literally the worship of Paul and his teaching. He is revered and untouchable as though he is God himself. He claimed his own authority to teach the gentiles, but he was a Jewish zealot who suddenly saw an opportunity for attention and authority and seized it - just like a Jew does. Paul invented a narrative about Jesus that allowed him to substitute himself and his own teachings for those of Jesus.

Jesus would not be a Christian. And Christianity is everything he hated about the Jews.

Eternal Conscious Torment in hell does not exist and was fabricate by the church to scare people.
Prove me wrong.

Eternal life is conditional on accepting Jesus Christ so Eternal Torment is not possible.

God is filled with hate. To hate is to be godly.

you're right, but it's just... what the fuck? I have told myself I shouldn't get angry, especially at some user on a Japanese anime website. but holy shit.

>Christianity dying
>degeneracy is being applaud and appreciated
the power of atheism, everyone!

Christianity is alive in Africa. You should be living in Africa with all the other Christians.

All good user, keep fighting the good fight.

>a made up place is where people who accept reality belong
>not many seem to realize that being realistic is the exact opposite of being a abrahamic npc
>Reality is evil and so are people who believe it

There is no need for proving you wrong, eternal tornment just doesn't make sense. Christians will say things like "God is mercy and love" and then say "You offended an infinite being, therefore your punishment will be infinite" but that also doesn't make sense when you consider weighting an individual's deeds. If he has done more right than bad in his life, then why will God ignore the good and focus on the bad? Now this takes us to the point where the christian will say: You need God to forgive you, good deeds aren't enough. By that logic, 99% of the human population will burn eternally. Why? Because 99% of the population is the percentage in which people do things such as: raping, killing, lying, stealing, watching porn, having sex before marriage, killing themselves, hurting others on purpose, abusing drugs etc. By christian's logic, only monks who accept and love Christ with all their heart make it into heaven, but literally everyone I know does at least one of the things I mentioned even if they say they belive in God, so that basically means they will burn.

What a cringe. Imagine worshipping jews.

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>Now when people talk about killing all Jews, in Minecraft, then yes it’s racist and bad, but not really
That's genocide, not racism. Don't be afraid of the term racism. As you said, it's been perverted to assume an emotional state of anger ("racism is hate!") when all racism really is, at its base, is the recognition of race. If you believe races exist separately, then you are a racist. There ARE types of racists (hateful versus scientific), but to assume all racists to be hateful is a type of prejudice in itself.

Think about this! The progressive approach to control gun violence is to remove all guns (Remove the means of violence instead of addressing those responsible for the violence).
>Ban of civilian ownership of automatics
>lobbying to ban semi-automatics, 'high capacity' magazines.

Likewise, the progressive approach to oppose racism is to remove all racial difference while suppressing recognition of racial difference. (Remove the means of racism instead of addressing those responsible for the violence associated with racism).
>Forced immigration
>Encourage race-mixing through propaganda.
>Association of nationalism with terrorism
>Lose your job and be socially isolated for the discussion of racial difference

You must understand that, regardless of what the progressive agenda's goal is, the result of their actions is that all cultures and races will mix together. The result is a world without diversity (difference). Qui Bono? Who does a world without culture serve? Who best stands to benefit from a world in which people can recognize neither their ancestors nor their ancestor's achievements? No more Japanese, German, African, Swedish, Italian, or Russian culture. No more difference in skin color. Without these differences, no one will have anything to argue amongst themselves about. This is a world without racism - the ultimate 'Victory of Progress', for a world without 'racism' cannot exist in a world with 'race'.

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