>Sharafat Ali Khan, while acknowledging his guilt, denied he was the main smuggler, and said he was surprised he’s the only person arrested and prosecuted in the ring, which investigators said helped more than 100 illegal immigrants from Pakistan and Afghanistan sneak into the U.S. washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/17/sharafat-ali-khan-sentenced-terrorism-illegal-immi
>North Korea has a record of missile sales and nuclear technology sharing with countries including Egypt, Iran, Libya, Myanmar, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and Yemen. It has secretly transferred “nuclear-related and ballistic-missile-related equipment, know-how, and technology,” the United Nations has reported. cfr.org/backgrounder/north-koreas-military-capabilities
>Russian researchers used reverse transcriptase-PCR to create a DNA copy of the Ebola virus and then spliced the genes encoding key virulence factors into the unnecessary regions of the smallpox genome.
>Alibek believes that this chimera, which he has named Ebolapox, would be capable of causing hemorrhagic smallpox, the most fatal form of the disease, in all infected individuals books.google.com/books?id=AwkVgNPRnKoC
>two secret Soviet programs, "Mercury" and "Volcano", aimed at developing a "tectonic weapon" that could set off earthquakes from great distance
>US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, said..."they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tectonic_weapon#Reports
>The United States, China, and Russia are already locked in a new arms race to gain nanoweapons supremacy.
>The autonomic nervous system is affected by the microwaves of the centimeter wave length band...Very small dosages produce analgesic effects; however, very large dosages are fatal. ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/7521095727.pdf
>It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV google.com/patents/US6506148
>"We stand on a mountain pass in the midst of whirling snow and blinding mist through which we get glimpses now and then of paths which may be deceptive. If we stand still we shall be frozen to death. If we take the wrong road we shall be dashed to pieces. We do not certainly know whether there is any right one. What must we do? 'Be strong and of a good courage.' Act for the best, hope for the best, and take what comes..." educ.jmu.edu//~omearawm/ph101willtobelieve.html
bullshit. it’s not a coincidence that virtually all “islamic terrorism” in the west disappeared over night to be replaced by schizo whites for political reasons. and it’s not a coincidence that this one just turns out to be “iranian backed” i fucking hate zog so goddamn much
Joshua Lopez
there aren‘t enough iranians in the west to start the muslim apocalypse thou.
Julian Cook
>This thread was brought to you by order of Supreme Buttgoy Dan Crenshaw and the Elite Republican Jewish Defense Squad. >"Trust the plan and stay engaged"
Jonathan Thomas
>Some of this shit is pretty old.
>For three or four years I thought to myself that the facts with regard to Germany were exaggerated by the First Lord, because the then Prime Minister — not this Prime Minister — said that they were not true. The First Lord was right about it. Then came the war.
I'm with you, user. It's why I complimented your sets of links. >Some of this shit is pretty old. Maybe I shoulda inb4'd that shit? Carry on.
Lucas Lewis
Perfect timing to put them all in quarantine camps.
Ryder Roberts
Great thread, OP. We are inundated with morons who have no clue what is happening. I'm sure we'll all miss you, retard.
Dylan King
you're all right, no inb4 necessary. I post the Lloyd George reflexively in response to any concerns about article age.
this is Yas Forums, not reddit, it's about clarification/illumination, don't take things so personally
Evan Jenkins
Do you have anything in the following? It's mostly chained so each topic relates to the one above it. >underground warfare >"mega-cities" >israel >syria >ventilators >DARPA >university tunnels >boring >finland >nuclear vault >ice age >data centers >herbertsmithite? >kagome lattice >microsoft >belmont >5G >subterranean mapping >self driving cars
Justin Lewis
>We are inundated with morons who have no clue what is happening.
true but that's life. especially so these days, even on sites like Yas Forums
pretty cool collection OP but this shit has been going on forever so it shouldnt surprise
Jeremiah Cruz
>underground warfare
nothing groundbreaking. it will play a much larger role in the next war than most people realize tho. the surface will quickly become inhospitable. war is boring
>israel >syria
see the third post itt
see the last link herecheck the author of the patent, then see pic related
>ice age
have you read the diary of adam and eve? pretty amazing stuff. I dunno if that necessarily implies ice age, but nuclear winter + volcanic weapons might.., eg. see the wiki link here >self driving cars
Oy VEY golems get ready for false flag and pre-emptive war with Iran to protect God's chosen pedophiles
Screenshot this
Jeremiah Jackson
There seems to be a lot of concern about accidentally unleashing biochemical weapons stores underground. I have been wondering if the demand for ventilators is not somehow related to all of the underground preparation governments are doing. youtu.be/0EbaPTI_mxk >All this equipment is made locally and this is very important
Brayden Hernandez
all right, I appreciate your appreciation
escape the city if you want to survive (step 1)
cities are death traps when systems fail (see first 3 links here ) and more importantly, primary targets for WMDs
I doubt ventilators have much to do with it. modern chemical weapons don't just target lungs. nerve agents kill by contact with skin too. this is also true for some bioweapons, eg. smallpox/ebolapox. expect ai delivery as well.
underground bases will be people doing their damnedest to stay free of all the weapons being developed, and most of these underground efforts will fail. too easy to access, implausible to hide; qed
more likely to survive in less accessible environments; eg. antarctica or deep under the sea
regarding unleashing bioweapons,
>At a huge Soviet-era virology campus in Siberia called VECTOR, a sudden, unexpected explosion in September blew out the windows and set parts of a building ablaze.
>Neither can we exclude theft of pathogens during the chaos and aftermath of the explosion, or that the explosion itself was deliberate to enable theft.
>In the case of theft of biological materials, an index case may occur anywhere in the world, and in the case of engineered or synthetic pathogens, previously unknown disease syndromes may occur... jglobalbiosecurity.com/articles/10.31646/gbio.41