Is anyone in here an actual white supremacist?

The CHAD stormfront skinhead type that goes out beating shitskins and protesting against white genocide? If so, what made you join such movement? What does your family think of that?

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That spic must really hate white people

Built for BBC.

El nazino

Hes white actually check him up

prison white supremacists aren't the same as pol tard supramental

everyone is a literal faggot here and thats whats funny about it. Yas Forums is fucking pathetic

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Those faggots are always lurking. A direct and earnest question is akin to turning on the kitchen light and watching the cockroaches disappear.

lolling at the hispanic forehead on that one.

Baltic supremacist checking in

Nah im sure this website attracts some actually based kind. I'd be pretty surprised if there wasnt at least 100 white supremacists online on pol right now.

It's impossible to have greater respect for whites over others as long they are all obsessed with cooming and pointless materialism.

I've seen too many retarded white people to think they're supreme. I think less than 10% of the human population even have individual thought and the rest are factory produced NPCs who just spout the same canned responses to everything going about their mass-produced preset lives.
Racial supremacy is brainlet tier, the people who rule this world are people who pass its brain filters while everyone else rolls in the muck like fucking pigs.

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centerists? yeah there are plenty of those.
oh, you want real nazis? then just keep pushing leftard, and eventually you will wake them up.

Thats based if true! How regularly do you go on raids and whats your opinion on obviously degenerated Yas Forums ?

not really, I'm just here because whitey's being bashed nonstop in culture right now and they need a helping hand.

Kek no, my fellow white people can't even make coherent pro-family, pro-healthcare, and pro-education policies, and will backstab each other for any hint of profit by outsourcing jobs for profit. The Jews, for all that's said about them here, at least sort of stick together a bit more.

I eat brown people alive

Das rite

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No they don't, they're even worse. Have you ever been around a Jewish family ever in your life?

>I think less than 10% of the human population even have individual thought
Have you ever had an "individual" thought?

I know 2 guy that walk around Joliette in Quebec and they beat up mexican and niggers ahahah

Show flag

Based if true pic

No, obviously on Yas Forums the normalfag redditor's paradise I've never thought of anything that wasn't on par with the status quo of society.

>that pic
fringe-dwelling psychopath disqualifies your chad application, sorry. You're omega forever now.

nope, we're thinkers user
we're more dangerous than someone tattooing "racist" on his forehead

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Everyone here is really just a politics nerd in college/college age. Except leafs, they think we're serious about everything and get triggered constantly. And the occasional incel.

Stormfags on Yas Forums are all full on autists in case you haven't noticed. Poasting anime on a Simian goat-herding forum is in a whole different ballpark to kerb-stomping negroes

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Some of the supremacist clowns with their tattooed skinheads are literally the things nazis thought were subhuman. They are no different from NPCs.

If by white supremacist do I think Caucasians are innately better in nearly all facets I consider to be valuable, in comparison to than the other two broad main branches of modern humans, of negros and asians in their assorted variety?
Coupled with the fact I don't really care about any sort of equality or arbitrary rule that I should respect them, their rights to a homeland should I find it in the best interests of Caucasian "White" people to conquer, exploit, displace, or remove them?
That I feel a certain kinship to white people, even distant ones to me like Slavs, at least in comparison to some black nigger or Korean ching chong?
I don't flaunt it for optics sake, I know there are sensitive people who think it's a point of morality to be "fair" to nonwhites, but no, I say fuck niggers and all ect. I don't care about their rights, they're innately inferior races. I think niggers are actually far better off in chains than free, and the same can apply to every other non-white race. Spics, Arabs, Injuns, Poos, if it benefits they can all be put in chains or thrown in ovens. The wignat's heart is in the right place. He may be the most mongrel, the most immediately recognized candidate for eugenic purging you could ever point to. But he holds the ultimate wisdom. Fuck wogs, fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck chinks, fuck jannies.

>I've never thought of anything that wasn't on par with the status quo of society.
Disagreeing with the status quo doesn't make your thoughts novel in the slightest.

>modern humans

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Based if true send them to chemin roxam to close the border to illigal alien

Thinking that disagreeing with the status quo doesn't make your thoughts novel also isn't novel in the slightest. Neither is fitting the fudgepacking swede stereotype.

The current situation with niggers in the USA IS still slavery, it's just welfare slavery maintained by the Democrats. But it's worse for them than plantation slavery because niggers can't keep their shit together. Give them free money and they will fuck everything up. Slavery WAS better them as a whole, except a few bright individual black people.

Most fucks here just LARP but there's definitely some actual extremist smoothbrains around. Stormniggers are the new furfags.

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Strawberry jam

Most Nazis are paradoxically non Aryans, who had their luves ruined because Aryans cannot stand non-Aryans. Therefore becoming Nazis, promoting the ideology of the race which ruined their lives in the first place.

>the absolute state of shills itt

>divide and conquer
All the commies and glowniggers trying to create hivemind against the far right. I'd side with neonazis before I'd side with niggers, kikes, spics, faggots, pedos, etc. You blue haired, facially pierced faggots with your gauges the size of a kennedy coin in your earlobes can just tip the fuck on out of you. You faggots are the enemy and when push comes to shove (and shove comes to ?) you fucking misfits will be so fucking easy to pick out. and pick off.

I think white people are the most superior over all. Make with that what you will.

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