Why does everyone hate Turks?
I'm completely unaware of the history & controversy of these people/country
Why does everyone hate Turks?
I'm completely unaware of the history & controversy of these people/country
They see us rollin they hatin
>I'm completely unaware of the history & controversy of these people/country
your answer is right there
They're brown.
because we basically enslaved and raped the entire mena+caucasus and the balkans for 500 yrs
Isn't it time to let go of the past?
Yas Forums is always trying to stop the milking of southern slavery
Constantinople ressentiment, South Europe occupation, one of the gayest nation on the Earth.
But if you ask me, they are pretty ok. I'm too don't getting all this hate.
It isn't just the past. The Turkish government is complicit in flooding Europe with shitskins out of pure spit and Turkey has long term ambitions to conquer the Balkans and perhaps all of Europe.
Balkans has always been a punching bag. It will be ours in the next 500 years.
these faggots conducted nonstop assaults on europe with hungary being the only thing holding them back for hundreds of years
"haha ill just spawn another 100,000 troops doomstack bro hope you can wipe out another!"
Rolling like the waves on the Mediterranean to turkey
>Turkey has long term ambitions to conquer the Balkans and perhaps all of Europe.
Why? Is this like protocols of zion type shit?
Because turkroaches in the west are below nigger-tier subhumans and that is enough to judge the nation they came from
If I had to guess it’s mainly Greeks, Serbs and Armenians (+diaspora) who shitpost about Turkey. They’re the ones who coined the term “turkroach”. Other people, including me, don’t care less about these third world shitholes and joined in for the memes and lulz. Just like a pack of hounds.
because the ottomans did in the past. thats the main reason for them wanting to do it
Turks are hated by whites because they are a minority race that was able to conquer and rule over whites for hundreds of years. They break the “aryan superiority” meme.
Well mongols were able to aswell, both got beaten back. But whites did create the best societys and invented the most. Also turks are a mix of everything, also of whites. So that alone proves nothing, Ali
Because they btfo wh*tes hard
Makes all the faggots who cant into bantz seethe hard
> Turcroaches
They fuck your women in the thousands on holidays.
> Hurr durr so do Arabs with yours
I know but that's not the point
they want europe to belong to islam.
they no longer have the military might, so instead they're swamping europe with millions of muslim rapefugees instead.
That's why people hate Americans. Which doesn't answer OP's question.
Turks are and have always been warmongers that fail at everything
They didn't fail at owning arabs for a thousand years.
LMAO Based
Nor did anyone, owning a monkey is not an accomplishment
I thought it was because turk are cockroach everywhere they go and are.
I mean people are like "i love everyone, i have friends from everywhere... But not turks, turks are scum i never find any good turk".
That what most normies i know tell about cockroa... turks.
>Why does everyone hate Turks?
God instructed Saul to kill every last one of the Amalekites, for their kin was beyond redemption. this is the treatment we ought to give to the turks as well.
>That's why people hate Americans. Which doesn't answer OP's question.
People don't really hate americans tho. only leftist fagots.
they are a cancerous race of roaches. They genocided Armenians, Georgians, Assyrians, Kurds, And Greeks just for fun. Just because they wanted anatolia to be completely Turkish. So they murdered all of them as much as they could. They have no respect for anything, lie about everything, just look at the pathetic roach leader Erdogan. They're the worse race after the chinks, right above the Indians.
also they changed millions of beautiful names to their shitty disgusting language
Lake Ascania near Niceae not lake izmir near izmir but turks are too dumb to remember more than two syllables.
and now we are coming for you