Where can I live where I won't be prosecuted for racism and hate speech...

Where can I live where I won't be prosecuted for racism and hate speech? South Africa has a kind of charm but don't have initial capital to own a house with a 10 foot fence.

Was thinking of maybe that Jamel village in Germany?

I'm a Czech if that matters

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Yeah good on ya mate, we were looking pretty full back there but if you fuck off we should be right.

how tf do you plan to afford anything if you cant afford fucking africa? do porn

You're not going anywhere cunt

You wife can be full of Tyrones cum all you like. You got court tomorrow for insulting Mohammad.

You do realise you'd need money to live in 3rd world countries? You can't exactly just get a job and get on your feet in Africa like any Western country.

>Where can I live where I won't be prosecuted for racism and hate speech?
then sa isn't for you, you get arrested for racism here

Don't post images of faggots on pol; thanks

>i'm czech if that matters

Seriously kill these fucking people

China, Japan probably South Korea. White is still the standard of beauty and they openly despise blacks and Arabs.

go back to prague you shit

USA has first amendment, afaik it's the only country with such guarantee of freedom of speech.
That said, even though there are still limitations. As a business owner you can't reject customers or employees on basis of their race. And of course even though you won't be prosecuted, you may still be persecuted by SJWs and media.

Just stay indoors and use a VPN.


Do you get arrested in Namibia?

Is there any country you cam be de facto racist?

no idea but I did a jewgle search and there was an article that came up about that

You can fire employees or refuse service for whomever you want to as long as you aren't a giant retard that calls them a nigger or says "because you're black" while doing it.


Actually, yes

What country is this? Do you need to be a Chad?

words cannot describe how based that man is

Not sure his nationality, but this is in the Netherlands, ironically

why is that ironic?

thats the netherlands. dont know the video, but it was probaly about zwarte piet.

Because it's full of faggots and nig nogs

Why can’t you stay in Czech and make it great again?

In hell where you belong cishit nazi

If you say kaffer here you'll go to prison and end up on the news

>I'm a Czech
you have to go back to fix your shithole

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The only real answer

Get OUT yid trashcan